Although curvature navigation was the first experience for all the academicians.

But the scenery outside the window, which had almost no changes, soon became boring.

After the novelty completely disappeared, everyone went into hibernation one by one.

The lights of [Earth] gradually went out, and the original hustle and bustle gradually returned to tranquility.

In the deep universe, the fleet, under the protection of the curvature bubble, sped towards the first destination at ten times the speed of light.

There, the fleet stopped briefly to replenish the almost exhausted antimatter.

Everything was done autonomously by the Zero control robot.

According to the preset program,

Zero will wake up all scientific researchers only when it reaches the destination, that is, the Kepler 452 star system.

Earth calendar year 3605.

The azure blue holographic projection light was lit up again in the dim command center of [Earth].

[Current distance to the target star system: 1 light year. ]

[Arrived at the warning distance, the fleet is exiting the curvature navigation state...]

1 light year away from the Kepler 452 star system.

This is the empty space between star systems.

In the cold and silent universe, except for a few starlights, there are only a few small micro-meteorites.


The calm space and time became violently turbulent.

The next second, a huge fleet suddenly appeared in this empty space.

The micro-meteorite group in front of the fleet seemed to have been attacked by some invisible attack, and instantly turned into countless fine powders and dissipated in the visible universe.

The turbulent space and time gradually calmed down, the fleet's operating status gradually stabilized, and the intensity of gamma rays released by the tail antimatter engine also slowly decayed.

A few minutes later.

The side hatch of the giant flagship in the center of the fleet slowly opened.

A large number of detectors lined up in a neat queue and filed out of the hatch.

After a short stop, they drove the antimatter engine and accelerated towards the star system in front.


"Professor, welcome to the year 3608 of the Earth calendar."

The electronic synthesized voice sounded in Lu Yongchang's ears, awakening his mind that had not yet fully recovered.

"3608 years..."

Lv Yongchang closed his eyes slightly and murmured in a low voice.

He coughed out the remaining deep-sea fluid, took a deep breath and asked in a deep voice: "Where is the fleet?"

"Currently 0.01 light years away from the target star system." Zero responded quickly.

Hearing this, he suddenly opened his eyes, and a strong shock flashed in the depths of his eyes.

Fast, really too fast!

In just 308 years, the human fleet has crossed a distance that was previously unimaginable!

"Did you encounter any accidents during the voyage?"

Lv Yongchang asked in a low voice while struggling to get up from the hibernation cabin.

"According to the plan, the energy replenishment points are all planetless star systems." Zero responded to Lu Yongchang's question meticulously, "Therefore, no traces of advanced civilization were detected during the voyage."

Lv Yongchang nodded to show his understanding.

That's normal.

Since the earth-shaking battle between the Sweeper Civilization and the Pastoral School, this corner of the Milky Way has almost become a silent place.

Advanced civilizations naturally dare not "speak" rashly.

And low-level civilizations, needless to say.

This is one of the reasons why Lv Yongchang dared to risk crossing 1539 light years.

"Are the other academicians awake?"

After getting a positive answer from Zero, Lv Yongchang put on his clothes and walked out the door: "Tell them to report to the command center immediately."



Inside the command center of [Earth].

Lv Yongchang and a group of academicians carefully looked through the various data sent back by the detector.

He waved his hand and retrieved the basic information of the Kepler 452 star system from the data in front of him.

A high-definition image of a planet appeared in the huge holographic projection.

"It is basically consistent with the observation results of He Bilin at the time."

"The Kepler 452 star system consists of six planets, including two gas giants, one iron planet, one ice giant and two rocky planets."

"The main star is an orange dwarf. Compared with the sun, its mass and size are relatively small, and its stellar activity is relatively gentle, enough to provide us with a good living environment."

(The sun is a yellow dwarf, and orange dwarfs are larger than red dwarfs and smaller than yellow dwarfs.)

"Among them, the first planet, Kepler 452b, is a rocky planet with a surface gravity of 2.03g."

"Preliminary detection shows that the surface liquid water content is relatively low."

"However, the probe has discovered several comets containing a large amount of water resources in the star system, so there is no need to worry about water resources."

Speaking of this, Lu Yongchang's voice paused slightly.

"The atmosphere is composed of carbon dioxide, oxygen and nitrogen."

"According to the calculation formula, Kepler 452b has a similarity of 0.91 to the Earth!"

While speaking, Lv Yongchang called up the surface image of Kepler 452b.

"So high?!" Fang Xu beside him exclaimed in a low voice.

The similarity of a planet to the Earth is comprehensively evaluated based on various factors such as atmosphere, geological conditions, gravity, etc.

With the planetary transformation technology mastered by human civilization today, as long as the similarity with the Earth reaches 0.7 or more, it can become a candidate colonization planet for human civilization.

The similarity of 0.91 means that they only need to make simple transformations, and this planet can become the best place for human settlement!

After a brief exclamation, Fang Xu immediately asked: "Have any signs of life been found in the Kepler 452 star system?"

Such a habitable living environment has a great possibility of developing civilization!

The electronic synthesized voice quickly sounded: "The probes sent out have completed detailed exploration of the six planets."

"So far, no signs of life have been found on the surfaces of the six planets."


Lv Yongchang's eyes moved slightly, and he stopped checking the data in his hand.

"But?" He frowned slightly and asked in a low voice.

"A year ago, the probe found traces of biological activities and fossils in the strata of Kepler 452b."

"Hiss!" A gasp sounded in the command center.

"Fossils?!" Mao Zhengzhi stood up from his seat excitedly, asking anxiously,

"Have you tested it? When are they from?"

"Preliminary test data shows that these organisms lived 500 million years ago."

"... 500 million years ago?"

Zero's answer poured cold water on Mao Zhengzhi.

500 million years

It's too long.

Long enough to wipe out any fantasy.

"Why?" Fang Xu's face gradually became solemn, "What is the reason for their demise?"

"I think it should be the greenhouse effect."

Lv Yongchang stretched out his finger and gently tapped a data in the holographic projection.

Carbon dioxide concentration.

"It's a bit like the Earth that is Venusizing."

Lv Yongchang gently touched his chin and said softly.

ps: Thanks to Sun Leap!!! The master sent the master certification!

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