Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 663 Planetary Transformation Plan


Fang Xu asked in a low voice.

Before Lu Yongchang could speak, He Binin stepped forward and took over the conversation: "Yes."

"Currently, the greenhouse effect on Kepler 452b is severe."

"According to the data returned by the detector, 500 million years ago, this planet had a large area of ​​ocean."

"As the greenhouse effect goes out of control, the planet's surface temperature rises rapidly, and the oceans are gradually evaporated and gradually dissipated by the stellar wind."

"But due to its huge mass and relatively strong gravity, some small lakes still remain on its surface to this day."

Fang Xu understood: "So, generally speaking, the priority target of the planetary transformation plan is its out-of-control greenhouse effect?"

He Bilin nodded slightly: "You can say that."

Lu Yongchang also turned to look at an academician sitting in the corner of the command center.

He smiled gently and greeted softly: "Academician Shen, it's your turn to study the field."

Hearing Lu Yongchang's call, Shen Shenwen quickly stood up from his seat.

There was a hint of excitement in his eyes, and he responded with a strong tone: "Professor, I'm here!"

No wonder he reacted so strongly.

Academician Shen Wen, who studies biosphere technology and planetary transformation technology, is not very noticeable most of the time.

The reason...

Except for the time on the Dawn Star, the fleet was always on the way to escape or exploit resources. There was no time or conditions to transform the planet into a habitable planet.

And planetary transformation technology is an extremely large-scale macro-type technology.

At the same time, the computing resources allocated to him are not enough to allow him to simulate the detailed changes of a planet during its transformation.

For Shen Shenwen, it has been a long time since he conducted a comprehensive research on planetary transformation.

Lu Yongchang watched Shen Shenwen's reaction without hesitation.

As a researcher, he naturally knew the reason for Shen Shenwen's reaction.

He sighed silently in his heart, and the gentle smile on his face became a little stronger again.

"Academician Shen, calm down."

"Human civilization is about to begin a new era, and your research project will receive more resources from the People's Federation."

"Not just Kepler 452b, there are probably many planets in the star system around us waiting for you to formulate a transformation plan."

Lu Yongchang's words made Shen Shenwen's mood even more agitated.


Shen Shenwen's lips trembled slightly and he responded continuously: "Professor, don't worry, I will draw up a modification plan for Kepler 452b as soon as possible!"

A week later.

Under Zero's control, the huge fleet stopped accurately and slowly near Kepler 452b.

Hundreds of engineering ships and [Taotie] supply ships were the first to set off, driven by anti-matter engines, and flew quickly towards the orange dwarf star not far away that exuded a gentle light.

Their mission is simple.

Rebuild the [Dyson Cloud] antimatter factory in the shortest possible time, and quickly replenish the antimatter reserves consumed during ultra-long-distance voyages.

In addition, the space mobile factory is also unfolding around Kepler 452b one by one under the control of Zero.

Just one week later, the originally desolate star system has become lively.

Small starships shuttle back and forth between planets, transporting various materials; mechanical arms thousands of meters long move slowly through the universe, completing their respective manufacturing tasks delicately and quickly...

[Earth], the flagship of human civilization, stays quietly not far from Kepler 452b.

The antimatter engine at its tail emits weak gamma rays, driving this "old" flagship to silently follow Kepler 452b.

Inside the command center.

Shen Siwen stood in front of the academicians with a serious expression.

The real-time image of Kepler 452b is displayed on the holographic projection beside him.

"Dear academicians, the planetary transformation plan has been completed and passed zero preliminary verification." He said solemnly, "Next, let me briefly introduce the transformation plan to you."

As he spoke, he stretched his hand across the holographic projection.

"First and foremost, what urgently needs to be addressed is the intense greenhouse effect that is running out of control on the planet."

"Considering the issue of the transformation cycle, I am not prepared to choose the traditional [Atmospheric Transformer 1] to implement the transformation."

As the words fell, a familiar yet unfamiliar thing appeared in the holographic projection.

"This is……"


"What the hell! Academician Shen, are you crazy?!"

The moment the projection appeared, the originally quiet and orderly command center exploded.

Even Lu Yongchang, who had gone through ups and downs and had seen all big scenes, couldn't help but frown.

"Antimatter bomb..."

he whispered softly.

"Yes, it's the anti-matter bomb!" Shen Shenwen's expression became excited, "With the power of the anti-matter bomb explosion, the dense atmosphere on Kepler 452b will be blown away!"

"In addition, we found that Kepler 452b has a relatively flat surface, which will have a greater impact on future sea-building projects."

"Calculation results show that if the current landform characteristics are used, more than 85% of the land will be submerged once the sea-building project is implemented."

"With the help of antimatter bombs, we can quickly create oceans, basins and other surface structures in the planned area."

Along with Shen Siwen's words, several huge mushroom clouds appeared extremely suddenly on the surface of the desolate planet in the holographic projection!

The mushroom cloud expanded violently, and the shock wave of the explosion directly penetrated the dense atmosphere of Kepler 452b.

In an instant, it was like a hole was broken in the atmosphere, and a large amount of accelerated atmosphere spewed out from the hole and escaped into the surrounding desolate space.

At the same time, several huge "deep pits" appeared on the originally flat ground.

After filling with water, this is the ocean of Kepler 452b!


Looking at this spectacular simulation, even Lu Yongchang couldn't help but gasp.

Crazy, so crazy!

Don't tell me, he has never seen such a scene!

"After the explosion of 19,131 precisely placed antimatter bombs, the density of Kepler 452b's atmosphere will drop to a range where humans can live normally. At the same time, the loss of a large amount of carbon dioxide will also greatly reduce the greenhouse effect."

Shen Shenwen continued: "The next step is the second step, the sea construction project."

"There are many water-rich comets in the Kepler 452 star system. With their help, we can easily turn Kepler 452b into Earth 2.0."

"The third step is global climate macro-control."

"Through the climate control satellite network and [Atmospheric Transformer 1], we can quickly complete the final fine-tuning of the atmosphere."

"Preliminary calculations show that it will take approximately thirty to fifty years to complete all the renovation work."

"The following is the feasibility calculation report provided by Zero."

There was dead silence in the command center.

Looking at the academicians who were thinking carefully with their brows furrowed, Shen Shenwen had a trace of uneasiness deep in his eyes.

"Pah, pah, pah..."

The applause from Lu Yongchang broke the dead silence.

The next second, the sparse applause quickly became enthusiastic!

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