Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 669: Traces left by the fast particle!

One month later.

After repeated improvements and perfection, the experimental plan was successfully launched.

The entire experimental process was placed on a specially customized small starship.

The overall shape of this experimental ship is spindle-shaped, and the outside of the experimental ship is surrounded by a circle of ring-shaped facilities.

These ring-shaped facilities are the orbits of the particle accelerator.

According to the experimental plan, the Academy of Sciences will conduct high-energy particle collision experiments again under the state of superluminal navigation.

Because the particle acceleration orbit on the experimental ship is small in size and the acceleration energy provided is relatively weak, most of the particle acceleration work is placed outside the starship.

Under the super-large particle accelerator constructed by countless ship-borne drones, protons will be accelerated to (1-1/10^40) the speed of light.

Then, these particles will be sent into the orbit around the experimental ship and maintain their running speed under the action of the magnetic field.

Next, the experimental ship will enter the curvature navigation state under the impetus of the curvature engine.

In order to prevent communication interruption, the maximum navigation speed is set at 10 times the speed of light.

The last step is also the most critical step.

At the same time as the particles collide, several high-energy laser generators will release high-energy lasers into the collision area.

The purpose of doing this is naturally to provide energy to the so-called tachyons as much as possible and slow down their running speed so that humans can observe them.

"Attention, all units!"

"The tachyon observation experiment starts now!"

"Start the magnetic field of the ship-borne drone, and particle acceleration starts now!"

After several tests and confirmation that there are no omissions, the experiment is declared to begin.


Like the last particle acceleration, the entire acceleration process takes about a year.

One year later, the Earth calendar is 3610 years old.

"Professor, the proton has successfully entered the orbit of the experimental ship."

The moment the electronic synthesized sound sounded, the atmosphere in the laboratory suddenly became tense.

The most critical moment of the entire experiment has arrived!

"Start the curvature engine and drive the experimental ship into the curvature navigation state!"

Lv Yongchang gave the order in a deep voice.

The next moment, the tremendous energy brought by the annihilation of antimatter poured into the curvature engine, and the positive and negative gravitational fields were quickly generated!

The experimental ship, after a short wait, disappeared directly in front of everyone!

"The experimental ship successfully entered the curvature state, current speed: 1.1c!"

"Communication status is normal, orbiting protons are running normally, and the collision chamber is working normally!"

Listening to the broadcast from not far away, Lv Yongchang breathed a sigh of relief.

He did not speak, but looked up at the holographic projection in front of him.

As time went by, the numbers on it continued to increase.

1.2c, 1.5c, 2c...

Finally, when the number stopped at 10c, Lv Yongchang's eyes instantly became sharp!

"Particle collision experiment, officially started!"

"High-energy laser generation unit, start preheating!"


Two protons, driven by the magnetic field, moved towards each other.

Finally, they successfully met in the central area of ​​the collision chamber.

A large amount of energy was released, and a micro black hole appeared.

But soon, the micro black hole without material replenishment evaporated instantly, and dozens of high-energy laser beams hit this small collision area straight.

The collision experiment is over.

A large amount of data poured into the central computer of Earth from the communication link. With the help of Zero, the preliminary screening of data was carried out quickly!

Different from the purpose of the previous particle collision experiments, this time, the data mainly analyzed by the Academy of Sciences was the running speed of various particles produced after the collision.

As time passed, the particle data produced by the collision were eliminated one by one - their running speed did not exceed the speed of light.

"It seems..."

Fang Xu looked at the bottom of the collision data, raised his hand and patted Lv Yongchang's shoulder gently, and whispered to comfort: "It seems that there are no tachyons."

"It seems that we have taken the wrong path."

Lv Yongchang's eyes were still sharp, staring at the holographic projection in front of him: "No! It's not over yet!"

"Tachyons must exist!"

Rather than being confident, it is better to say that it is trust in the technology tree.

Fang Xu sighed softly, shook his head and seemed to want to say something, but was interrupted by the piercing alarm!

"Ding! Ding! Ding!!"

"Abnormal data detected!"

Lv Yongchang's mouth corners slightly raised, revealing a faint smile, and at the same time, he gave Fang Xu beside him a smug look.

As for Fang Xu, he was stunned and stood there, his eyes filled with deep shock.

The holographic projection screen changed rapidly, and the abnormal data marked by emphasis was clearly presented in front of everyone.

"Gamma rays?"

Looking at the data in front of him, Lv Yongchang raised his eyebrows: "In this set of abnormal data, there are a total of two gamma rays running in opposite directions, and at the same time, the intensity of the gamma rays changes from strong to weak."

"What does this... mean?" Fang Xu frowned and asked in a low voice, "Isn't it just ordinary gamma rays?"

"No, this is not an ordinary gamma ray!" Lv Yongchang seemed to have figured something out, and his expression suddenly became lively!

"I understand! I understand!!"

"Tachyon! This is the trace left by the movement of tachyons!"

"We found it!"

Lv Yongchang's reaction made all the academicians present fall into confusion.

“Wait, wait!!”

Fang Xu reached out and grabbed the ecstatic Lv Yongchang: "Explain yourself first!"

"What trace? How can this be the trace of tachyon movement?!"

Lv Yongchang took a deep breath, suppressed the excitement in his heart, and explained carefully.

"Before explaining, I need to clarify two concepts."

"First, tachyons run faster than the speed of light."

"Second, during the process of movement, tachyons continuously release energy to the outside, and at the same time, their running speed will become higher and higher."

"Is it understandable?"

After receiving a positive answer, Lv Yongchang organized his words and said again: "According to the current experimental data, the way tachyons release energy is to release gamma rays to the outside."

"And the running speed of gamma rays is the speed of light."

"This creates a phenomenon."

"The gamma rays it releases can't catch up with it!"

Lv Yongchang rubbed his hands excitedly, and his speech speed also increased Some: "Imagine a tachyon, while releasing gamma rays, passing in front of your eyes."

"It's too fast, so you can't observe it at first."

"You can only observe it when the gamma rays it releases pass by you."

"This leads to an interesting observation phenomenon."

"Two gamma rays running in opposite directions!"

"One gamma ray is chasing the direction of the tachyon, and the other is the gamma ray released by you before. The two directions are opposite!"

"At the same time, due to the Doppler effect, these two gamma rays will show obvious redshift and blueshift!"

ps: Thanks to the great certification of Lu Yinyang of Yonghengxian Village!

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