Kepler 452c.

The gray iron planet quietly moves in its own orbit.

The stellar wind from the main star quietly blows across its atmosphereless surface, blowing up some tiny debris.

Gravity drags it, performing the same movement day after day - this movement, it has maintained for billions of years.

If there is no external force, it can continue for billions of years.

Around it, hundreds of huge starships form a standard hollow spherical structure.

The antimatter engines at their tails emit a faint light, driving them to maintain their own positions.

Under the reflection of the main star's light, the surface of these starships glows with a shiny metallic luster.

Obviously, they are all "freshly baked" new guys.

Suddenly, the light of the antimatter engines at the tails of these hundreds of starships gradually brightened.

From the surface of Kepler 452c, it seems that hundreds of extremely bright suns have appeared in the silent night sky in an instant!

The gravitational field generation device starts to operate.

Under Zero's precise calculation, the joint gravitational shield constructed by hundreds of [Golden Crow] battleships is slowly taking shape.

Unlike the gravitational shield around the starship, this gravitational shield is facing the opposite direction - it is to prevent "attacks" from the inside.

As the strength of the gravitational shield gradually increased, a huge red and black starship slowly came from a distance and filled the last vacant position on the gravitational shield.


"It's started!"

Wang Man glanced at the data in the holographic projection beside him, and his expression suddenly became excited: "The gravitational shield has been built, and the next step is to launch the star destroyer!"

The moment the voice fell, the muzzle of the [Suzaku] star destroyer began to emit a faint purple light.

As the energy gradually gathered, the purple light at the muzzle of the star destroyer also began to become stronger.

Gradually, the purple light overshadowed the light emitted by the antimatter engine at the tail of the starship, and also overshadowed the light emitted by the distant star.

Purple became the only visible color on the surface of Kepler 452c.


When the purple light reached its peak, a thick laser beam emerged from the muzzle and shot straight at the gray planet in front.

Ten seconds later, the high-energy laser beam crossed a long distance and hit the surface of the gray planet.

The high temperature instantly melted its ground.

Blowing up a planet is not something that can be done by simply placing some explosives.

Even a super-large nuclear bomb or an antimatter bomb can only blow a small hole on the surface of a huge planet.

No matter how strong the fortress is, there will be defects inside it.

Therefore, the first thing the star destroyer has to do is to open a channel to the core of the planet!

High-energy laser weapons are definitely the best choice.

Whether it is an iron planet or a rocky planet, it is impossible to block the ridiculously high temperature of the high-energy laser beam.

Under the action of the laser beam, the metal that makes up Kepler 452c has long been melted into hot molten iron.

They flow freely on the surface of the gray planet, and then slowly solidify into gray scars, like the last tears of the planet.

The purple high-energy laser beam continued to drill deep into the earth's core.

The high temperature activated the core of Kepler 452c, which had solidified for who knows how many billions of years.

A violent earthquake came from the ground, and the surface, which had become somewhat smooth under the polishing of the stellar wind, began to show deep and bottomless gullies!


A crisp prompt sound rang in the ear.

The logo on the holographic projection made Wang Man and Tang Hairong subconsciously hold their breath.

It's connected!

The high-energy laser beam successfully penetrated the ground of Kepler 452c!

Thus, the star destroyer entered the second form.

The power of the purple laser column began to decay-next, it only needed to maintain the existence of this channel.

An antimatter bomb wrapped in layers was fired from the muzzle, and fell directly into the deep core of Kepler 452c along the muzzle of the laser column!

During the fall, the heat-resistant armor on the outer periphery of the antimatter bomb continued to melt under the action of the laser beam.

Finally, when the antimatter bomb reached the center of the earth, the outer heat-resistant armor fell off completely.


The bomb was detonated!

The antimatter contained in it immediately touched the extremely dense planetary core material on the periphery.

Annihilation reaction followed! !

The tremendous energy generated by the annihilation of positive and antimatter turned the newly activated core into a powerful bomb!

As the purple laser beam slowly extinguished, the flames of the explosion flashed deep in the core!

Countless bottomless cracks appeared on the surface of Kepler 452c in an instant!

The next moment, the spherical planet broke into pieces, accompanied by boiling hot molten iron, and turned into countless debris.

Under the impact of the antimatter bomb, these large and small fragments quickly overcame their own gravity and shot in all directions!

The effect of the gravitational shield began to appear.

Rather than calling it a gravitational shield, it is better to call it a gravitational cage.

Under the influence of the gravity cage, the speed of these flying planet fragments slowly slowed down, and they stopped one by one in the cold and silent space.

In just a few dozen minutes, a complete planet turned into a dense cluster of asteroids.

The red hot molten iron connected and bridged the asteroids, forming an extremely magnificent picture.

"Oh my god..."

"Damn... this thing is really cool!"

Wang Man and Tang Hairong said at the same time.

Looking at the asteroid cluster whose running state is gradually stabilizing under the action of the gravitational field, Tang Hairong glanced at Wang Man beside him: "I say, Old Wang, what are you still standing there for?"

"It's your turn to do it!"

"Oh, right, right!" Wang Man suddenly came back to his senses, raised his hand and patted his head lightly.

"Attention, all units, start the splitting and smelting work immediately!"

He gave the order without any hesitation!

As soon as the voice fell, the joint gravitational field generated by the [Golden Crow] battleship began to split, and each gravitational field pulled the clusters of planetary fragments and scattered in all directions.

This is the splitting work.

As for's even simpler.

Narrow the range of the gravitational cage, use the gravitational cage as a smelting furnace, and use a bunch of high-energy lasers to directly heat it.

The heat transfer effect in space is extremely poor, and there are no extra impurities. This is simply a perfect place for ore smelting!

For a moment, in the originally empty and cold space, there appeared groups of hot molten iron with red light!

After the smelting was completed, the [Taotie] material storage ship waiting on the side quickly followed up, took the molten iron into its "belly", and began cooling and shaping in a high-purity vacuum environment.

Looking at the growing string of data on the holographic projection, Tang Hairong glanced at Wang Man again.

"I say, Lao Wang, you can't stop me from using basic metal resources now, right?"

"No, no, no!" Wang Man's face was full of smiles, "Use! It's all open to use!"

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