Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 681 I have left the cabin and feel good!

Zero meticulously executed the orders from Lv Yongchang and Fang Xu.

With the start of the curvature engine, the curvature bubble was successfully generated, and the mobile experimental ship that was stagnant in the empty universe instantly disappeared in the picture sent back by the detector.

They successfully entered the curvature state and "disappeared" in the light speed universe.

The real experiment was declared to begin at this moment.

The [Earth] laboratory quickly became busy.

"The current experimental ship's navigation speed is 1.1c!"

"The quantum communication state is normal, and the tachyon communication device is operating normally!"


The slightly noisy report sounded in the laboratory.

Lv Yongchang slowly stood up from his seat, his eyes became sharper: "Start compiling tachyon information!"

As the voice fell, in the experimental ship, under the control of the gravitational field, the rotation speed of the two micro black holes changed a little.

At the same time, the strong gravitational field created by the micro black hole also changed slightly.

"The tachyon information has been successfully compiled!" an academician shouted loudly, "The information has been successfully sent!"


Unlike sending tachyon information, the current way for human civilization to receive tachyon information is relatively simple - by observing the gamma-ray fluctuations released when the tachyon energy is dissipated, the frequency of the tachyon itself can be inferred to analyze the information carried in it.

After all, unlike tachyons, the gamma rays they release are something that can be observed by the slow universe.

Although tachyons are spread throughout the universe, over a long period of time, the energy carried by these tachyons has long been dissipated, and their own energy is almost zero.

Therefore, in the observation instrument, the gamma-ray fluctuations released by tachyons are particularly conspicuous!

It's as dazzling as a light bulb in a dark room!

But this observation method also leads to another disadvantage.

The communication distance is limited.

The current range of tachyon communication in human civilization is exactly the range where the tachyon dissipates its own energy below the observation accuracy.

According to estimates, it is about 1,000 light years.

On the scale of the universe, this distance is nothing.

But for today's human civilization, this is already vast enough!

The method to increase the distance of tachyon communication is also very simple, and there are probably two directions.

First, slow down the initial running speed of the tachyon as much as possible, that is, let it carry enough energy to support a longer dissipation time.

Second, increase the observation accuracy of the fleet itself.

Lv Yongchang prefers the second option.

The running speed of the tachyon increases with the degree of energy dissipation.

This means that the flight speed of the tachyon will become faster and faster over time!

In other words, as long as the observation accuracy is high enough, the communication range of tachyon communication is the entire universe!


Almost at the same time as the academician spoke, Zero's electronic synthesized sound also sounded in the speaker.

"Successfully observed vacuum gamma-ray fluctuations!"

"Information recognition: AAAAA, deciphering information..."

"Information comparison is successful, confirmed to be the tachyon information sent by our side."

After a short wait, warm cheers broke out in the laboratory.

"Don't rush to celebrate, it's not a complete success yet!" Lv Yongchang interrupted the cheers of the academicians, "Continue to increase the speed of the starship to more than 10c!"

As the starship's speed in the holographic projection continued to increase, the atmosphere in the laboratory gradually calmed down.



"Quantum communication has been interrupted."

The emotionless electronic synthesized sound rang out and echoed in the laboratory.

There was no surprise on Lv Yongchang's face.

This situation was already expected by him, and he had made corresponding arrangements.

When the experimental ship entered the second-level curvature state, the experiment would also be maintained by the shipboard computer.

After all, humans have only built one tachyon communication device at present. After the quantum communication fails, the communication becomes one-way.

As time passed, the atmosphere in the laboratory gradually became anxious.

"Successfully received tachyon information!"

The electronic synthesized sound once again broke the extremely anxious atmosphere: "Information content: Current navigation speed 20c, I have left the cabin, feeling good!"

Looking at the line of text in the holographic projection, Lv Yongchang was stunned: "...???"

This scene, even if placed in the entire human history, is quite explosive.

"Who put this information in?"

"Ahem... Professor, it's me." He Bilin, who was not far away, smiled and raised his right hand, "I was thinking about livening up the atmosphere..."

Lv Yongchang took a deep breath and calmed down his inner desire to complain: "It's very good, don't put it in the future."

In any case, the success of the tachyon communication experiment means that the fleet strength of human civilization has risen to a huge level.

Therefore, when Lv Yongchang complained, he still had a thick smile on his face.

In the laboratory, celebrations rang out again.


Earth calendar year 3625.

After experiencing several interruptions in quantum long-distance communication, Lv Yongchang deeply realized a problem.

The project of miniaturizing tachyon communication devices must be put on the agenda as soon as possible!

Small starships and probes are important components of the fleet and must not become the fleet's shortcomings.

Under his leadership, the Academy of Sciences spent several years and successfully broke through this technical barrier.

So far, every starship and detector that has reserved space for tachyon communication modules has been successfully equipped with tachyon communication devices.

The speed at which human civilization is expanding its territory has also instantly increased to a new level.

So far, human civilization has mastered three star systems around the Kepler 452 star system.

Under Zero's control, [Galater] continues to mine the iron planets in these three star systems, providing a large amount of essential mineral resources for the human fleet.

What makes Lu Yongchang regretful is that there are no habitable planets in these three star systems, and naturally there are no alien civilizations.

"Professor, over there at the School of Sociology..."

Fang Xu smiled bitterly and knocked on the door of Lu Yongchang's office, reporting softly: "They asked me about that thing again."

"No!" After hearing Fang Xu's words, Lu Yongchang stopped what he was doing angrily, "Tell them that there is no trace of any lower civilization!"

"Not to mention civilization, the fleet didn't even see a bug!"

"Oh, by the way!" Lu Yongchang seemed to have remembered something, "Well, some single-celled organisms were discovered on a planet. Ask the School of Sociology if they are interested in those things?"

Fang Xu laughed sarcastically and did not answer.

"It's weird..." Lu Yongchang scratched his head vigorously, with a bit of confusion in his eyes.

"When we first came out of the earth, we could encounter alien civilizations everywhere. It was really impossible to hide."

"Now I'm ready to find them, but they are well hidden!"

"Tsk! That's pretty cool!"

Lu Yongchang looked at the brand new desk in front of him with a depressed look and complained in a low voice.

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