The moment he saw the words on the screen, Milo's originally docile fur instantly stood up!

Like a hedgehog with its hair blown up, Milo's originally round body also became bigger.

"No, it's impossible, this is impossible..."

Milo's eyes were blank, and he whispered softly.

Maren, who was standing by, saw this and felt nervous. He hurried forward to squeeze Milo, who was in a daze, and looked at the not-so-big screen.

Like Milo, Maren was also blown up.

"Two... two..."

The performance of the two scientists directly sounded the highest alarm in the leader Aldan's heart.

He quickly moved his short legs and came to them, and also cast his eyes on the screen.

...I don't understand.

Looking at the dense data and lines on the screen, Aldan felt a deep sense of powerlessness and confusion.

"Two what?!"

It pulled Maren hard and asked loudly.

"Two..." Maren, who had recovered a little, swallowed hard and murmured in horror, "Two planets are missing!"

Before Aldan could react, Milo beside him let out a shrill scream.

"It's the same as last time!"

"Two planets are missing in the new star system!"

"[Zanka], have you really abandoned us?!"

Milo collapsed on the cold deck and shouted in despair.

From the words of the two, Aldan gradually understood the truth of the matter.

It was silent for a long time, then stretched out its claws and pulled up the two balls that were lying limp on the ground.

"Find the next star system!"

Aldan's eyes were full of bloodshot, and he said a little manically: "Didn't you say that there are hundreds of star systems in this star field?!"

"I don't believe that there is no safe star system!"

"Before that damn invader catches up, we should hurry up..."

The dull alarm sounded again, interrupting Aldan's words.

But this time, the dull, panic-inducing alarm sounded not in the laboratory, but in the entire flagship!

Aldan, who controlled the power-assist device to quickly glide to the command center, looked at the crew beside him with a very solemn expression.

Beside him, Maren dragged a furry ball and landed steadily on the deck.

“Thank you, thank you.”

Milo, who landed smoothly, quickly expressed his gratitude to his companions.

“Leader, an unknown fleet was found behind the right side of the fleet.”

“Based on the size and speed of the fleet, it can be basically determined that it is a pursuit fleet sent by the invaders.”

The crew said solemnly: “The fleet has begun to accelerate.”

“But this will consume a lot of extra energy, and our current energy reserves…”

“May not be able to support us to reach the new destination.”

Aldan’s eyes became more and more gloomy: “Change the escape destination again.”

“Two more planets disappeared at the previous destination.”

Good fortune never comes alone, and misfortune never comes alone.

This continuous bad news is a little difficult for anyone to accept!

Especially during this high-pressure escape, in the vast universe, without any support, and even when supplies were used up, everyone's emotions were like a taut string. If you are not careful, the string will break!

For the Talodans who have always lived on their home planet and advocate peace, this mental blow is even more fatal.

They have never experienced such a high-pressure environment, nor do they have a plan to deal with it!

"[Zanka] Ah..."

As expected, a crew member wailed: "Save your poor people!!"

The wailing of this crew member, like the fuse of explosives, instantly ignited the negative emotions in the hearts of all the crew members.

"Leader, let's turn around and fight them!"

Another crew member, with red eyes, shouted like crazy: "We have no way to survive, why don't we..."

"Nonsense!" Aldan shouted, "Everyone, be quiet!"

"We haven't reached the real desperate situation yet, cheer up!"

"Please believe me, I was able to lead everyone to escape last time, this time, I can also lead our civilization to survive!"

Leader Aldan's shout temporarily stabilized the morale of the army.

The voices of crying and shouting in the command center quickly decreased.

"Milo, you go to choose the next target star system for the fleet." Aldan gave the order in a deep voice without any hesitation.

"Mallen, estimate the fuel situation of the fleet after acceleration, and assist Milo in selecting star systems according to the navigation range."


Milo and Mallen responded in unison.


4.2 light years away from the Kepler 452 star system.

A spherical probe quickly crossed the empty universe at a speed of 0.5c.

The antimatter engine behind it is working at full capacity, spewing out extremely strong gamma rays.

It is part of the human civilization's circumstellar system warning network.

At present, with the efforts of human civilization, this warning network has been laid out to the area 5 light years outside the star system.

Such a wide range is destined to have a low warning density.

A detector is often responsible for the detection and warning of a large area.

As usual, this billiard ball-shaped detector performs its detection mission according to the planned route.

This should have been a dull and boring thing, at least, it has been like this in the past six months.

"Ding ding ding..."

The sensor sent a message, it seems that something was discovered in this empty universe.

The computer in the detector quickly analyzed and verified the information.

In a very short time, the computer completed the processing and rating of the information.


Without any hesitation, the computer quickly transmitted the information back to the Kepler 452 star system 4.2 light years away.

In the vacuum, the tachyons quickly dissipated the energy they had just obtained, and left two gamma rays of different frequencies and opposite directions in the ethereal universe.


Kepler 452 star system.

After several years of steady development, the Kepler 452 star system has become an extremely busy "metropolis".

From the main star to the boundary of the star system, medium and large starships can be seen everywhere.

Machinery has become the main theme of this star system.

The tachyons from afar passed through this area at a very high speed, leaving behind two distinctive gamma rays, and then flew to infinity at a higher speed.

The tachyon information receiving point set up near Kepler 452c quickly captured these two special gamma rays.

Information processing and translation took almost no time.

This information from 4.2 light years away appeared in Zero's "sight" in just a few milliseconds.

Its priority continued to rise, and quickly overshadowed all the tasks currently being performed in the fleet.

The next moment, an extremely harsh alarm sounded in the [Earth]!

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