Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 718: The slap in the face always comes so quickly

For the Eugene civilization with a strict hierarchy, the order from the emperor is the highest order that cannot be violated at any time.

Even though all the Eugene people are filled with deep fear, they still have to follow their muscle instincts and start adjusting the parameters of various weapons.

The warships that follow the Eugene flagship are the elites of the Eugene civilization.

Therefore, the various tedious preparations before the launch did not take much time.

Looking at the crosshairs firmly locked on the target on the screen, a trace of fierceness flashed in Emperor Eugene's eyes.


It issued the final attack order!

It just doesn't believe it!

What can a level 5 civilization do?

Can three small detectors block the escape of the Eugene fleet? !

In an instant.

High-energy laser cannons, electromagnetic cannons, plasma cannons...

All weapons that the Eugene civilization can use were fired!


The attack has been launched.

But it will take some time for the attack to take effect.

Emperor Eugene held his breath and stared at the screen in front of him.


For a level 3 civilization, the fastest weapon is naturally a high-energy laser beam that flies at the speed of light.

A bright beam of light, spanning tens of millions of kilometers, accurately hit the vicinity of three spherical detectors.

Something magical happened.

Under the gaze of all the Eugene people, the trajectory of the high-energy laser beam suddenly deviated slightly!

This laser beam deviated from the predetermined attack area and hit the side armor of the spherical detector obliquely.

It hit, but not completely.

A not-so-obvious burn mark appeared on the side armor.

The successful hit of the first laser beam was like the clarion call for the Eugene civilization to counterattack!

Before the Eugene people could react, the dense high-energy laser beams had completely submerged the three "lonely" detectors!


"What happened just now?"

Emperor Eugene's vertical pupils trembled slightly, and he murmured in a low voice.

The scene of the inexplicable deflection of the first high-energy laser beam was still replayed in his mind, continuously stimulating his fragile nerves.

"It's gravity!"

A voice sounded in the command center, attracting the attention of Emperor Eugene.

"Your Majesty, our instruments have observed a strong gravitational lens effect."

A lizard man explained to it in a respectful tone: "The other party's detector used gravity to create a shield."

"Obviously, the strength of gravity is not enough to completely deflect the laser beam we sent, so the laser beam still hit the detector."

"Your Majesty, this is our chance!"

As the aftermath of the high-energy laser beam attack dissipated, the image on the screen became clear again.

The three silver-white detectors, like an unshakable monument, quietly floated in front of the fleet, silently telling Eugene civilization a fatal message-this road is blocked!

They did not move, and even the distance between the three did not change.

This is the greatest contempt from a high-level civilization.

"Pull the camera closer!" Emperor Eugene's face flushed, and his howling voice was full of horror, "How could there be no damage?!"

The picture on the screen changed rapidly.

It also successfully saw the scene in its mind - the originally smooth and flawless silver-white detector surface had some laser burn marks.

The marks were not obvious, and could even be considered as superficial injuries.

This greatly boosted the morale of the Eugene civilization!

They can cause damage to the detector!

But the subsequent scene was like a basin of cold water, directly extinguishing the courage that the Eugene people had finally mustered.

These scars were slowly disappearing under the gaze of everyone!

In a few seconds, the surface of the silver-white spherical detector returned to its previous smoothness!


There was a dead silence in the command center of the Eugene flagship.


After the laser, there were densely packed kinetic and energy weapons.

The flames of the electromagnetic gun and plasma gun explosions once again flooded the entire lens.

Like the laser weapons, these attacks successfully hit the detector - or in other words, they successfully reached the vicinity of the detector.

But this time, the original joyful atmosphere in the command center of the Eugene flagship was gone.

Emperor Eugene has silently closed his eyes, trying to hide the despair in his eyes.

The result of the attack is foreseeable.

Only laser weapons can barely penetrate this strength of gravitational shield!

As for other weapons?

I'm afraid they can't even touch each other!

The flames of the explosion slowly dissipated, and Emperor Eugene opened his eyes.

Although he had made full mental preparations, a shudder still rose from his heart when he saw the image on the screen.

The three detectors, as before, quietly declared their power to the Eugene civilization.

"There is new communication information!"

The hoarse roar attracted everyone's attention.

Lines of text quickly appeared on the screen in front.

[Warning! ]

[Your actions have constituted a substantial act of aggression. ]

[Human civilization officially declares war on the Eugene civilization! ]

[The warships of human civilization are about to arrive at the battlefield. Please stop your unnecessary struggle and resistance immediately and strive for leniency! ]

[Repeat, the warships of human civilization are about to arrive at the battlefield...]

Emperor Eugene: "..."

Oh, it's over.

Facing everyone's gaze, the corners of its eyes twitched violently a few times, and it shouted again: "Why are you all standing there?!"

"Waiting to die?"

"Continue to attack with laser cannons!"

"Do you really believe that the warships are about to arrive at the battlefield?" Emperor Eugene looked extremely gloomy, "How long has it been since we were discovered?"

"How can it be so fast..."

The slap in the face always comes so quickly.

A wave of obscure and powerful space-time fluctuations came from not far away.

Of course, the Eugene civilization did not notice this fatal information, and they had no ability to detect the space-time fluctuations in the surrounding area.

But the ultra-high-definition cameras on the warships brought them a terrifying message.

The shrill alarm sounded again.

On the screen of the command center, a huge warship suddenly appeared in the deep and dark empty universe and intercepted the direction of the Eugene fleet.

The battleship was huge.

Conservatively speaking, it was at least twice the size of the Eugene Civilization flagship.

As the battleship appeared, powerful gamma-ray radiation came, causing more alarms to sound.

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty..."

A trembling voice came from the side.

"Do we, still, still want to attack?"

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