Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 735: Sub-Dangerous Technology: [Thought Seal]

[You can start branding. ]

As the state of the experimental organism gradually stabilized, a line of white text appeared in front of everyone.

Lu Siyuan calmed down and directly issued an order to officially start the experiment.

The originally set memory templates flowed along the transmission line towards the experimental animals lying on the experimental table.

In order to accurately know the success rate of [Thought Stamp], the biological laboratory made up dozens of different memory templates.

Unlike the most original memory information, the content of these memory templates is not detailed, and it has almost no details.

But its internal logic has been scrutinized countless times and it is determined that there are no obvious loopholes.

All this is due to the efforts of [Nus Civilization] - the self-repair effect of biological consciousness will automatically supplement the details in the information template after being affected by a sufficiently strong external force.

Since these details are generated based on the original memory content of the organism itself, whether in terms of logic, stability or memory diversity, they are far superior to the original high-frequency memory transmission technology.

Similarly, this also greatly reduces the burden on biological consciousness.

Under the gaze of many researchers, the progress bar in the holographic projection is advancing bit by bit.

As the progress bar filled the last gap, the experiment ended.

To everyone's surprise, unlike the scene before the experiment began, the entire experiment seemed extremely calm.

As expected, the scene of a large number of experimental creatures dying did not appear.

Lu Siyuan even showed some doubt in his eyes.

Was the experiment really successful?

Was the [Thought Stamp] really imprinted in the consciousness of these creatures?

He directed a scientific researcher and a scientific research robot to remove the still sleeping experimental creatures from the experimental table one by one and put them into separate isolation cabins.

Next, it was an extremely boring wait.

When the anesthesia wore off, they could clearly see the experimental effect of the [Thought Stamp]!

"Professor, the first batch of mice have awakened."

The electronic synthesized sound sounded in Lu Yongchang's office, and at the same time, a holographic image automatically appeared in front of him.

In the picture, a snow-white mouse without any color was lying quietly in place.

It seemed that everything was normal.

But for some reason, an inexplicable sense of disharmony rose from Lv Yongchang's heart.

It seemed... something was wrong.

Suddenly, Lv Yongchang's eyes widened.

Since waking up, the little white mouse has not taken a breath, and its abdomen has not risen or fallen at all!

Accompanied by a burst of alarms, Zero's electronic synthesized voice came again: "Professor, it fainted."

The little white mouse's abdomen rose and fell slightly again.

Obviously, the little white mouse continued to breathe after fainting.

Lv Yongchang's fingers trembled slightly as he operated on the holographic projection and called up the [Thought Stamp] that belonged to this little white mouse.

[The air is poisonous]


HIP22580 star system.

In the temporary laboratory.

"Little white mouse number A1190, the stamp has confirmed that the stamp has been successfully imprinted." Lu Siyuan's steady voice sounded, "Forced to sleep, waiting for the stamp elimination experiment."

The moment the voice fell, a thin needle was slowly extended under the operation of the mechanical arm and accurately inserted into the body of the little white mouse.

Lu Siyuan took a step and walked towards the next awakened experimental creature.

It was a chimpanzee.

It looked at the water bowl in front of it, its eyes filled with extreme fear, and its whole body shrank in the corner of the isolation cabin, as far away from the clean and transparent water bowl as possible.

Thought Stamp: [Water is Poisonous]

"Chimpanzee No. C479, the stamp has confirmed that the imprint is successful."

Lu Siyuan's voice sounded again: "Forced hibernation."

He took a step and continued to move forward.

Not all creatures have such extreme stamps in their consciousness.

Most of the thought stamps in the consciousness of experimental creatures are related to humans.

For example, the gray wolf in front of him.

Lu Siyuan took a deep breath and stood in front of the gray wolf.

Through the thick transparent aluminum partition, he slowly raised his right hand.

The fan sucked the smell of Lu Siyuan into the isolation cabin.

The originally grinning gray wolf twitched its wet nose, and the ferocious expression on its face gradually softened.

Under the gaze of the scientific researchers, it bent down, lay in front of Lu Siyuan, and whimpered and exposed its belly.

Thought Stamp: [Humans are the leaders of the gray wolf population. ]

After completing all the inspections, Lu Siyuan suppressed his excitement and sent a good news to the Kepler 452 star system twenty light years away.

[Thought Stamp] Success rate of branding experiment: 91.09%!

Except for the experimental creatures that died at the beginning, the rest of the experimental creatures successfully completed the branding experiment!

"[Nus], do you know the reason why those experimental creatures died at the beginning?"

In the spirit of scientific research, Lu Siyuan asked [Nus].


Rarely, [Nus] did not respond to his inquiry immediately.

"[Nus]?" Lu Siyuan frowned slightly and urged again.

[Yes, sorry, that's... my fault. 】

[I didn't control the fluctuations of the mind network well. The overly strong fluctuations of consciousness completely dispersed their consciousness...]

[Can you not deduct my credit points and contribution points...]

Lu Siyuan: "...?!"

Before he could speak, Lv Yongchang's somewhat excited voice had already sounded: "[Nus], you mean that under normal circumstances, the success rate of [Thought Steel Seal] branding can reach 100%?!"

[No, no, no, Chief Lu, it is definitely not 100% successful.]

[Except for deaths caused by some unexpected factors, some creatures with too weak consciousness can hardly withstand this branding process.]

[In general... it should be able to reach a success rate of more than 95%.]

"Good!" Lv Yongchang's hearty laughter came from the speaker.

[Lv, Chief Lu, can you not deduct my contribution points and credit points...]

The white text appeared again on the azure holographic projection.

"Don't worry, it won't be deducted." Lv Yongchang's voice was full of smiles, "If the [Thought Stamp] erasure experiment is successful, I promise that your contribution value and credit points will increase by 10%, and will be settled uniformly."


Under the stimulation of credit points and contribution values, [Nus Civilization] worked even harder.

It accurately controlled its own mind network, cooperated with the [Thought Stamp] erasure program, and eliminated the imprint in the consciousness of all experimental creatures.

At the moment the experiment was successful, Lv Yongchang, who was far away in the Kepler 452 star system, looked at the orange-yellow cursor in the technology tree space, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

The second dangerous technology, [Thought Stamp], has been conquered.

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