Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 736 Emperor Eugene: Free genetic enhancement program?

[Ideology Stamp] With the maturity of technology, Lv Yongchang turned his attention to the group of lizardmen who were still "playing badly".

In a star system 27 light years away from the Kepler 452 star system, the lizardmen "live" on starships.

These dilapidated starships, large or small, some wander in the starry sky, and some run on the synchronous orbit of the planet.

Not bad.

Unlike the Talodan civilization, the Eugene civilization did not choose to land on the planet to live.

Even if the planet was carefully selected, the environment on it is 90% similar to their mother planet.

To say the reason... On the one hand, it is a matter of habit.

As a star pirate civilization, the Eugene civilization has been accustomed to wandering in the vast universe since the moment it left its mother planet.

The long wandering experience has made them completely forget the feeling of living on a planet.

On the other hand, Emperor Eugene still has a trace of fantasy in his heart.

Sooner or later, it will get a chance to lead a small fleet to escape from this dark cage.

In the eyes of Emperor Eugene, this star system is a cage, a cage that imprisons Eugene civilization!

Human civilization will send supplies regularly, but those supplies are not enough to meet the needs of all Eugene people!

This was once an initiative of the Sociology Branch.

They tried to tell the lizardmen who were accustomed to plundering through hunger that only by engaging in production and management activities can they obtain sufficient supplies.

But the effect of this initiative was not good.

Only the lizardmen with the lowest social status suffered from hunger.

They are huge in number, but they have no say.

In this star system allocated to Eugene civilization, they not only have to endure hunger, but they may also be canned at any time.

It is precisely because of this that the population of Eugene civilization has been slowly declining during this period.

At that time, this response measure of Eugene civilization really shocked the academicians and researchers in the Sociology Branch.

They tried countless measures, but none of them had much effect.

The Eugene civilization also declined little by little over time.

In a sense, this subordinate civilization not only did not create any value for human civilization, but even held back human civilization!

And Emperor Eugene was also happy to do so. While "playing rotten", he secretly "made small moves".

Of course, these tricks could not be hidden from Zero.

After the fleet's central computer was controlled, every move of the entire Eugene civilization was under Zero's surveillance, including Emperor Eugene's "naive" jailbreak plan.

In Zero's assessment, what Emperor Eugene did did not even increase the risk value of Eugene civilization!

Around this star system, there are tens of thousands of detectors and a small patrol fleet composed of ship-borne drones.

The combat power is not strong.

For civilizations of the same level, a star system with these defensive forces is like a larger stone on the side of the road.

But for the Eugene civilization, this little defensive force is enough to crush all conspiracies and intrigues!

While Emperor Eugene was still fantasizing in vain, a tachyon communication was transmitted to his flagship.

Free genetic enhancement plan?

Emperor Eugene looked at the screen in front of him with suspicion, and his orange-yellow vertical pupils were filled with confusion.

Human civilization… is so kind?

It has heard that the group of pandas spent a lot of credit points to get the genetic enhancement plan tailored for them by human civilization.

Such a good thing, Eugene civilization can get it for free?

There is no free food in the desert.

This is a saying that has been circulating in Eugene civilization.

Thinking of this, Emperor Eugene shook his head and subconsciously raised his hand to reject the kindness from the Human Union Academy of Sciences.

Another new message appeared on the screen.

Emperor Eugene narrowed his eyes slightly, and his orange-yellow vertical pupils quickly shrank into a straight line.

"As a price, the Eugene people who accept the transformation need to pay their own labor for a period of ten years..."

It muttered this sentence in a low voice.

Has human civilization not given up its transformation plan yet?

Emperor Eugene sneered unhappily.

They are not like those useless people in Tarodan who only dare to stay on the planet to farm!

Eugene civilization is destined to belong to the starry sky!

Thinking of the scenes during the interstellar war, a fire suddenly rose in Emperor Eugene's vertical pupils.

But after thinking about his current situation, he suddenly let out a breath and slumped in his chair.

After thinking for a long time, he responded to this message.

It has already thought about letting those canned reserves go to explore the truth.

If everything is true, then Eugene civilization can take this opportunity to enhance its own strength.


Eugene civilization genetic modification plan.

There is no doubt that this must be fake.

It is just a bait to lure Emperor Eugene.

Its true inner meaning is naturally to conduct [Thought Stamp] experiments on Eugene people.

"Professor, what do you think the content of [Thought Stamp] should be?"

In the biological laboratory, Mao Zhengzhi looked at the holographic image in front of him and frowned slightly.

In the holographic projection, there are suggestions on the content of the [Thought Stamp].

One of the proposals was to directly change the basic thinking of these lizardmen and completely correct their deep-rooted plundering ideas.

At first glance, it seems very good.

But this is the first proposal that Lv Yongchang rejected.

The reason is very simple.

A Eugene civilization that only engages in production and business activities is not of much value.

Hearing Mao Zhengzhi's question, Lv Yongchang raised his eyelids slightly and scanned every proposal in the projection again.

There was a thoughtful light in his eyes.

Obviously, for him, this is not something that can be decided casually.

It is necessary to preserve the original potential of the Eugene civilization and let them engage in production and business willingly...

Lv Yongchang's eyes condensed and fell on a proposal.

He stretched out his finger and gently clicked: "Let's take it."

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