Memory replacement.

Memory modification technology based on memory transmission.

The operation is relatively complex, but the effect is far greater than memory transmission.

Even if the conscious self-repair effect "helps" to improve, the transmitted memory is ultimately false.

Although it has been verified and scrutinized by scientific researchers and Zero on a large scale, who knows if there are one or two subtle logical loopholes hidden in it.

But memory modification technology is different.

It is based on the original memory of the organism.

Simply put, it can modify and replace the concept of emperor in the consciousness of Eugene people.

Equate Eugene imperial power with human civilization.

This is a [Thought Seal] tailored for Eugene civilization.

The feudal monarchy that Eugene civilization has maintained for countless years has become a boost to human civilization at this moment.

The difficulty of imprinting [Thought Seal] has been greatly reduced, and the effect of the seal is also very significant.

Theoretically, in the eyes of Eugene people who have completed the [Thought Seal] imprint, human civilization is the emperor who has ruled them for countless years.

Of course, before the experiment begins, everything is just theory.

Because the operation of memory replacement and modification is relatively complicated.

The biological laboratory also spent a lot of time, and only after reading a large number of Eugene people's memories did it produce the corresponding program.

Then, it was the branding ceremony of [Thought Seal].

These low-level lizardmen who were regarded as cannon fodder by Emperor Eugene were anesthetized and sent to the experimental table.

With the help of [Nus Civilization], [Thought Seal] officially began to be branded.

The whole process did not take too much time.

About an hour later, the first batch of experimenters were sent to the isolation cabin.

At the beginning of the experiment, Mao Zhengzhi, Lu Yongchang and others were still a little worried.

After all, compared with the creatures on Earth, Eugene people are completely another species.

Who knows whether [Thought Seal] can work on these lizardmen?

Under the watchful eyes of the researchers, the whole experiment developed in the direction expected by everyone.

Tabo, a low-level Eugene.

When it learned that it was selected as a "test subject" for the gene enhancement project and was about to be sent to human civilization, its heart was filled with extremely complicated emotions.

For a moment, it didn't know whether it should be happy or desperate.

Desperate, of course, it was used as a test subject.

In its memory, test subjects often have no good end.

Happy, it can get rid of the title of "canned reserve".

Sent to human civilization, it escaped the fate of being canned.

Just like that, with mixed emotions, it followed the orders issued by human civilization and walked into a spacious and bright room.

Looking at the experimental tables, as well as the electrodes and wires on the experimental tables, its eyes revealed a bit of sadness.

Sure enough, it still couldn't escape its fate.

The moment it lay on the experimental table, its consciousness sank and it fainted.

After an unknown amount of time, it slowly opened its eyes.

Its brain was confused and it didn't know what happened.

It raised its head and tried to look around.

Suddenly, its body froze.

A blue holographic projection appeared beside it, and in the projection, there was a completely unfamiliar creature.

Its brain told it that it was a human.

Its brain also told it that humans were the emperors who ruled them.


Its body trembled slightly, and its entire body prostrated on the ground.

"Respected, respected emperor..."

It shouted in a trembling voice.

The next moment, a familiar string of language came from the speaker.

A few seconds later.

"...Yes, respected emperor, as you wish."

As Tabo spoke, he lowered his body to the ground.

The projection slowly dissipated, but it still maintained this posture until five minutes later, when it trembled and climbed up from the cold ground.

Under the gaze of the hidden camera, it opened the holographic image on the side, followed the content in the picture, and began to learn the operating procedures of the Human Union Type I planetary mining machine.


Lv Yongchang looked at the images flashing quickly in the holographic projection and breathed a sigh of relief: "[Ideological Stamp] has been successfully imprinted."

"The current imprinting success rate is 99.97%!" Mao Zhengzhi's slightly excited voice came from the side, "Professor, we can start promoting it!"

Lv Yongchang nodded seriously.

"Tell the Sociology Branch to start forcibly promoting [Ideological Stamp]."

"Every Eugene person must be branded with this stamp!"

"Those who disobey will be punished for treason!"

Since then, the "new emperor" of Eugene civilization was born.

The moment the order was issued, the Sociology Branch, which had been dormant for a long time, took action again.

This was the first time that the Sociology Branch had taken compulsory measures against a subordinate civilization.

Warships loaded with war robots appeared next to the Eugene warships.

Under the supervision of the robots, tens of billions of Eugene people went to the HIP22580 star system in batches.

From Emperor Eugene to the "canned reserve".

Without exception.

This also brought the most generous credit points and contribution value to the [Nus Civilization] in history - according to the contract, for every successful [Thought Stamp], the Nus Civilization can get some insignificant credit points.

Although the unit price is low, the quantity is huge!

After the imprinting work was completed, the "eyes" of [Nus Civilization] became the shape of credit points.

[Nus] happily calculated his remaining contribution value and credit points.

Suddenly, a violent fluctuation broke out in its network of thoughts.

[You can actually enjoy a 1,000-year uninterrupted sunbathing service! ]

[Nus] excitedly waved the tree roots on the surface.

Poor those accompanying lost giant insects, they were once again undeserved.

Replace the imperial power.

Although it is not as good as the means of replacing faith of the Sweeper Civilization, it still achieved remarkable results.

At least, under the pressure of the imperial power, the Eugene people with lower social status began to try to learn various knowledge about production and management.

The population advantage of Eugene civilization also began to gradually play out.

As these Eugene people were sent to various star systems to mine, Zero's basic computing power was further liberated.

What surprised Lu Yongchang the most was not the above results.

It is the advantage of Eugene civilization in military operations.

Under the influence of imperial power, the fearless fighting spirit allows Eugene civilization to exert combat power far beyond the same level of civilization.

Especially after they were equipped with some weapons and equipment eliminated by human civilization, the strength of Eugene civilization was further enhanced.

During the expansion of territory during this period, the detectors discovered many low-level civilizations below level three.

Not all civilizations are sensible.

In the past, when encountering those blind iron-headed civilizations, the human fleet was often dispatched to "conquer people with virtue."

But this will consume a lot of resources after all.

Not to mention the cost of firing a few shots at the destination, just the fuel cost of the round trip is already a bit of a loss.

At this time, the greatest role of Eugene civilization is revealed.

The Eugene fleet, which has been transformed by the [Thought Stamp], just like before, followed the detectors eliminated by human civilization and "wandered" in the territory of the human alliance like stars in the sky.

Once they encounter a low-level civilization that they can defeat but is ignorant, they will swarm in, using a big stick in one hand and another big stick in the other to "persuade" them to join the Pan-Human Federation.

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