Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 742 Black Hole Missile and Gravity Bomb

One day later.

Sitting in his office, Lv Yongchang looked at Yevgeni, who was full of excitement, and tried to keep his expression as calm as possible.


Yevgeni was the first to break the silence in the office: "Wilson said something nonsense to you, right?"

Lv Yongchang was slightly stunned.

Then he nodded very naturally and gave an affirmative answer: "Yes! It was Wilson who did it."


Yevgeni was silent for a while, as if he felt that the atmosphere in the office was not right, and hurriedly changed the subject: "Professor, I didn't make it clear in the holographic communication just now."

"Using micro black holes as weapons, I think this plan is very feasible."

Seeing that the topic was back on track, Lv Yongchang breathed a sigh of relief.

"At present, the manufacturing process of micro black holes is relatively mature."

Yevgeni stretched out his hand and opened a holographic image, which showed various detailed data and information.

Obviously, he did a lot of preparation work in his free time that day.

"Make the micro black hole confinement device into a warhead and install it on the curvature missile."

"At the same time, we can also install the corresponding gravitational shield interference device on the curvature missile." Yevgeny called up a design sketch in the holographic image, "In this way, we can carry out a powerful attack on the enemy at a very long distance."

"Professor, please believe that the power of this weapon is definitely not inferior to Wilson's [Matter Disintegration Cannon]."

"The most important point is..." Yevgeny's expression was slightly excited, "Even if the micro black hole does not hit the enemy ship, it can release sufficiently powerful gamma rays, X-rays and high temperatures in the process of swallowing its own missiles, which can also cause certain damage to the enemy ship."

Lv Yongchang looked at the design sketch in front of him and nodded thoughtfully.

"Now that you mention it, I have an idea."

"If the gravitational field control device and the curvature device are integrated into large artillery shells, it should also produce a good attack effect."

Yevgeni looked at Lv Yongchang, who was lost in thought, in some surprise: "I can understand the curvature device, but the gravitational field control device... is it really useful?"

"The artillery shells are consumables, so there is no need to put a gravitational shield on them, right?"

"No." Lv Yongchang shook his head, "You misunderstood me."

"Like your black hole weapon, the gravitational bomb also uses gravity Cause damage. "

"We can create a strong gravitational source in the target area."

"Use the constantly fluctuating gravity to pull the enemy starship."

"The starship near the gravitational source and the far gravitational source will be subject to very different gravitational fluctuations."

"The huge tidal force generated is enough to tear apart any starship of the fifth-level civilization!"

"Even if the opponent has anti-gravity technology, they cannot completely defend against this level of attack without cracking our gravitational fluctuation algorithm."

Black hole missiles, gravitational bombs, matter disintegration cannons...

These are symbols of the combat power of advanced civilizations.

The reason is very simple. Only by mastering the grand unified theory can civilization use the four basic forces as weapons!


Forty-five years later.

In the 3700th year of the Earth calendar, human civilization officially entered the 38th century.

Since entering the Kepler 452 star system, the sweepers and pastoralists seem to have disappeared.

At least in this hundred years, human civilization has spent a fairly peaceful period of development.

Under the joint catalysis of Ling and Lu Yongchang, human civilization is progressing at an incredible speed.

The star field belonging to the Pan-Human Federation has expanded to 500 light years.

Thanks to the breakthrough in curvature technology, the highest navigation speed of human civilization has reached an astonishing 100c-the peak of the second-level curvature.

It is also the peak of the fifth-level civilization.

Therefore, the territory of 500 light years is not huge for today's human civilization.

Of course, in the process of territory expansion, human civilization has encountered many civilizations.

Among them, the first to third-level civilizations account for the vast majority, and the fourth-level civilization is only a handful.

As for the fifth-level civilization...

So far, human civilization has not found any trace of its existence, let alone the higher sixth or seventh-level civilization.

In a sense, this is the normal state.

After all, it is too difficult to improve the level of civilization.

Under normal circumstances, the development speed of civilization is gradually slowing down.

But human civilization is different.

Not only does he maintain the original development speed, but he even seems to be accelerating!

This is almost an impossible scene!

In the long history of this universe, countless civilizations have risen and fallen, including powerful level 7 or 8 civilizations, as well as basic level 1 or 2 civilizations.

However, as the level increases, the development speed of civilizations is constantly accelerating. From the Big Bang to today, only two civilizations have appeared.

The scarcity of high-level civilizations has also created a slightly embarrassing scene.

The weapons and equipment that the weapons research and development department of the Academy of Sciences has spent a lot of effort to update and iterate have hardly been used in the past.

Most civilizations are relatively sensible, especially after the Eugene civilization took action, almost all of them "willingly" joined the Pan-Human Federation, acting as the torch to support the rapid development of human civilization.

The only Level 4 civilization that had objections quietly joined the Federation after seeing the power of warp weapons.

As for powerful weapons such as black hole missiles and gravity bombs...

It is still in the warehouse.

The only chance they have to see the light of day is actually the test site where the weapons were first successfully developed!

[Earth], in the chief scientist's office.

Lu Yongchang lay on his back on the chair with his eyes slightly closed.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes and breathed a long sigh of relief.

As the technology tree of the fifth-level civilization becomes more and more perfect, the fog at the top begins to gradually dissipate.

Although he still cannot clearly see the symbolic technology of the sixth-level civilization, Lu Yongchang is not impatient at all.

As long as he is given enough time, human civilization will become a level six civilization sooner or later!

This is his confidence and his wish.

I hope that human civilization can continue to develop peacefully and live forever.

Unfortunately, his prayer was unsuccessful.

As a piercing siren sounded, a blood-red holographic projection appeared in front of him.

【warn! 】

[The interstellar probe encountered an unknown attack. 】

[Attack method: Curvature anti-matter bomb (preliminary judgment). 】

[Coordinates of attack: X (408.12 ly) Y (-456.56 ly) Z (507.96 ly)]

The relaxed look on Lu Yongchang's face disappeared instantly.


"Level 1 combat readiness alert!"

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