510.2 light years away from the Kepler 452 star system.

Accompanied by a violent explosion, the exploration team consisting of three spherical detectors disappeared in the vast universe.

The embers of the explosion slowly dissipated, and the originally dense and active particles became scarce as the temperature dropped and time passed, and they continued to cool.

The only thing left was the countless fragments flying around to prove the explosion that had just occurred.

[Earth] Command Center.

The atmosphere was solemn.

"How long will it take for the nearest detector to arrive?"

Zhao Zijie asked.

"Ten minutes!" A crew member reported loudly.

Hearing this, Zhao Zijie turned around and looked at Lu Yongchang beside him: "Professor, do you think the other party..."

"He is not friendly."

Lu Yongchang said in a heavy tone: "These three detectors are relatively old and almost obsolete products. The maximum cruising speed is only 30c, and there is no tachyon radar, so there is no means of detecting curvature strikes."

"I just checked the last attack image sent by the detector, and it can be basically judged from it that they were hit by curvature."

"This means that the other party must be a civilization of level 5 or above."

"If you start without saying anything, the other party is definitely not an easy character to get along with."

Zhao Zijie nodded silently: "I think so too."

As he said, he turned his head and looked at the porthole in the distance.

Outside the porthole, the blue planet is still running quietly as usual.

And nearby, a large number of warships and drones are slowly leaving giant spaceports.

In the far distance, a huge spherical planet with a diameter of 6,500 kilometers is slowly leaving its original orbit.

The powerful space-time fluctuations formed a huge wave peak on the highly sensitive tachyon radar.

That is the ultimate weapon of human civilization - the planetary fortress [Chiyou]!

After the breakthrough of curvature engine technology, starships can ignore the influence of the star's gravitational field and directly enter the curvature state in the star system.

However, due to the excessive abundance of matter in the star system, accidents such as "collision" are very likely to occur, so most starships will choose to leave the star system before entering the curvature state.

At the same time, the precise control of curvature allows starships to achieve navigation below 1c with the help of curvature engines.

The navigation method of human civilization starships has also undergone a qualitative change.

Antimatter engines are supplemented and curvature engines are the main ones; antimatter engines are used in star systems, and curvature engines are used outside star systems.

Except [Chiyou].

Unlike ordinary starships, [Chiyou] does not carry antimatter engines in the conventional sense due to its huge size and mass.

Its power depends entirely on the curvature engine.

By adjusting the size of the space-time curvature, it can achieve a navigation speed of 0-20c.

Of course, within the scope of the star system, due to various factors, its maximum navigation speed is only 0.1c.

Although this speed is difficult to compare with conventional starships, it is a planet with a diameter of 6,500 kilometers after all!

The diameter of Mars is only only!

It is almost equivalent to a Mars!

"The time of peaceful development... is over."

Zhao Zijie retracted his gaze and sighed softly.

In this regard, Lu Yongchang did not have much emotional fluctuations: "It's a matter of time."

"Human civilization has developed to such a territory before encountering a level 5 civilization. This is beyond my expectation."

The moment the voice fell, a strong light appeared outside the porthole.

It even overshadowed the light of the main star of Kepler 452!

After being filtered through the porthole, the strong light seemed much softer, but it was still a bit dazzling.

That was the grand occasion of the full-power start of the antimatter engine of the expedition fleet!

Although it is not clear what happened 510.2 light years away, nor is it clear what the other civilization's purpose is...

But for this unforeseen attack, human civilization has only one attitude.

Fight to the end!


A crew member's anxious voice sounded: "The first batch of interstellar probes have successfully arrived at the target area!"

"A total of thirty!"

The holographic projection screen in front changed instantly, and the image from 510.2 light years away was presented to everyone almost without any delay.


In the empty and cold universe, there is almost no light except for the stars in the distance.

The nearest star system is also 5.1 light years away.

This is a dead and silent place without any vitality.

Thirty silver-white spherical probes dispersed in formation and explored all around.


A crisp reminder sounded.

One of the probes found a fragment more than one meter long.

Based on the shape and texture of the fragment, it can be easily determined that it is part of the probe of human civilization.

The probe easily caught up with the fragment and carefully explored it.

"It is part of the probe shell." Cao Liangcai's voice sounded in the command center.

Looking at the detection data flashing quickly on the holographic projection, he frowned slightly: "Looking at these data, it can be basically confirmed that the explosion was caused by the annihilation of positive and negative matter."

"This attack method does not seem to be a level 6 civilization."

Lu Yongchang nodded and expressed his agreement: "The detector has not found any unknown signal sources around it yet."

"The enemy who launched the attack should not be in this area."

"Considering the use of warp weapons, they may even be ten light years away from us."

Hearing this, Gao Yang, who was sitting next to Zhao Zijie, frowned and lightly tutted: "This is troublesome..."

"The density of star systems in this star field is very high. There are 7 unexplored star systems within ten light years alone."

"Let alone ten light years away."

"If the other party doesn't take the initiative to attack, we will be very passive!"

"However... considering the original direction of travel of the detector, the star system 5.1 light-years away is the most suspicious."

Before the words could even be finished, the piercing siren sounded throughout the command center again.

"Several high-intensity space-time fluctuations were detected!"

Zero's electronic synthesized sound suddenly sounded, and at the same time, the image of the tachyon radar appeared in the holographic image.

Thirty signal sources with similar strengths appeared in three different directions and flew toward the detector at 50 times the speed of light.

Based on distance estimates, the fastest attack will arrive in about 10 days.

If the relative motion of both parties is taken into account, this time will be greatly shortened.

"Lock the attack direction!"

Zhao Zijie's order has been issued: "All detectors, move towards the attack direction!"

"Forward speed: 100c!"

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