Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 748: Ten-light-year Defense Line

Border of the Enroget Alliance.

Although the territory of the Enroget Alliance is not as vast as that of human civilization, it also covers the star field of the Enroget star system within a radius of 100 light years.

Although the alliance has absorbed more than 300 civilizations, their quality is uneven, and most of them are first-level or second-level civilizations that have just left the star system.

Level 3 civilization is already the backbone of the alliance.

And level 4 civilization is even more high-end combat power.

As for the Enroget civilization itself, needless to say, it is a stabilizing force.

The task of border defense is basically undertaken by level 3 and level 4 civilizations.

Of course, the Enroget civilization also has corresponding border defense forces, but the alliance territory is too vast, and the Enroget civilization warships can not play much defensive role after being dispersed.

Under normal circumstances, these level 5 civilization warships often play a deterrent role.

For civilizations of the same level, if there is no reinforcement, such a line of defense is as fragile as an eggshell, which will break at the touch.

That is why the most important thing for the Enroget civilization is to determine the attack direction of human civilization.

Problems arise.

Limited by its own technological level, the Enroget Alliance is not clear about the specific attack route of human civilization at this time - the fleet of human civilization has not yet entered the detection range of the tachyon radar!

So far, the Enroget Alliance's knowledge of human civilization is only those silver-white detectors that have long been blown into countless fragments.

Naturally, the alliance's defense force is arranged around the three border outposts where the silver-white detectors were discovered.

In order to ensure the success of the interception, under the order of the alliance leader, the alliance extended the defense line to a range of ten light years.

This is not an easy task.

In order to complete this ten-light-year defense line, the alliance allocated almost all combat-capable warships and civilizations in the country.

But even so, the ten-light-year battle line is still too much for the Enroget Alliance.

The defensive power of the defense line has been greatly weakened.

But this is a helpless method.

According to the plan of the Alliance Council, when the tachyon radar detects the movement of human civilization, the Alliance will begin to shrink the front line and strengthen the defensive capabilities of the front line.

Keeping human civilization outside the border line is the battle plan of the Enroget Alliance.



Don't be kidding.

No one in the Enroget Alliance dares to think about this.

This visible gap in strength, can you fight back with courage and passion?


In the Enroget star system, in the command center.

The leader of the alliance stared at the screen in front of him with a serious look.

On the screen, there is a tachyon radar image from the front line.

On the other screen, there is a distribution map of the defense force of the alliance border.

Looking at the 3D distribution map evenly distributed in a range of ten light years, it frowned tightly.

Human civilization...

Where will it come from?

What if they make a big circle and attack secretly from other directions of the alliance, what should it do?

Although those border outposts set up every light year can serve as a warning, they cannot stop the enemy's fleet!

If the enemy is allowed to penetrate deep into the heart of the alliance, then this defensive battle will be difficult to fight...

After all, most of the civilizations within the alliance are "old, weak, sick and disabled" - in the eyes of the fifth-level civilization, let alone the third-level civilization, even the fourth-level civilization is just a bigger ant.

Just as it was thinking about the corresponding countermeasures in its mind, the large screen in front of the command center suddenly showed a slight fluctuation.

As the blue warning light began to flash, countless strong peaks appeared in the tachyon radar image!

That was...

The warship of human civilization!

All the doubts and thoughts in its mind were completely shattered by these strong signals!

It was completely different from what it thought.

Human civilization did not change the direction of attack at all!

The huge fleet followed the route of the silver-white detectors at the beginning, announcing its arrival to the Enroget Alliance in an extremely simple and crude way!

After a brief moment of distraction, it gave orders in a very strong tone, looking at the strong signals that were rapidly approaching the border.


"Contract the defense line immediately!"

"Prepare for battle!"


Ten days later.

Outside the border of the Enroget Alliance.

Accompanied by the extremely strong space-time fluctuations, a large fleet instantly appeared in the deep and dark universe.

The originally empty universe suddenly became crowded at this moment.

Some of the small meteorites blocking the front of the fleet were quietly turned into a ball of powder under the particle accumulation effect brought by the curvature engine, as if foreshadowing something.

At this time, it was 0.1 light years away from the Enroget Alliance defense line.

The power of the antimatter reactor in the battleship slowly decreased.

With the curvature engine running at low power, the fleet continued to approach the destination at a speed of 0.5c-the human fleet equipped with the latest curvature engine basically eliminated the backward antimatter engine.

Of course, the nozzle of the antimatter engine was not cancelled, but it temporarily stopped releasing strong light and gamma rays.

The reason is very simple.

The current curvature engine can only eliminate the gravitational interference of conventional stars.

If we really encounter any extreme celestial bodies, the fleet will still have to rely on the original antimatter engine to drive.

Like superluminal curvature navigation, the curvature state below the speed of light is also space-time moving, while the spacecraft itself does not move.

Therefore, the warships and crew members no longer need to consider the load brought by acceleration. During the acceleration of the starship, they can't even feel any fluctuations!

The maneuverability of the warships has also been greatly enhanced.

Although it is impossible to achieve the ultimate maneuverability of the sweeper civilization that instantly enters a high speed of 0.7c from a static state, the human warships at this time still realize some maneuvers that ignore the laws of physics.

For example, high-speed right-angle turns.

The complex factors that determined the maneuverability of warships in the past have gradually become an extremely simple factor-the performance of the curvature engine.

It is not difficult to foresee.

When the performance of the curvature engine reaches a certain level, sharp-angle turns, instantaneous start and stop... those maneuvers that were difficult to understand at the time will become a reality one by one.

In the center of the fleet, [Titan Mothership].

"Commander Bai, the probe has completed the initial detection mission."

A crew member reported loudly.

At the same time, a clear star map appeared in the huge holographic projection in front of him.

In the vast universe with dim starlight, a spherical structure with red light appeared.

It was a spherical defense line with a diameter of ten light years, which happened to block the front of the human fleet.

Unlike the defense line on the ground, the defense line in the universe is three-dimensional.

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