Bai Yixuan raised his hand and gently clicked on the spherical defense line.


The holographic image quickly enlarged and showed specific information about the defense line.

Densely packed red dots appeared in front of him.

They were warships of different models.

Since the detector was only observing from a distance, he could only briefly observe the surface "structure" of this spherical defense line.

"Preliminary estimates include 100,000 warships..."

Bai Yixuan sneered: "They do take us seriously."

"This is taking out the entire alliance's wealth!"

With that said, he turned around and looked at the holographic image on one side: "Zijie, do you have any ideas?"

In the picture, Zhao Zijie frowned slightly: "A defense line composed of one hundred thousand warships..."

"Our expedition fleet only has 10,000 warships. The ten-fold difference in strength is a tough nut to crack."

"Especially since the opponent has the advantage of playing at home, this battle will be difficult!"

Bai Yixuan nodded solemnly: "It's really hard to fight."

"Perhaps we can take a detour?"

"No." Zhao Zijie interrupted Bai Yixuan, "We need to conquer this alliance with an absolute victory."

"This is Professor Lu's request."

"The Human Federation needs these low-level civilizations to enrich the Pan-Human Federation."

Hearing this, Bai Yixuan's brows furrowed even deeper: "In this case, we can only fight head-on..."

"But..." Zhao Zijie chuckled, stretched out his hand and gently gestured at the huge defensive formation covering ten light-years, "With such a large-scale defensive formation, the defense power per unit area will inevitably be weak."

"I think the one-word long snake formation might be a good choice."

Bai Yixuan turned his head and glanced at Zhao Zijie in surprise: "One word long snake formation..."

"Not bad." Zhao Zijie said with a bit of a smile in his eyes, "After verification by the detector, it is basically certain that the maneuverability of the opponent's warship is far inferior to ours."

"Coupled with the weak defense power per unit area, this is simply the best opportunity for a long snake formation."

"What's more..." Zhao Zijie manipulated the holographic projection beside him.

Under his control, the star map in the command center began to change.

"Did you see that?"

"...You mean those two star systems?" Bai Yixuan asked with some uncertainty.


Zhao Zijie nodded in affirmation: "These two star systems wrapped in defensive formations can basically be the opponent's material supply points."

"From this angle, the fleet penetrates directly into the enemy's core supply point..."

"After destroying the two supply points, the fleet will turn and penetrate directly into the enemy's hinterland!"

"The target... is naturally the enemy's central star system!"

"As long as we move fast enough, they can only watch the capital fall!"

"What if..." Bai Yixuan pondered for a moment and raised an objection, "What if the fleet is surrounded?"

"That's the other party's territory after all."

"If the other party has hidden power..."

"Have you forgotten [Chi You]?" Zhao Zijie said in a faint voice, "Although this guy's sailing speed is a bit slow, I estimate that by the time you break through this line of defense, it will reach the front battlefield."

"When the time comes, let these warships be dealt with."

An order came from the [Titan Mothership].

In the starry sky, the huge fleet started to move like a starry sky beast that had just woken up!

The [Golden Crow] battleships originally surrounding the [Titan Mothership] began to sail faster.

The [Xuanwu] frigate spread out in all directions, firmly protecting the [Titan Mothership] and the [Taotie] material reserve ship in the middle.

The shape of the fleet gradually changed from the original square to an elongated "cone".

At the same time, a large number of carrier-based drones flew out of the open hatch of the battleship, forming a constantly rotating conical defense network on the outermost layer of the fleet.

This is the one-word long snake formation of the interstellar era.

Like a sharp arrow, it penetrates directly into the core area of ​​the target!

Alliance command center.

"They slowed down!"

The leader who had been staring at the tachyon radar suddenly shouted: "10c, 5c..."

"They're out of warp state!"

"The enemy ship is 0.1 light years away!" Reports from others came from beside him, "The preset detector successfully observed the enemy's image!"

A picture quickly appeared on the big screen.

The huge fleet, accompanied by dots of searchlights, suddenly appeared silently in the starry sky.

Good luck.

The fleet appeared right next to the detector.

The distance between the two is only one million kilometers!

The detector of the Enroget civilization was as ridiculous as a small toy in front of this fleet.

Looking at the scene in front of him, the alliance leader's heart skipped a beat.

It can almost be predicted that an attack will come soon and completely destroy the detector!

They will also lose valuable observation opportunities!

Something unexpected happened.

The fleet of human civilization quickly passed the detector preset by the alliance, but did not make the slightest move.

It seems...the other party doesn't even bother to do anything to this little detector!

Likewise, they don’t care about the prying eyes of Enroget’s civilization!

The observation opportunity was still there, but the alliance leader's face quickly became ugly.

This is unabashed contempt!

"The number of enemy ships has been determined, and the current sailing speed of the enemy ships is 0.5c!"

"The enemy ship's route has been determined!"

Next to him, there was a hurried report.

"Observations are abnormal! Gamma rays have not been detected yet, and the opponent's conventional driving method is not an antimatter engine!"

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a commotion in the command center.

It is also a fifth-level civilization, but the other party uses another unknown conventional driving method.

In an instant, everyone present felt a chill rising behind their backs.

"...It is a new type of curvature navigation technology."

A researcher slowly raised his arm, pointed at the tachyon radar image in the distance, and murmured to himself: "The tachyon radar is still working..."

Hearing this, the leader of the Enroget Alliance slowly raised his head and looked at the tachyon radar that should have stopped working.

Tachyon radar can only passively detect nearby space-time fluctuations.

This means that once the warship leaves the curvature state, the tachyon radar becomes blind.

But that is not the case currently.

On the tachyon radar image that should have completely returned to calm, an extremely depressed and subtle wave peak appeared.

The leader's face changed slightly.

Worse happened.

The gap between the technological levels of the two sides seemed to be far greater than he imagined!

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