Time keeps passing.

The biggest feature of interstellar wars is gradually emerging - the time span is extremely long.

When the scope of the war is measured in light years, it is normal for the time scale to be continuously stretched.

As the human civilization expeditionary fleet continues to approach the alliance border defense line, the firepower competition between the two sides becomes more and more intense.

The Enroget Alliance paid the price of countless warships and lives for this.

As for the effect...

Unfortunately, there is not much effect.

The human fleet is like a bulldozer equipped with rocket thrusters, quietly and firmly clearing all obstacles and rapidly approaching the border defense line.

This scene undoubtedly puts an enormous psychological pressure on the Enroget Alliance.

Many crew members with weak psychological endurance even follow Hume's old path.

The alliance is gradually becoming chaotic.

The biggest weakness of the Enroget Alliance has appeared - the alliance composed of more than 300 civilizations is too loose.

When encountering an enemy with greater strength than itself, the chaos within the alliance will often greatly weaken its own strength.

The Enroget Alliance Council is not a vegetarian either.

To resist foreign aggression, we must first stabilize the internal situation.

The alliance leader, who was not very experienced, finally made up his mind as he looked at the increasingly chaotic alliance.

With a series of vigorous measures, the unrest within the alliance was barely suppressed. At the same time, almost all idle labor was forcibly requisitioned to the corresponding production units.

Although these compulsory measures caused a lot of gaps within the alliance, the council could not care about so much when the disaster was imminent.

The right thing to do was to survive first.

Enroget border defense line.

Kislin's eyes were slightly bloodshot, staring at the several screens on the console.

I don't know when it started, but the explosions and flames outside the portholes that had never stopped disappeared quietly.

The border defense line seemed to have ushered in the long-lost tranquility and peace.

The image in the tachyon radar showed the truth-the human fleet was about to arrive at the defense line.

At present, it was the last calm before the storm.

That's why, the moment the explosions and flames disappeared, the spirit of the entire border defense line became even tighter!

Silence became the main tone of the border defense line.

Under the orders of commanders at all levels, the warships and floating turrets waiting in the rear were filling the gaps in the defense line caused by the artillery fire of human civilization in an orderly manner. At the same time, some warships were rapidly carrying out battlefield cleaning and recycling work.

The debris from the explosion of those warships are precious resources.

The military factories in the rear have long begun to produce various weapons and equipment and even large warships without sleep, but these require a lot of resources.

The inventory is limited after all.

In order to win this interstellar war, or in other words, in order to maintain its own defense line and resist the invasion of human civilization, the Enroget Alliance can only focus on the wreckage of the destroyed warships on the battlefield.

The damaged defense line is recovering its original appearance at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The alarm of the tachyon radar finally sounded.


Kislin glanced at the border defense map, looked at the gaps that had not yet been repaired and the border defense line that had not yet completed the contraction task, and couldn't help but burst out a swear word.

"This damn human civilization, can't it come a little later?!"

The originally silent defense line became lively at this moment.

Whether in the communication channel or in the command cabin of the warship, it was filled with various curses with strange tones.

Suddenly, the noisy sound stopped.

Looking at the screen, Kisling realized the problem instantly.

He trembled slightly and raised his head to look at the porthole in front.

Under the reflection of flares, a huge fleet slowly revealed its figure from the deep and dark universe.

Looking at the fleet arranged in a cone, Kisling subconsciously held his breath.

This is a scene that the wave crest signal on the tachyon radar can never express.

The huge fleet is wrapped in a layer of shield constructed by a large number of drones, piercing the alliance border defense line with an unparalleled momentum.

Through the gaps between the dense drones, Kisling can vaguely see the warships inside.

Through the high-precision measuring device, it can easily obtain the size data of those warships.

Those giant ships that are five or six kilometers long are a symbol of power in themselves!

Not to mention the giant battleship that is nearly nine kilometers long in the center of the fleet!

Compared with these battleships, the battleships of the Enroget Alliance are like children's toys.

Although most of the Enroget battleships are also at the kilometer level, are warships of two or three kilometers comparable to warships of five or six kilometers, or even eight or nine kilometers?

Again, the same sentence.

There is also a gap between level five civilizations.

Slight explosions and flames formed ripples like water waves in front of the fleet - that was the scene formed by meteorites and warship wreckage being bombarded by laser cannons and hitting the composite shield.


Kislin opened his mouth, but no sound came out.

At this moment, it seemed to have lost the ability to speak.

Is this their opponent? !

Can the light-year defense line that the Enroget Alliance has built with all its strength really stop the advancement of this fleet?

Questions kept popping up in its mind.

The quiet command ship gradually became noisy.

"Here they come! They're coming!!"

"Attack! Attack!!"


The voices of all the people gathered together, forming a buzzing sound that poured into its ears unstoppably, pulling it out of its meditation.

It shook its head subconsciously, but as the human fleet approached, the buzzing became noisier.


It shouted sternly: "Calm down, everyone!!!"


It's like adding a spoonful of ice water to a pot of boiling water.

The originally noisy command ship quickly became quiet.

Keesling glanced around the crowd and took a deep breath.

After calming down its complicated emotions, it issued the order in a deep voice.

"All battleships, fire freely!"

"First echelon, prepare for the first impact of the enemy ships!"

At the moment when the fleet of human civilization appeared.

After being stagnant for a few seconds, the originally peaceful border defense line quickly spewed out artillery fire that was several times more violent than before!

Curvature missiles, anti-matter cannons, high-energy laser beams, metal storms...

This is artillery fire in the true sense!

Like the alliance's border defense fleet, the human fleet also launched its own attack immediately.

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