Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 757 Planetary Shield and Fleet Shield

Human expedition fleet, [Titan mothership].

The moment the alarm sounded, the atmosphere inside the ship suddenly became solemn.

"Turn on the auxiliary aiming and automatic interception functions."

Bai Yixuan gave the order in a deep voice: "Shipborne drones open fire freely, [Xuanwu] moves to the periphery of the fleet, the shield system runs at full power, and the fleet shield is deployed!"

"[Jinwu] battleship, [Baihu] destroyer, fire suppression!"

The moment the voice fell, the shipborne drone group that formed the "shell" of the conical fleet took the lead in action.

Under Zero's control, the pulse laser cannon quickly switched the attack direction and sent precise and dense laser beams to the oncoming curvature missiles and electromagnetic cannon projectiles.

Inside the "shell" of the shipborne drones are the intertwined [Xuanwu] frigates.

With the full power of the antimatter reactor, the powerful composite shield was quickly propped up.

At the same time, under Zero's precise calculation and control, these individual shields were spliced ​​and fused in sequence to form a super-large shield that could wrap up the entire fleet.

This is the planetary shield technology used on the [Chiyou] planetary fortress.

For the current human civilization, it is almost impossible to directly generate a planetary shield.

Therefore, the Human Union Academy of Sciences took a second choice and took the Grand Unified Field as the foundation. With the assistance of Zero, it precisely controlled the shields generated by each large shield generator and spliced ​​and fused them in sequence.

This is the planetary shield technology.

With Wilson's efforts, this technology was successfully transplanted to the [Xuanwu] frigate, greatly enhancing the fleet's defense power - the shields formed by mutual fusion can evenly distribute the attacks to each shield generator, which greatly reduces the possibility of shield generator overload in war.

The moment the fleet's shield was successfully deployed, the electromagnetic guns installed on the [Xuanwu] frigates spurted out deadly flames one after another!

As the old saying goes.

A tank that can't output is not a good front row.

Although most of the energy of the antimatter reactor was used by the shield generation device, the simple electromagnetic cannons could still be used.

There is no doubt that the projectile is sandwiched.

In addition, its real operator is Zero...

A simple electromagnetic cannon can also play an extremely powerful role on the battlefield!

Under the dense interception network composed of laser beams and electromagnetic cannons, the flames of explosions frequently and densely lit up in front and on the sides of the expeditionary fleet-the kinetic weapons launched by the opponent were easily intercepted.

In addition to kinetic weapons, there are also energy weapons.

The dense laser beams and antimatter cannons from the Enroget Alliance successfully passed through the interception area arranged by the human fleet and hit the "surface" of the fleet.

The ship-borne drones and [Xuanwu] absorbed almost all the damage from the laser beams.

The adaptive anti-laser armor they were equipped with began to take effect.

While the liquid nitrogen cooled the melted area, fine dust gushed out from the inner layer of the armor, becoming a powerful weapon to block the laser.

This idea from the Latour civilization still works stably even in the battlefield of the fifth-level civilization.

The antimatter torrent composed of a large amount of antimatter bombarded the giant shield around the fleet, creating layers of bright ripples.

Failed to break our armor!

As for the [Golden Crow] and [White Tiger] in the interior, they were completely bloodthirsty at this time - the curvature missiles were thrown out like they were free.

Further in, there were engineering ships and [Taotie] material storage ships.

Under Zero's control, the engineering ships have been connected to each other and built a simple starship factory.

With the supply of [Taotie], a large amount of weapons and ammunition were manufactured and sent to the outer combat units in batches by small transport ships.

In this way, the human expedition fleet pressed towards the defense line that stretched for several light years in an extremely fast and stable manner!

As the distance between the two sides continued to close, the density of antimatter cannons and laser beams became more and more terrifying - the warships that originally had insufficient range can now reach the human fleet.

The output of a single warship is not actually high, but it is huge!

[Titan Mothership].

Looking at the rising shield load, Bai Yixuan frowned slightly.

After a simple calculation of the distance to the enemy and the density of the enemy's antimatter cannons, he issued an order again.

"The current distance is too close, [White Tiger], [Golden Crow], stop firing curvature missiles!"

"Prepare to fire ion cannons and accurately intercept the enemy's antimatter cannons!"


Antimatter cannons have an extremely huge flaw.

That is, when it encounters matter, no matter what matter it is, it will annihilate with it.

The interception plan for antimatter cannons was officially developed based on this flaw - the ion cannon that was almost eliminated was brought out.

As long as the antimatter is consumed in advance with the matter particles emitted by the ion cannon, it will not cause damage to our fleet.

It sounds simple, but it is not easy to do.

In the vast universe, an ion beam is emitted, and this ion beam must perfectly collide with the antimatter beam emitted by the enemy...

This requires extremely exaggerated reaction speed and accuracy.

Fortunately, human civilization has this strength.

Under Zero's control, the ion cannons quickly adjusted their angles and attacked the antimatter cannons of varying strengths head-on!

In the empty universe, an ion beam and an antiparticle beam moved towards each other and collided accurately!

Boom! Boom! !

At the moment when the annihilation reaction occurred, the middle area of ​​the fleets of both sides was like 10,000 suns!

The entire starry sky was lit up!

The violent gamma rays scattered around, this was the largest indiscriminate attack!

The border defense line of the Enroget Alliance was obviously hit hard - the artillery fire was instantly sparse.

Obviously, the radiation protection layer of their warships was not strong enough.


Border defense line, the first defense echelon.

Moore panted hard, while wiping the green blood flowing out of the holes in his body.

The burning sensation came from all over the body, and at the same time, there was unbearable pain and dizziness.

This is the body's reaction to a huge amount of radiation.

"Cough... cough cough..."

It coughed hard twice.

Pieces of broken internal organs mixed with blood gushed out of its mouth.

"Damn... damn..."

"How dare they fight like this..."

Moll's eyes were a little confused, and he stared at the extremely dazzling, layered explosions outside the porthole with his eyes wide open as much as possible.

So gorgeous, and so dangerous.

The deadly radiation penetrated the warship's radiation protection layer and destroyed their bodies in a simple and crude way.

Moll grabbed the emergency medicine beside him and injected it directly into his body.

The burning sensation from all parts of the body eased a little.

But it knew that this could not save its life, it could only slightly delay its death and alleviate its pain.


"Aren't you afraid of radiation..."

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