After a brief surprise, everyone's attention gradually shifted to another important piece of information.

[The Tenth Empire]

"This should be the name of this advanced civilization, right?"

Fang Xu sighed in a low voice: "Named as an empire, the strength of this civilization... I'm afraid it's not simple!"

Lv Yongchang nodded silently.

If you want to wear the crown, you must bear its weight.

The word "empire" is not something that every civilization can bear.

Just like human civilization, it can only declare to the outside world that it is a pan-human federation in the galaxy.

Of course, as long as you are thick-skinned enough and not afraid of trouble, it is natural to stick to yourself.

But it is obvious that this advanced civilization that has mastered space weapons and strong interaction materials is unlikely to be the kind of civilization that seeks fame.


Fang Xu then asked a creepy question.

"Where did they go?"

The moment the voice fell, a strong chill rose behind everyone in the command center.


After a short silence, Lv Yongchang responded softly: "First, rule out the war factor."

"From the outside, the ruins are intact, without any signs of external damage caused by war."

This not only did not reduce the chill in everyone's heart, but even aggravated it a bit.

Let an advanced civilization that has mastered such technology abandon its home planet and leave...

After ruling out the war factor, Lv Yongchang found it difficult to imagine the reason.

One mystery after another slowly rose in everyone's mind.

"Keep going." Lv Yongchang thought for a moment and gave an order, "The fleet retreats 0.1 light years."

"When the fleet arrives at the target area, the scientific research robot approaches the gate and sends electromagnetic wave information to the gate."

"Information content..."

"Still choose the previous grand unified theory."


Outside the ruins.

The scientific research fleet led by [Earth] started the antimatter engine again and slowly drove away.

When the fleet reached the target area 0.1 light years away, the scientific research robots inside the ruins took action again.

They slowly stepped forward and took the initiative to send electromagnetic wave signals to the gate.

The surrounding orange-yellow light flickered slightly for a few times, and a response message came back from the gate.

Inside [Earth], Lv Yongchang stared at the translation progress in the holographic projection with full concentration.

There was not much worry in his eyes.

On the contrary, he was even a little excited at this time.

The "test question" appeared.

About the practical application of the grand unified theory - grand unified field technology.

The "test question" was not profound, just reaching the technological limit of human civilization - interfering with and controlling gravity and electromagnetic interaction, and did not involve strong and weak interaction.

Rather than saying it is the technological limit of human civilization, it is not the technological limit of level 5 civilization.

The excitement in Lv Yongchang's eyes gradually dissipated, and even revealed a bit of disappointment.

"What a pity..."

He curled his lips and murmured in a low voice with disappointment on his face.

Judging from the form of the last "test question\

,"if this "test question" involves the theory of advanced civilization, then he can even "get some theoretical information for free".

Knowing the theoretical system of advanced civilization in advance will only be beneficial to the future development of human civilization.

Maybe, it can greatly increase the speed of human civilization becoming a level 6 civilization!

"It's a pity..." Although he knew what Lv Yongchang meant, Fang Xu couldn't help rolling his eyes when he heard this, "At least we can enter the next area."

He rubbed his hands, and his eyes showed some expectation: "The manufacturing area of ​​strong interaction materials... It's really exciting to think about it!"

As he said this, he signaled to Lv Yongchang with his eyes - why are you standing there? You should fill in the answer quickly!

"No hurry." Facing Fang Xu's urging eyes, Lv Yongchang chuckled and looked at the holographic projection in front of him with interest.

"The first test question screened out civilizations below level 5."

"The second test question screened out those level 5 civilizations with insufficient technological level..."


There was a little light in his eyes: "I seem to understand what this advanced civilization wants to do..."

Lv Yongchang did not keep the suspense, but gave a direct answer.

"The other party's purpose is probably to select the 'potential players' who are about to become or can become level 6 civilizations."

"If my guess is correct..."

"If there are areas to enter later, the test questions there will be related to space...or time and space."

Fang Xu's heart jumped.

The word "selection" sounds uncomfortable.

It seems that in front of this advanced civilization called the Tenth Empire, civilizations below level 6 are like seeds that can be selected at will.

He frowned: "What should we do now?"

"Huh?" Lv Yongchang looked at Fang Xu in surprise, "What should we do?"

"Of course, keep moving forward."

"Since we are here, can we give up halfway?"

"Besides, what does the question answered by the zero-sum robot have to do with us humans?"

As he said, Lv Yongchang had already raised his hand and wrote the answer in the holographic projection.

Fang Xu: "..."

You know how to take the blame.


The response message was still sent to the gate in the form of electromagnetic waves.

At the same time, the orange-yellow light of unknown origin flickered slightly as usual.

This time the flickering time was a little longer, as if the program inside the ruins was not good at judging application-type technologies.

As the frequency of the orange-yellow light flickered gradually, an electromagnetic wave message came from the gate.

[Hello, strange fifth-level silicon-based civilization. ]

The translated text appeared in the holographic projection of [Earth].

There was a commotion in the command center.

"Are they still there?!"

Fang Xu trembled and exclaimed.

The information that appeared in the next second was a slap in the face at the speed of light.

[This is the mother planet fortress of the Tenth Empire. ]

[I am the central control mastermind of the fortress. ]

[You can call me...]


"Artificial intelligence?" Lv Yongchang raised his eyebrows sharply and said to himself, "I wonder what level of artificial intelligence this is..."


He suddenly noticed a problem with the name.

"Silicon-based civilization?"

"Does it think we are a silicon-based civilization?"

"It seems... the other party should be just a level I artificial intelligence, otherwise, it shouldn't make such a serious mistake."

Thinking of this, Lv Yongchang's heart calmed down a little.

[Strange level 5 silicon-based civilization, please tell me your name. ]

Another message appeared in the holographic projection.

Lv Yongchang pondered for a moment.

Fingers moved slightly, and replied:

[Enroget Civilization]

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