[Hello Enroget Civilization, welcome to the Tenth Empire. 】

The moment this line of text appeared, the atmosphere in the [Earth] command center suddenly became weird.

The poor Enroget civilization was pulled out as a shield just after it perished.

"What does the Enroget civilization do have to do with our human civilization?"

Lu Yongchang said this, and followed the other party's words and asked: "Are you also silicon-based life forms?" 】

After waiting for a few seconds, the Level I artificial intelligence in the ruins responded.

[No, I'm not, I'm just a Type I artificial intelligence they created. 】

[But the individuals of the Tenth Empire are silicon-based life forms. 】

Lu Yongchang understood.

With his eyes moving slightly, he asked again: [What do I need to pay? 】

In order to "cheat" as much information as possible from the Level I artificial intelligence, he deliberately blurred the words of his inquiry.


What follows is a longer waiting time.

[Enroget Civilization has successfully passed the second stage of assessment, please continue moving forward. 】

The next moment, the closed door in front of him suddenly opened, revealing the deeper structure of the ruins.

Lu Yongchang: "???"

What the hell?

Just run away? !

With a look of astonishment on his face, he sent several messages to the gate, but received no response from [Ten].

"Hiss..." Lu Yongchang took a breath and muttered to himself with some toothache, "This artificial intelligence seems to be a bit introverted..."

Fang Xu: "..."

"Ahem, I'm kidding." Looking at the increasingly weird expressions of everyone around him, Lu Yongchang explained with a smile, "It should be a problem with the program settings."

"Since the individuals of the Tenth Empire are silicon-based organisms, it is easy to understand that silicon-based organisms are given preferential treatment in programming."

He plausibly said: "I would do the same thing in other circumstances."

Fang Xu, who was about to ask for evidence, twitched his lips.

Well, in a sense, as the creator of Zero, these words of Lu Yongchang are indeed the most powerful evidence at present.

"In short, the robot we sent was identified as a silicon-based life form by accident. This is definitely a good thing for us."

Lu Yongchang waved his hand: "Keep going!"

[Strong interaction material manufacturing area]

Although the basic structure is similar to the outer factory area, as a more important area within the fortress, its interior decoration and details are more exquisite.

The biggest difference is that the fog dispersed in the space has become thicker.

Under the orange-yellow light, the thick mist rolled and rose, just like in a fairyland.

That was the wind and waves caused by the rapid flight of micro drones - they cooperated with the scientific research robots under Zero's control to quickly explore this vast area.

At this point, Lu Yongchang gradually began to have some guesses in his mind.

This mist is probably the living environment of individuals in the Tenth Empire.

Just like humans must live in the air, individuals of the Tenth Empire are very likely to live in the upper atmosphere of the ice giant.

Time passes minute by minute.

Modeling in holographic projection is also gradually improving.

But the atmosphere in the command center gradually turned from excitement and anticipation to stiffness.


Fang Xu took a deep breath and exhaled it forcefully.

You can tell his mood at this time from his slightly flushed face.

"Fraud! This is simply a scam!!"

"How can this be said to be a strong interaction material manufacturing area?!"

"Where's the device? Where's the product? Where's the assembly line?!"

The screen switches to the giant holographic projection in front.

After the fog's blocking effect was eliminated, the entire view of the manufacturing area was now very clear.

Even more embarrassing than the outer areas.

In this area, there are only empty shells with a height of tens of meters.

Lu Yongchang can even find the shell of the console inside.

Unlike the simplest consoles of human civilization, the console of the Tenth Empire has a large number of control buttons.

Lu Yongchang made a rough estimate. If the console was scaled down, it would take at least twenty people to control the buttons on the console.

He couldn't help but be curious about the individual appearance of the Tenth Empire.

"There are just a bunch of empty shells here!!!" Fang Xu's wailing sound came from the side.

Lu Yongchang, whose thoughts were interrupted, glanced at Fang Xu helplessly: "Is it possible...this was indeed a manufacturing area."

"Of course, what happens next?" Fang Xu stared blankly at the holographic projection in front of him.

"Then? The Tenth Empire emptied it when they left." Lu Yongchang shrugged, "Many of the cutting devices outside were broken and the technology was not high, so they kept it. "

Fang Xu: "..."

Obviously, it could be seen from his slightly distorted expression that it would take some time for him to get over this huge sense of loss.

With previous exploration experience, Zero quickly found the door to the next area.

Same process as usual.

The "introverted" [10] once again sent out assessment questions.

Sure enough, as Lu Yongchang expected, the content of the assessment was related to time and space.

He frowned and carefully examined the complex problems in the holographic projection.

If it were the previous human civilization, this question might have really stumped him.

But in the war with [Enroget Civilization], after seeing the space rift and temporarily creating a space-time tsunami, his understanding of space-time has improved a lot.

Thanks to [Enroget Civilization].

He worked hard until his death and made great contributions to the development of human civilization.

But even so, he hesitated and struggled several times when answering this question.

Of course, answering this question itself also brought a lot of benefits to Lv Yongchang.

After all, this is a test question given by a higher civilization to a level 5 civilization.

He can even use the test question to simply sort out the originally mixed space-time knowledge system.

At the moment of submitting the answer, Lv Yongchang couldn't help but feel a little uneasy.

Just like taking an exam in the Earth era.

He chuckled and shook his head to put this feeling behind him.

The time for judging the answer is getting longer and longer.

The slightly flickering orange-yellow light, reflecting the slowly rolling fog, the motionless scientific research robot and the tightly closed door, formed a mysterious scene.


The orange-yellow light stopped flickering.

[Enroget Civilization, Level 5 Civilization, Civilized Individuals are Silicon-based Biological Beings, Successfully Passed All Assessments. ]

[Visitor Permission Has Been Opened. ]

[The Tenth Empire Mother Star Fortress Welcomes You. ]

ps: Thanks to the master Lunrenlunxiaoluntubandit for sending the great god certification!

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