Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 84 Target: Moon (Two-in-one) (1/2)

Chapter 84 Target: Moon (2-in-1)


Lu Yongchang looked at the professor in front of him with strange eyes, coughed twice and said.

"The project site is located in the Taklimakan Desert."

"Once the project starts, you will need to spend several years in the artificial ecosystem. Have you thought about this clearly?"

As soon as he finished speaking, several professors in front of him patted their chests and said, "Don't worry, Professor Lu, we had already thought about this when we came here!"

"As long as we can conduct research on the artificial ecosystem project, we can live in it for a lifetime!"

"That's right!"

"After so many years, we are finally coming out!!"


Listening to the sentiments expressed by the professors in front of him, Lu Yongchang had a wry smile on his face.

As the meeting concluded successfully, Xia Guo News immediately reported this event that would go down in history.

"According to our news, this evening, the scientific research discussion held at Sandaokou University officially ended."

"During the meeting, Director Lu had several hours of discussions with academicians and professors on Xia Guo's future scientific research direction."

"During the meeting, Director Lu announced that Xia State will launch the Moon Palace Project today. At the same time, Xia State will restart the Biosphere 2 Project in the Taklimakan Desert!"

The moment Xia Guo's news was reported, the melon-eating people wearing scarves also fell into madness.

"Holy shit, shit, shit?! Today isn't April Fools' Day, is it?"

"So, the Moon Palace Project that Professor Lu mentioned before, is it serious?"

"Upstairs, judging from the current situation, not to mention the Moon Palace Plan, I guess the Nantianmen Plan is also serious."

"Zhuo, this is no longer a problem with the Strategic Deception Bureau! This damn thing is simply a Strategic Intimidation Bureau!"

"Stop talking, I'm going to eat two Xizhilang jelly. I'm going to be an astronaut too!"

"Hahahahaha damn, are you going to laugh me to death upstairs!"

"To solve the psychological shadow of the United States at this moment 23333."

The psychological shadow of the United States is probably difficult to calculate.

But at least, Albert's psychological shadow at this time is indeed quite big.


"Bang bang bang!" A sound of banging on the table came from the president's office.

"William Blair!" Albert's face turned red, and the blond hair on his head swayed up and down as he slapped the table, making it very elegant.

"Holy shit! Aren't you saying that these three plans of Xia Guo are all deceiving people?!"

Albert stretched out his slightly fat fingers and pointed tremblingly at a document in front of him: "Tell me, what is going on? Why did Xia Guo launch the Moon Palace Project?!"

Facing the president's angry roar, William Blair and Anthony looked at each other and said with a wry smile: "Your Excellency, we didn't expect Xia Guo's plans to be serious..."

"However...according to NASA's predictions, it will take at least five to ten years for Xia Guo to initially realize the Moon Palace Project."

Hearing this, Albert's expression relaxed a little.

But after the previous lessons, he became a lot more cautious.

He looked at Moulton on the side with a suspicious look on his face: "Director Moulton, is this true?"

Moulton spread his hands and shrugged, "I don't know."

"That's what those scientists concluded."

Moulton also learned the lesson and threw the blame directly on the heads of his scientists.

Albert took a deep breath: "When can the Pathfinder project start?"

"What I mean is, when can those three rockets go to heaven?"

Hearing this, Moulton's eyes became increasingly bitter: "Your Excellency, the biggest problem right now is not the hardware."

"What's the meaning?"

Moulton sighed deeply: "As of now, the Saturn VI launch vehicle and Mars landing module are ready, but... there is something wrong with our astronauts."

"WTF?! What problem can the astronauts have?" Albert gestured exaggeratedly, "Are they still going home to say goodbye to their parents?"

"...Sir, I'm afraid it's even worse." Moulton was silent for a while and said softly, "Currently, no astronauts within NASA are willing to participate in this project."

"They think going to Mars right now is just asking for death."

Albert's face froze: "Can't we force them to participate in the project?"

Moulton shrugged and looked at Albert with an expression that looked like a fool: "What do you think?"

"Fxxk!" Albert cursed through gritted teeth, "They are all a bunch of cowards! Trash!"

"Why does NASA raise such a batch of garbage?!"

Moulton: "..."

Feeling offended.

He pondered for a moment and shrugged: "How about... you go up and try?"

Albert's curse stopped for a moment.

"...Ahem!" Albert coughed hard, "Isn't there any other way?"

"Of course, we can ask for volunteers from the private sector."


Albert looked at Moulton in front of him speechlessly.

Is this a method thought up by humans?

When will NASA astronauts also be able to find volunteers?

early morning.

In an unknown slum in Walton, USA.

Andrew was woken up by the blaring alarm clock.

Looking at the still dim sky outside the window, Andrew sighed deeply.

He needed to go to the construction site next door to work.

As a black man, Andrew has been treated unfairly since he was a child.

It is precisely because of his skin color that even though he is more hardworking than most Americans, he can only live in this dirty and messy slum.

The only comforting thing is that God will not be prejudiced against him because of his skin color.

At this time, Andrew already has a considerate wife and a quirky daughter.

Therefore, Andrew does not complain too much about his living conditions.

At least, as long as he works hard, he can still make a living.

According to the current salary, as long as he works for another 20 or 30 years, maybe he can change a better place for his family!

"Andrew, our daughter... will be of school age next year."

At breakfast, his wife's words pulled him out of his fantasy.

Andrew's face turned pale instantly.

How could he forget this question.

His daughter is already of school age.

Going to school in the United States is not an easy thing!

At least, for Andrew, it is very difficult!

"I... I will solve it."

Andrew slightly opened his pale lips and said bitterly.

It seems that he has to find a part-time job.

He turned on the old TV set beside him with a heavy heart.

"Here is an urgent news."

"The US authorities announced that they will launch a Mars landing project within a month, codenamed Pathfinder."

"The project aims to create a second habitable home for all mankind."

"At that time, NASA will launch three Saturn VI heavy-lift rockets to transport three astronauts and a Mars landing capsule to Mars."

"The three astronauts will conduct three months of survival research on Mars."

"At present, due to unexpected circumstances, NASA is short of astronauts. Now, NASA authorities are looking for volunteers across the country who are willing to go to Mars and open up new territories for the United States."

"The project is highly dangerous. NASA will give each selected volunteer a reward of US$500,000. At the same time, the children of volunteers will have priority admission to US public schools, and tuition is free..."

It doesn't matter what the TV says behind the scenes.

Andrew looked at the TV in front of him, and his breathing became increasingly rapid.

This, isn't this a project tailored for him?

Priority admission, free tuition, $500,000 reward...

He swallowed slightly and turned to look at his wife beside him: "Amy, I want to participate in this project."

Amy's face suddenly changed, and she lowered her voice and said: "Andrew! Are you crazy?!"

"This thing is unreliable at first glance!"

"Launch a rocket to Mars within a month? When did the United States have such powerful technology?!"

Andrew bit his back teeth, and a trace of cruelty flashed in his eyes: "Amy, this is news released by NASA, and the bonus will definitely not be less!"

"Even if, even if I fail, you and the child can..."

Amy wanted to say something, but was stopped by Andrew.

He looked carefully at the registration address on TV, then took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"Boss, I want to take a leave today!"

The noisy sound of the machine running came from the other end of the phone.

A rough voice followed: "What? Take a leave? Damn, Andrew, there is no one else to work for you today!"

Andrew did not speak.

"You can take a leave, but I will deduct three days' salary from you!"

Before Andrew could speak, the call was hung up.

Looking at the phone in his hand, Andrew's eyes became more determined.

He had had enough of this kind of life!



The third day after the meeting.

7:30 pm.

The lights in the Xiaguo National Space Research Institute were bright, and every researcher's face was full of tension. Even the air in the institute seemed particularly dull.

Outside the institute, the all-black Xuannv No. 1 quietly parked on the takeoff runway.

The flashing signal lights on the runway seemed to foreshadow the big things that were going to happen tonight.

Inside Xuannv No. 1.

The three pilots sat in their seats with solemn expressions.

"Are you ready?"

Bai Yixuan looked straight ahead at the front of the plane and whispered softly: "We are about to become the first Xia people to land on the moon."


Hearing Bai Yixuan's words, Hong Fan exhaled deeply, and then reached out and rubbed his stiff face hard.

Seeing this scene, Xia Wanyi's mouth twitched slightly, revealing a slightly stiff smile.

"What? Can't you bear the pressure?"

Hong Fan rolled his eyes unhappily, took a few deep breaths and said softly: "I just didn't react."

"Who would have thought that Professor Lu would assign us a mission to the moon the next day after the meeting, without giving us any time to prepare!"

Hearing Hong Fan's complaints, Bai Yixiuan smiled bitterly.

Not to mention Hong Fan, even he didn't expect it.

Although he knew that Xuannv No. 1 would land on the moon sooner or later, he never thought that this day would come so soon!

"Tsk... tsk..."

There was a burst of electric current in the radio.

The next moment, a clear voice came.

"Xuan Nu No. 1, please reply."

Bai Yixuan's expression moved slightly, and he reached out and pressed the radio communication button.

"Xuan Nu No. 1 received, please speak!"

Lv Yongchang's voice came quickly: "Xuan Nu No. 1, please pay attention, there are still 15 minutes before takeoff."


Bai Yixuan responded while reaching out to press several buttons on the console in front of him.

A low humming sound came from the soles of his feet.

On the dashboard, the fluctuating values ​​in the neutron dose detector showed that the fusion reactor had started working.

"Everyone, relax a little." Lv Yongchang chuckled, "It's just a trip to the moon."

A bitter smile flashed in Bai Yixuan's eyes.

It's just a trip to the moon?

It's easy to say...

"Professor Lu, can I ask you a question?" Xia Wanyi's voice sounded on the radio.

"Well? You say!"

As takeoff approached, Lv Yongchang's attitude softened a lot, trying to avoid bringing too much psychological pressure to the pilot.

Hearing Lv Yongchang's steady voice, Xia Wanyi bit her lip lightly and whispered: "Professor Lv, can I ask, is the success rate of this moon landing high..."


Bai Yixuan's face changed slightly, and he whispered: "What are you talking about!"

Is this question asked before takeoff?

After turning his head and glaring at Xia Wanyi on his right, he quickly apologized to Lv Yongchang: "Professor Lv, I'm sorry, Xia Wanyi is under a lot of pressure, what she just said..."

Before he finished speaking, Lv Yongchang interrupted Bai Yixuan: "It's okay, I understand."

"After all, this is the first manned moon landing in Xia Country, and it's normal to be nervous."

After a moment of silence, Lv Yongchang's voice sounded again: "Wanyi, aerospace has never had a 100% success rate. I believe you know this better than me."

The moment she heard this, Xia Wanyi's eyelashes trembled slightly.

That's right.

Even Xia Country has suffered a lot in the development of the aerospace industry.

"Although I can't accurately say what the success rate is, I can tell you one thing responsibly."

"Xuan Nu No. 1 and this moon landing plan have been repeatedly verified by all of us."

"At least, in theory, you won't encounter any danger."

Lv Yongchang's steady and powerful voice was transmitted to the ears of the three pilots through the headphones, bringing some peace to their slightly restless hearts.

Bai Yixuan glanced at the time on the console and the values ​​on various dashboards, and took a deep breath.


"Xuan Nu No. 1 is in normal condition and can take off at any time!"

The moment he heard this, Lu Yongchang's expression suddenly became serious!

A powerful aura naturally emanated from him!

"Approved to take off!"

"30-second countdown begins!"





"Take off!"

"I wish you all a safe journey!"

With Lu Yongchang's order, a faint blue flame instantly appeared at the tail of Xuan Nu No. 1.

After a short run-up, Xuan Nu No. 1 drew a perfect arc in the night sky!

Target: The Moon!

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