Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 85 It's right above our heads

USA, NASA headquarters.

A researcher wearing gold-rimmed glasses yawned and pushed open the office door, slowly walking to the coffee machine.

While waiting for coffee, he turned his head and looked at the clock beside him.

8:30 in the morning.

No wonder the office was empty...

A bit of annoyance flashed in the researcher's eyes.

If it weren't for the damn alarm clock being wrong, he wouldn't have come to the office so early!

"Beep! Beep! Beep!"

Just as the researcher was secretly angry, a piercing alarm sounded in the computer beside him.

He was stunned for a moment, quickly reached out to turn off the coffee machine, and quickly walked towards the computer that sounded the alarm.

When he saw the bright red alarm jumping on the computer screen, his pupils shrank suddenly!

"Jesus... What is Xia Guo going to do again..."

He didn't have time to think, turned around and grabbed the phone beside him and dialed a number!

"Quick! Transfer me to Director Morton!"

A few minutes later, Morton's slightly confused voice came from the microphone. Obviously, Morton had not gotten up yet.

"Hello? Who?"

The researcher looked at the increasingly bright alarm, his face became more and more anxious: "Director Morton, something happened!"

"Satellite detected that Xia's Xuannv No. 1 took off again!"

"What?!" The moment he heard this, Morton's sleepiness instantly dissipated completely.

He grabbed the phone with one hand and grabbed the clothes beside the bed with the other hand: "Damn, where is it now?!"

"..."The researcher swallowed slightly, his pupils trembling slightly, "Above our heads."

Morton's breathing suddenly choked, and his pupils instantly shrank to the size of a needle tip!


Lawrence is an astronomy enthusiast.

In order to better observe the starry sky, he specially transformed the roof of his villa into an astronomical dome.

At 8:30 in the morning, Lawrence was eating breakfast while adjusting the astronomical telescope he bought at a high price.

Suddenly, a dark shadow flashed across his computer screen.

Lawrence was stunned.

Could it be that he had just photographed a UFO? !

A guess flashed through his mind.

As we all know, the United States is a common place for UFOs.

A trace of excitement slowly emerged in his eyes.

He put down the bread in his hand and quickly operated the astronomical telescope next to him.

Whether it was a UFO or not, as long as he could take a full picture of the flying object, he would make a fortune!

At least, he could be a little famous in the local newspaper!

As he operated on the computer, the astronomical telescope next to him slowly moved.


As the picture gradually became clear, Lawrence stared blankly at the unidentified object on the computer screen.

A dark black, streamlined plane was quietly flying in the blue sky.

At the tail of the plane, there was a dark blue tail flame that was nearly half the length of the fuselage!

The camera slowly zoomed in, and Lawrence even saw the bright red flag printed on the side of the plane!

"Xia's...Xuan Nu No. 1?"

Lawrence muttered to himself, and quickly took a high-definition photo of Xuan Nu No. 1.

Afterwards, he moved his finger slightly, opened his Twitter account, and uploaded the photo.

Little did he know that his move completely caused chaos in the United States.


The United States, the White House.

Albert sat in the office, frowning at the documents in front of him, and occasionally taking a sip of Coca-Cola beside him.

Suddenly, a noisy shout came from outside the window.

Albert frowned and whispered to the beautiful secretary next to him: "What's going on? Why is it so noisy outside?"

Hearing Albert's words, the secretary hurriedly twisted her body to the window, opened the curtains and looked out.


The moment she saw the scene outside the window, the beautiful secretary reached out and gently covered her red lips, muttering to herself: "Mr. President, I think you may need to come and see it in person."

Albert's brows frowned even deeper.

He sighed deeply, put down the documents in his hand, stood up from the chair with difficulty and walked to the window.

Outside the White House, as far as the eye could see, there were Americans holding banners.

"WTF?!" Albert pulled down the curtains suddenly, and looked at the crowd through the gap with a gloomy face, "What happened?!"

"Knock knock knock!!"

A rapid knock on the door came.

"Mr. President, something happened!"

Morton's voice came from outside the door.

Albert's face became more and more ugly: "Come in!"

The office door slammed open, and Morton outside the door looked pale, with beads of sweat on his forehead.

"Mr. President, Xia's Xuannv No. 1 is now above our heads!"


Ten minutes later, the president's office was transformed into a temporary combat command center.

On the big screen, the graceful flying posture of Xuannv No. 1 was clearly visible.

"Fxxk..." Albert slammed the table angrily and shouted in a low voice, "Where is our army?"

"Why not send fighter jets to drive it out?!"

Anthony shrugged lightly: "Mr. President, it is now in geosynchronous orbit, and our fighter jets can't fly that high."

"At that altitude, the only objects we can control are satellites."

Albert's face choked.

"If you want to mobilize the satellite to collide with this plane, I advise you not to do it." Anthony sighed slightly, "Not to mention whether the satellite can catch up with it, if we piss it off, it can absolutely Take down all our satellites."

Albert leaned heavily on the back of the presidential chair.

An unprecedented feeling of powerlessness arose in his heart.

This is the first time he has experienced such a feeling since he became the president of the United States.

For the first time, he experienced the despair brought about by the technological gap, just like...the Indians back then.

Albert took out his phone with a gloomy expression, and opened Twitter with trembling fat fingers.

Seeing the words that were all cursing him, the corners of Albert's mouth twitched twice.

"Call me Xia Guo's national hotline!"

"Mr. Congressman, I would like to ask, why is your country's No. 1 Xuannv in the United States?"

Albert's voice reached Congressman Li's ears thousands of miles away through the phone line.

A smile flashed in Congressman Li's eyes, and he asked in a very surprised tone: "Mr. Albert, you just said that Xuannv No. 1 is in your country?"

"When did the 36,000-kilometer geostationary orbit become part of your country's national border?"

Albert's face turned red instantly: "Member...Mr. Speaker, this joke is not funny. I strongly condemn this behavior of your country!"

The smile in Congressman Li's eyes grew stronger: "Mr. Albert, don't worry, Xuannv 1 is just performing a mission, you can treat it as a satellite!"

Albert almost spat out a mouthful of blood.


You can say this!

Is there such a satellite? !

But soon, his eyes moved slightly and he caught the key point of the sentence: "Mission? What mission?"

A few seconds later, Congressman Li's calm voice came from the microphone.

“Manned landing on the moon!”

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