Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 86 Who is the first to leave the cabin?

Xia Guo News Channel.

"The latest news from our station is that at 6 o'clock this evening, Xuannv 1 took off from the National Aerospace Research Institute."

"This time Xuannv 1 will go to the moon to conduct a series of scientific research experiments. At that time, the moon landing process will be broadcast live on all platforms..."

Naturally, the three astronauts in Xuannv-1 had no idea how much panic they had caused to the United States.

At this time, they were in a state of boredom.

Since the speed of Xuannv-1 reached 11.2km/s, they embarked on the journey to the moon.

At this time, the moon is at apogee, almost 400,000 kilometers away from the earth.

In other words, even if Xuannv-1 maintains a speed of 11.2km/s, it will take them 9.92 hours to reach the moon.

Not to mention they need to slow down in advance.

Nine hours flew by.

The side windows of Xuannv No. 1 were completely dark.

Because of the lack of the necessary reference system, and the fact that Xuannv 1 has been traveling at a constant speed.

If it weren't for the increasing area occupied by the moon in the porthole directly in front, the three astronauts would even have the illusion of standing still.

Hong Fan gently picked up the special water cup on the side, took a sip of the drink through the straw, and shouted loudly: "It's great!"

"This is what aerospace is!"

"I don't even know how we tolerated such a small landing bay before!"

"It's a pity that Professor Lu didn't come this time. Otherwise, the atmosphere in our cabin would have been much livelier!"

As soon as Hong Fan finished speaking, Bai Yixuan's body suddenly stiffened.

He turned his head and glared at Hong Fan: "What nonsense are you talking about!"

"If Professor Lu can still sneak up on No. 1 Xuannv this time, we probably won't be able to afford it!"

With that said, Bai Yixuan turned his head and glanced behind him.

When he saw the empty passenger seat behind him, he breathed a sigh of relief.


"Attention! There are still 1,000 kilometers away from the scheduled deceleration point!"

After seeing the prompt message popping up on the console screen, Bai Yixuan's expression was shocked!

"Everyone, we are almost there! Brace yourself, the most dangerous moment is next!"

With that said, Bai Yixuan pressed the radio button.

"Xuannv 1 calls the ground command center. We have arrived at the scheduled deceleration point. Please give instructions!"

After nine hours of navigation, Xuannv 1 has arrived at a distance of 360,000 kilometers from the earth.

Even if the radio signal travels at the speed of light, there is a delay of up to 2.4 seconds.

A few seconds later, a sound mixed with the sound of strong electric current sounded in the earphones.

"Ground command center received it!"

"Everything goes according to plan!"

After receiving the order, Bai Yixuan's expression moved slightly, he reached out and pushed a few buttons on the console, and said softly: "Everyone, check your seat belts, Xuannv No. 1 is about to slow down!"

As the last button was pressed, Xuannv-1's Hall thruster gradually turned off.

At the same time, the engine nozzle located on its belly slowly changed direction.

Then, a faint blue flame shot out in the direction of Xuannv No. 1!

Looking at the silver-white planet that occupied the entire porthole, Bai Yixuan took a deep breath.

Next, is the most dangerous moment in the whole process!

"Call the ground command center! Call the ground command center!"

"This is Xuannv No. 1!"

"We have arrived in lunar synchronous orbit, please land!"

"Repeat, request landing!"

After a few seconds of delay, Lu Yongchang's voice came over the radio.

"Approved for landing!"

"Everything goes as planned!"


Bai Yixuan responded softly: "Now prepare to release the satellite!"

The next moment, a cabin in the abdomen of Xuannv 1 quietly opened.

12 satellites lined up in a long line and flew out slowly.

There is no atmosphere on the surface of the moon. Therefore, communication methods that rely on electromagnetic wave conduction on the moon's surface are greatly limited.

For example, people on the far side of the moon cannot communicate via radio with people on the earth and the front side of the moon without a relay satellite.

After all, electromagnetic waves cannot penetrate the moon, which has a diameter of 3,476 kilometers.

This is very detrimental to the Moon Palace plan that will be implemented soon.

Therefore, the first task of Xuannv-1 this time is to establish an all-round communication network around the moon.

With solar panels and isotope batteries, these 12 multi-functional satellites responsible for communication, mapping and positioning are enough to operate until the destruction of the earth (15 years).


The quiet surface of the moon is full of craters.

The fine moon dust glows silvery white under the sunlight.

There was no sign of life.

The entire planet is filled with an aura of death.

Suddenly, a shadow appeared on the silvery-white moon surface.

The next moment, a black plane landed slowly.

A faint blue flame perpendicular to the lunar ground appeared from several nozzles on the belly of the aircraft.

The moment the plane landed, countless silver-white moon dust flew into the air, and then slowly landed under the weak gravity of the moon.

Xia Wanyi stared at the fantastic scenery outside through the porthole with blurred eyes.

"So... we should be the first group of Xia people to land on the moon, right?"

Hong Fan nodded: "Of course!"

Xia Wanyi murmured to herself: "So, who will go down first?"

As soon as the voice fell, the atmosphere inside Xuannv No. 1 suddenly became tense.

Who will go down first?

This is a very serious question.

After all, only champions will be remembered by people.

For example, the world's highest peak, Mount Everest.

Of course, if you say you know that the second highest peak is Mount Qomolangma, that's no use.

"How about... we play rock-paper-scissors?"




One minute later.

"No, no, three wins out of five!" Hong Fan shouted with a distorted face, "I don't believe I can't win at all!"

Another minute.

"Four wins out of seven!"

Another minute.

"...How about, best of nine?"

Bai Yixuan glanced at Hong Fan beside him unhappily, and said with a straight face: "Since the result of the rock-paper-scissors game is out, the order is determined."

"The first one is Wanyi, the second one is me, and the third one is Hongfan."

"Any questions?"

Hong Fan looked at Xia Wanyi beside him with a sour face: "So, Wanyi, aren't you the first human woman to land on the moon?"

Xia Wanyi's eyes suddenly lit up.

If she hadn't said that, she would have really forgotten it!

"Tsk... tsk... Xuannv No. 1? Can Xuannv No. 1 hear it?"

The slightly anxious voice of Lv Yongchang came from the radio in the helmet: "How are you? Haven't landed yet?"

Because of the help of 12 communication satellites, Lv Yongchang's voice was obviously much clearer at this time.

Bai Yixuan's face froze, and after connecting the radio, he glared at the two people around him with a warning.

"Xuannv No. 1 received! We have landed successfully!"

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