Looking at the tachyon information sent back, Lv Yongchang's tense nerves relaxed instantly, and the fleet's first-level combat readiness was lifted.

The unidentified object that rushed straight to the microcosm cutting experimental area turned out to be the silicon ray civilization!

It was just a false alarm.

After relaxing his mind, Lv Yongchang also had some doubts in his heart.

If he remembered correctly, the coordinate point they gave at that time was not that experimental area!

This silicon ray... Why did it go there for no reason?

A false alarm is a small matter, but if it affects the microcosm cutting experiment, that would be a big deal!

Knowing the character of the silicon ray well, Lv Yongchang did not hesitate and asked the silicon ray directly.


[You have already mastered the microcosm technology? ! ]

[Didn't you just advance to the seventh-level civilization? ! ]

[What? ! A microcosm with a diameter of ten light years? ! Wow... This is even bigger than my microcosm! ! ]

[What? ! Dense neutron armor? Dark matter cannon? ? Mass-energy conversion technology? ? ? 】

【? ? ? ! 】

Unlike Lv Yongchang, the silicon ray felt that his mind core was about to burn out.

What, what, what, what are these? !

Let’s not talk about the microcosm technology, that mass-energy conversion technology...

Shouldn’t that thing be one of the most advanced technologies of the seventh-level civilization? !

Even it has just mastered this technology!

Why has it been searching for suitable star systems all this time?

For a moment, the silicon ray felt that it had traveled through time.

Hasn’t it only been more than 800 years?

Why does it feel like it has been 8,000 years... no, 80,000 years? !

Shocked, the silicon ray fell out of the superluminal curvature state.

It hovered in the empty universe, and its long tail scratched a series of bright sparks on its hard forehead.

I can’t figure it out, I can’t figure it out at all.

Is this the value of civilization potential that exceeds the assessment range? !


When the white dwarf-like [Kuafu] returned with the small universe, human civilization also began to move.

As for the small universe that was originally picked up...

After [Kuafu] shut down, it was completely "free".

In the five-dimensional space, this miniature universe bubble is slowly breaking away from the gravitational constraints of the large universe bubble and drifting towards the boundless and bizarre five-dimensional space.

One day, this small universe may fall into the hyperspace membrane again with those abandoned debris and contact other large universe bubbles...

Of course, this is not something that human civilization needs to take into account today.

With the help of Zero, moving did not waste much time and energy.

After completing the move, Lv Yongchang also sent a tachyon message to the silicon ray waiting not far away.

"Silicon ray, you can set off."

[Where are you going? ]

For this question raised by the silicon ray, Lv Yongchang had already thought of the answer.

"M87 Galaxy." Lv Yongchang replied in a deep voice.

It is 54 million light years away from the Andromeda Galaxy. At the current speed of human civilization, it will take at least 5,000 years to sail there!

There are two main reasons for choosing this galaxy.

First, it is the central galaxy of the Virgo Galaxy Cluster, and its scale far exceeds that of the Andromeda Galaxy and the Milky Way!

The huge galaxy, coupled with the quasar structure in the center of the galaxy...

There is no doubt that it can fully meet the needs of the continued development of human civilization.


According to the information of the Silicon-based Alliance provided by the Silicon Ray Civilization, there is an eighth-level civilization affiliated with the Silicon-based Alliance in the M87 Galaxy!

The troubled times are coming, and Lv Yongchang also needs to seek a way out for human civilization, or to find a strong enough backer.

The eighth-level silicon-based civilization of the M87 Galaxy is a good choice.

[M87 Galaxy...]

The Silicon Ray turned around a few times with some entanglement: [Is this too far? 】

It prefers to find a small corner that neither the sweepers nor the pastoralists look down upon.

At worst, it just has to tighten its belt to live.

If it weren't for the fact that the seventh-level civilization cannot survive outside the galaxy for a long time, it would even want to hide directly in the open space between the galaxies!

Lv Yongchang looked at the text in the holographic projection with some helplessness.

The silicon ray's thoughts of playing bad are almost overflowing from the projection!

"Sorry, this is the final conclusion reached by our internal discussion of civilization." Lv Yongchang directly exposed its little thoughts, "When the war comes, even those small and pitiful galaxies may not be safe areas."

[Okay, okay...]

The silicon ray scratched his head in annoyance: [I'll go with you...]

After getting the affirmative answer from the silicon ray, Lv Yongchang raised his eyebrows and showed a faint smile on his face.

The next moment, the silicon ray began to chatter again: [Little guy, I have to remind you. ]

[There is no galaxy bridge between the Andromeda Galaxy and the M87 Galaxy, and the distance is also very far. ]

[Before leaving, we have to prepare as many supplies as possible. ]

[I suggest that we first use curvature navigation to head towards the edge of Andromeda and collect suitable star systems along the way. ]

[After arriving at the edge of the Andromeda Galaxy, I can use the wormhole device left by the Empire to open the wormhole. ]

[Although this device is a bit old, it can still shorten our journey a lot...]

Lv Yongchang was not disgusted by Silicon Ray's chatter.

Let alone Lv Yongchang, the academicians in the command center also looked at the large texts that kept appearing in the projection with a smile in their eyes.

Human civilization sets sail again!

Unlike the previous cross-galactic voyage.

After mastering the gravitational shielding technology, the number of celestial bodies placed in the microcosm has increased exponentially.

In addition to the explosively increased volume of the microcosm space...

Even in the face of a 54 million light-year voyage, human civilization is not short of resources.

Therefore, human civilization will not enter hibernation as before, and the Academy of Sciences will even continue to carry out various scientific research activities with low energy consumption!

Of course, considering the life span, most of the voyage will still be spent in hibernation.

Just as human civilization and silicon ray civilization were moving towards the edge of the Andromeda Galaxy, a space-time fluctuation suddenly appeared in the outer area of ​​Andromeda.

A large-scale wormhole appeared on the Andromeda-Milky Way Galaxy Bridge.

Unlike ordinary wormholes, this wormhole opened by [Time] and other four-dimensional creatures not only has good stability, but also does not cause strong space-time fluctuations.

The space-time fluctuations it caused were quite subtle, at best, equivalent to the space-time fluctuations caused by a sixth-level civilized starship traveling at superluminal speed.

Therefore, it did not attract the attention of any civilization.

Unknowingly, dozens of dimensional creatures of different races quietly entered the Andromeda Galaxy along the galaxy bridge.

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