Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 894 [Time and Space Extension Technology]

Two years after the voyage, the Earth calendar is 11502.

For human civilization, which has mastered the fourth-level curvature and has a navigation speed of 10000c, the Andromeda Galaxy is indeed a bit small.

In just two years, human civilization and silicon ray civilization have traveled through a star field of more than 10,000 light years.

In this process, the new small universe of human civilization has gradually filled up - a full 1,500 medium-sized and large-scale star systems, which is the confidence of human civilization to cross 54 million light years.

The long journey has not really begun, and the fleet has not left the Andromeda Galaxy, but the scientific research progress of the Human Union Academy of Sciences has made a remarkable breakthrough.

In order to ensure the stability of the small universe itself and the dense celestial bodies in the small universe, many scientific research projects in the Academy have fallen into a state of stagnation.

This is not difficult to understand.

Let alone the seventh-level civilization, even the cutting-edge technology of the fifth and sixth-level civilizations will create a remarkable movement.

After being promoted to the seventh-level civilization, the research work on dark matter and time and space is not a fuel-saving lamp.

Let's just talk about the dark matter cannon.

The power to destroy a large-scale star system at any time, how can that thing be used in a small universe?

What is the difference between this and lighting a nuclear bomb at home?

Because of this, according to Lv Yongchang's order, the research objects during the voyage are mainly some theories and branch technologies.

Five hundred years of liver-burning research has almost made human civilization light up the trunk of the seventh-level technology tree - today's technology tree is like a bare tree trunk, not to mention leaves, even branches are few.

In order to eliminate the fog at the top of the seventh-level technology tree as soon as possible and advance to the eighth-level civilization, research on various details has also been put on the agenda.

As the chief scientist, Lv Yongchang is responsible for a basic application based on a new space-time theory.

The application of space-time extension technology in the space of starships.

Similar to the concept of Sumeru and mustard seeds proposed in the Earth era.

Putting Sumeru in Jiezi can be said to be a mythical concept for previous human civilization.

But now...

With the power of technology, it has become a reality!

[Space-time extension technology].

Located on the top branch of the seventh-level technology tree.

Based on the latest four-dimensional space-time theory - through high-dimensional space-time to affect three-dimensional space, so that three-dimensional space appears to be extended to a certain extent.

Although it belongs to branch technology, its importance is no less than the main technology!

Just imagine.

A micro starship with a scale of only ten meters or even one meter, but with the volume of the earth inside, what a scene!

On the premise of ensuring high maneuverability and high concealment, it can also have extremely terrifying ammunition and material capacity!

Of course, the above is just Lu Yongchang's imagination.

The reality...

With Lu Yongchang's efforts, the laboratory has successfully achieved a breakthrough from zero to one - 1.0001 cubic meters of objects were placed in 1 cubic meter of space.

The extra 0.0001 cubic meters is the extended space.

It's very shabby, but it's a qualitative breakthrough.

In the [Earth] space laboratory, Lu Yongchang frowned slightly and looked at the complicated data in the holographic projection thoughtfully.

After completing the basic analysis of this technology, a question that has troubled him for many years has also been answered.

The problem of the abnormal scale of the warships of the Sweeper Civilization.

Whether it is an ordinary warship or a planetary fortress, the scale of the starships of the Sweeper Civilization is far smaller than expected.

In the previous head-on confrontation, as an eighth-level civilization, the average scale of the Sweeper warships was only one-third of the human-federation warships.

Theoretically, this will greatly reduce the combat performance of the Sweeper warships.

Now it seems...

Everything is a "misunderstanding".

The Sweeper Civilization, which has mastered the four-dimensional theory, must have mastered extremely sophisticated space-time extension technology!

Thinking of this, Lu Yongchang couldn't help but have a guess in his mind.

In the fleet of the Sweeper Civilization, an extremely strange scene may appear-in the same category of warships, the smaller the scale, the stronger the combat power!

It is exactly the opposite of the cognition of human civilization!

It's just...

Due to the limitations of the theory, after the initial breakthrough, the research progress of space-time extension technology gradually slowed down.

The four-dimensional theory is a huge threshold after all.

Thinking of the insurmountable dimensional barrier, Lv Yongchang's face suddenly became more sad.

Before truly seeing the four-dimensional space, any imagination of three-dimensional creatures is pale and powerless.

"Professor, Mao Zhengzhi and Academician Lu Siyuan sent a message. The priority of the information is level II. Please check it as soon as possible."

Zero's electronic synthesized voice suddenly sounded, interrupting Lv Yongchang's thoughts.

He subconsciously raised his head and looked at the holographic projection in front of him.

Sure enough, a yellow message was slowly flashing in the azure projection.

"Mao Zhengzhi..."

Lv Yongchang murmured in a low voice, stretched out his hand and tapped on the projection: "Come to think of it, I haven't heard the sound from the biological laboratory for a long time, and I don't know what Mao Zhengzhi and the others are doing..."

The voice stopped abruptly.


He showed a look of surprise on his face, and at the same time he took a breath of cold air: "Fuck!"

The next second.

Lv Yongchang changed his original calm appearance, stood up from his chair quickly and ran towards the laboratory door.


"Speak to Lin Yongnian and the others for me, I have to go to the biology laboratory!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he jumped onto the robotic arm robot at the entrance of the laboratory.

Under Zero's control, the robot quickly carried Lu Yongchang toward the biological laboratory.

After a few minutes.

The door of the biology laboratory suddenly opened, and Lu Yongchang rushed into the laboratory panting.

"Where is Academician Mao Zhengzhi?"

Lu Yongchang casually grabbed a passing researcher and asked eagerly: "Take me to him quickly!"

"Lu... Chief Lu?!"

The young researcher who was captured was full of surprise. Obviously, he did not expect to have such close contact with the chief scientist of the Academy of Sciences.

The young researcher was surprised and delighted by Lu Yongchang's arrival. He stammered: "Mao, Academician Mao is here. He is in Experimental Cabin No. 1, 1. I will take you there right away!"

Seeing Lu Yongchang's anxious expression, the researcher did not dare to talk nonsense and trotted towards the No. 1 experimental cabin.

Lu Yongchang stepped forward and directly followed the researcher.

Lu Yongchang looked solemn, and the atmosphere between the two gradually became heavier.

The young researcher even complained secretly in his heart.

Suddenly, Lu Yongchang broke the heavy atmosphere between the two and asked in a deep voice:

"What projects are the lab working on recently?".

“After the consciousness research work of [Nus Civilization] hit a bottleneck, Academician Mao Zhengzhi has been trying to study the hive consciousness of [Alcott] Civilization.”

The researcher answered cautiously: "The specific content... I don't know very well."

Lu Yongchang did not speak, but quickened his pace again.


"Chief Lu, we are here."

The rapid footsteps suddenly stopped, and the researcher's gasping sound came from the side.

"Hard work." Lu Yongchang nodded to him and walked towards the closed door in front of him.

"What happened today...don't tell anyone else yet."

The researcher looked solemn and nodded hurriedly.

"Okay, you can go back."

Hearing these words, the researcher breathed a sigh of relief and left the No. 1 experimental cabin at a trot without looking back.

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