
The door of Experimental Cabin No. 1 opened quietly, and the scene inside the experimental cabin appeared in front of Lu Yongchang.

Dozens of five-meter-long abandoned giant insects stayed quietly in a huge, fully transparent isolation cabin.

Different from the deep black body color in the past, the missing giant insect now has a silvery-white metallic luster all over its body.

Lu Yongchang took a closer look and took a breath again!

That silver-white thing is actually an exoskeleton armor!

Even Lu Yongchang couldn't help but cursed in his heart at this time!

"Mao Zhengzhi!"

Lu Yongchang stepped into the experimental cabin and shouted loudly: "What on earth are you doing?!"

"Hey, professor, are you here?"

A slightly younger voice came from the side: "Academician Mao is still discussing the modification plan of the exoskeleton armor with Academician Zhu Ziwen. Let me take you there."

Lu Yongchang's expression froze.

Does this thing have anything to do with Zhu Ziwen? !

Also, such a "fitting" exoskeleton armor would not be possible without Zhu Ziwen's participation.

"...Lu Siyuan?"

Lu Yongchang sighed softly: "You guys really... gave me a surprise!"

Lu Siyuan smiled and scratched his head, and led Lu Yongchang towards the depths of the experimental cabin.

When passing the isolation cabin, Lu Yongchang took a close look at the dozens of giant lost insects inside.

Unlike ordinary Forsaken Giant Insects, the eyes of these Forsaken Giant Insects shine with the light of wisdom.

Even when they saw Lu Yongchang, they bowed their heads slightly to greet him!

Seeing this scene, Lu Yongchang suddenly felt his scalp numb.

"This...they know me?"

A normal person would doubt his life the moment he sees a five-meter-long giant centipede wearing a sophisticated exoskeleton armor bowing his head to him, right?

"Professor, this is normal."

Lu Siyuan smiled and explained to Lu Yongchang: "They are controlled by Nusi. To be precise, Nusi is greeting you now."

The corner of Lu Yongchang's mouth twitched sharply.

Is there anything about Nuss involved?

"You guys really gave me a big surprise!"

He sighed heavily and repeated it again.

After going around several partitions, Lu Yongchang finally saw Mao Zhengzhi and heard the heated discussion between him and Zhu Ziwen.

"No, the dark matter cannon is too powerful. The trunks of these giant lost insects may not be strong enough to support such a powerful weapon."

Mao Zhengzhi's voice came.

Immediately afterwards, there was Zhu Ziwen's voice.

"That's your problem to solve."

"The short-distance jump function has been successfully incorporated into the new exoskeleton armor."

"For those warships with high-level civilizations, dark matter cannons are the best choice."

Mao Zhengzhi was silent for a while.

"Then...let me try again."

Lu Yongchang on the side was frightened when he heard this.

It’s only been a few years since we last saw each other, and the biology laboratory is already doing this kind of extravagant work?

Personal dark matter cannon?

You guys really dare to think!

"Cough!" He coughed hard.

The voices of Mao Zhengzhi and Zhu Ziwen suddenly stopped talking.


"Professor! You are finally here!"

Mao Zhengzhi was the first to greet him: "Come on, let me take you to see the latest research results in the biological laboratory first."

Lu Yongchang: "..."

Ten minutes later.

"During the study of the Alcott civilization, we deciphered the mystery of the hive mind and integrated its genes into the Forsaken Giant Insect."

"Considering the low intelligence of the Forsaken Giant Worm, we modified Nus to a certain extent and made it serve as the mother body of the Forsaken Giant Worm."

"This is a very easy thing for Nuss."

Mao Zhengzhi moved the holographic projection in front of him excitedly, explaining the mystery to Lu Yongchang beside him.

"Considering that the giant worms are too fragile, we have also modified the genes of these giant worms to a certain extent."

"But they are carbon-based organisms after all and are not suitable for interstellar combat."


"You put an exoskeleton armor on it, or an exoskeleton armor with a jump function." Lu Yongchang kept nodding and said with approval, "It is indeed a good idea."

"That's right!" Mao Zhengzhi became more and more excited, "Professor, you can just imagine it."

"Under the command of Nuss, these giant insects wearing exoskeleton armor rushed into the interior of the enemy warship through the jump function!"

"They will be the indispensable main force on the future battlefield!"

"It's a pity... limited by the physical fitness of the giant insect, powerful weapons like dark matter cannons are still unable to be used." Mao Zhengzhi shook his head in frustration.

"They are carbon-based organisms after all, and the upper limit of genetic modification has been set."

Lu Yongchang chuckled: "Why do you have to be restricted by carbon-based thinking?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Mao Zhengzhi froze on the spot.

"What do you mean..." Mao Zhengzhi asked in disbelief.

"Semi-silicon-based life form." Lu Yongchang cast his profound gaze at the side window.

His eyes seemed to have passed through the barrier between the small universe and the large universe, "looking" at the silicon ray swimming near the human fleet, and said softly: "You can exchange knowledge about silicon-based with the silicon ray."

"It shouldn't say no."

"In addition, I suggest adding a nano-warehouse to each exoskeleton armor."

Lv Yongchang retracted his gaze and raised his hand to write on the holographic projection.

"Imitate the reproduction method of the Olcott civilization and build a large-scale breeding and transformation assembly line."

"The breeding and transformation materials are collected by each giant insect."

"In this way..."

Lv Yongchang's eyes flashed: "The role of these giant insects will no longer be limited to starship landing battles."

"They can even threaten the main battleships of advanced civilizations with their numerical advantage!"

"From now on, they can also have a brand new name."

Facing the shocked eyes of Mao Zhengzhi and others, Lu Yongchang said word by word.

"Lost Zerg!"

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