Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 921 The technological explosion of the eighth-level civilization!

The dual cosmology proposed by Lu Yongchang brought unprecedented shock to the academicians present.

The universe is like an iceberg.

The universe where human civilization exists is just the tip of this iceberg that has surfaced. The hyperspace membrane separates the two universes and prevents the occurrence of universe-level annihilation reactions.

He Bilin took several deep breaths, seemingly calming down the complicated emotions in his heart.


He Bilin considered his words, as if talking to himself, or asking Lu Yongchang a question: "Why is the volume of the anti-universe so much larger than the universe?"

"This sounds...unreasonable."

Lu Yongchang shrugged: "The answer to this question may have to be traced back to the beginning of the universe."

"But in any case, according to the information given in this picture, the volume ratio of the positive and negative universes is indeed very different."

He Bilin suppressed his confusion about the origin of the universe and asked again.

"Professor, the origin of this image..."

Dreamed about it?

What a joke!

Is it possible to dream of something like this?

Facing the gazes of all the academicians, Lu Yongchang had some helpless thoughts.


The figure originally sitting on the seat turned into countless bright green light spots that dispersed in the laboratory space.

Before the academicians could utter a exclamation, the fluorescent green light spots gathered into a familiar figure at an extremely fast speed.


Looking at the stunned academicians in front of him, Lu Yongchang explained softly.

Of course, the secrets of the technology tree space cannot be exposed.

The reason for the quantization of the body... Lu Yongchang copied Dr. Wen's statement and attributed it all to an unknown energy explosion that occurred at high latitudes.

As for the mottled cosmic microwave background radiation picture...

That would be better to "make it up".

He is the only quantum being in the entire human union, so he doesn’t have the final say in what he can see?

Even so.

It will still take some time for academicians to fully accept these two things that are far beyond the scope of normal human understanding.

Seeing the academicians in a daze, Lu Yongchang could only wave his hand and temporarily canceled the research plan for the day.

One hundred years later.

Earth calendar year 14,300.

After becoming a quantum ghost, Lu Yongchang's cognitive ability of higher dimensions has increased a lot.

Thanks to this, the Academy of Sciences' research progress on dimensional technology has begun to soar as if it were on a rocket.

The complete four-dimensional jump technology is the first high-dimensional technology breakthrough made by the Academy of Sciences.

Today's four-dimensional jump technology is completely mature - it can easily achieve "short-distance" jumps of tens of light years to battleships and even planets.

There is no doubt that the energy consumed by a jump of this level is an astronomical amount.

Lu Yongchang also increasingly understands the reason why the cornerstone technology of the eighth-level civilization is vacuum zero-point energy - without the support of the vacuum zero-point energy engine [Suiren Shi], all this may be just empty talk.

After truly mastering the four-dimensional jump technology, Lu Yongchang's understanding of the four-dimensional space has improved day by day.

The four-dimensional shield technology that originally troubled the Academy of Sciences for a long time has also achieved a breakthrough within 50 years!

Just like the Sweeper civilization battleship, the four-dimensional Klein bottle with a special three-dimensional projection structure can wrap the battleship like a shield to deflect any attack in the three-dimensional space.

As long as the attack does not exceed the load of the four-dimensional shield generation unit, this kind of shield is almost invincible to three-dimensional creatures.

Two consecutive breakthroughs in four-dimensional technology have laid the foundation for further research.

Neither the Silicon Ray nor the Secor civilization could have imagined that in just a few hundred years, humankind would directly jump from a quasi-eighth level civilization to an eighth-level civilization.

They never imagined that human civilization, which has been promoted to the eighth level of civilization, can actually experience a grand explosion of science and technology!

Until 20 years later.

In the year 14370 of the Earth's calendar, a strong fluctuation in time and space appeared near the human fleet.

This sudden fluctuation in time and space frightened the Silicon Ray and the Secor civilization waiting not far away. The Silicon Ray put down the blue giant bathtub it had just found, and the Secor civilization urgently activated all its warships.

When they arrived near the human fleet across a distance of tens of light years, they only saw a spherical space-time distortion structure that was running stably.

This is... a wormhole! ! !

The moment they saw the wormhole, the Secor civilization was immediately furious!

[The damn pastoralists haven’t given up yet! 】

How long has it been!

The Silicon Alliance and the neutral factions are really easy to bully! !

For a moment, Secor starships with different shapes turned on their full power and sprinted towards the wormhole!

【Human civilization! 】

【Retreat immediately! ! 】

At this moment, the Secor civilization is fully prepared for battle!

The moment the tachyon information was sent, the Secor fleet directly turned on the wormhole generation and stabilization device - they were preparing to create a wormhole of the same size near this unknown wormhole!

When the distance is too close, there is strong mutual interference between wormholes.

Just like the turbulence in the ocean, even pastoral four-dimensional creatures are unwilling to face this kind of spatial turbulence.

Since the last time they suffered a heavy loss, Secor Civilization has put this tactic on its research plan.

Even if they can't cause harm, they still want to let those four-dimensional creatures taste the chaos of the wormhole!


In the first laboratory of the Human Union.

Lv Yongchang, who was focusing all his attention on the wormhole data, suddenly heard a piercing alarm.

He glanced at the holographic projection.

Looking at the warning message given by Zero and the tachyon message sent by the Sykor civilization, Lv Yongchang's face was full of confusion.

What is going on?

Before Lv Yongchang could come to his senses, another alarm sounded.


"The stability of the wormhole is declining sharply!"

"Warning! Unknown space-time distortion phenomenon has been discovered!"

Two consecutive alarms directly frightened Lv Yongchang all over.

Damn it!

What is the Sykor civilization doing? !

Seeing that the experiment is about to succeed, you are going to do this to me, right? !

While Lv Yongchang was anxious, his hands quickly became virtual and turned into countless green light spots.

These green light spots quickly fell on the five holographic projections in front of him, seemingly "dancing" in a messy way.

A large number of instructions were issued at the same time.

On the one hand, according to Lv Yongchang's order, Ling quickly adjusted the wormhole stabilization device to try to stabilize the state of the wormhole.

On the other hand, a piece of tachyon information was sent to the "faraway" Secor civilization.

[Secor civilization! ]

[This is a wormhole created by human civilization! ]

ps: Thanks to daxianren.zZ for the great god certification!

Thanks to Linyi Yida Battery Exchange for the great god certification!

Thanks for the support!

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