Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 922 Family members, who understands?

The encrypted tachyon broadcast was transmitted to the surroundings at superluminal speed.

The Secor civilization was the first to receive this information, followed by the silicon rays that were still on the way.

Secor: [? ? ? ]

Silicon rays: [? ! ! ]

At this moment, the tachyon communication channel was full of question marks and exclamation marks from the Secor civilization and the silicon rays.

What the hell? !

Can even create wormholes? !

Isn't human civilization a quasi-eighth-level civilization? !

As the silicon rays hurried on their way, they lifted their tails and scratched their hard skulls.

I can't figure it out, I can't figure it out at all.

4,500 years ago, when they first met, the other party was still a small sixth-level civilization.

4,500 years later, the other party has become a leader among the eighth-level civilizations - yes, wormhole technology is the watershed of the eighth-level civilization.

After mastering the wormhole technology, the scope of activities of the eighth-level civilization will increase by leaps and bounds, and the war potential will also be greatly improved.

All of this took only 4,500 years, of which nearly half of the time was spent on the road!

Family, who understands!

Although he said so, Silicon Ray accepted it calmly after a brief confusion - as a mixed man, the stronger the thigh, the easier his future life will be.

Thinking of this, Silicon Ray slowed down his pace.

As for the Secor civilization on the other side...

After a brief shock, it hurriedly shut down the wormhole generation device on the warship and sent a tachyon message to apologize to human civilization.


More than ten hours later.

Under the joint gaze of Silicon Ray and Secor Fleet, a mobile experimental ship slowly entered a stable wormhole structure.

A few minutes later.

A tachyon message came from infinity.

In the past few minutes, the mobile experimental ship successfully crossed 100,000 light years and arrived at the target star system!

The first wormhole experiment was declared a success!

When the Academy of Sciences was filled with cheers, Secor civilization could not hold back its anxious mood and sent a tachyon message.

[Human civilization, have you already been promoted to level eight civilization? ]

The reason for sending this message is that there is no shortage of miracles in the universe.

Let alone those four-dimensional life forms that grew up playing with wormholes, some "gifted" civilizations will also master wormhole technology in advance because of the wrong technology tree.

As the "designated guardian civilization" of human civilization, the Secor civilization must ensure that it has a clear understanding of the strength of human civilization - it also has to report to the [Tenth Empire] regularly!

[Of course. ]

[Human civilization mastered the vacuum zero-point energy engine by chance 170 years ago and successfully promoted to level eight civilization. ]

Secor: ? ? ?

Still lucky?

Are you polite?

At this moment, the mood of the Secor civilization individuals is extremely complicated.

On the one hand, whether it is for the Silicon Alliance or the Secor civilization, the strength of human civilization is all beneficial and no harm.

On the other hand...

As an "old guy" who has developed for millions of years to become a level eight civilization, seeing a "monster" like human civilization, it must be a little unbalanced in the heart.


We are all civilizations in the same universe, so how can they develop so fast?

After simply confirming the strength of human civilization, the Secor fleet left silently.


They quietly withdrew their fleet a hundred light years away.

On the one hand, this can express their goodwill to human civilization-no one wants to be "monitored", even if it is to protect their own safety.

On the other hand…

The Secor civilization has to admit a fact.

I am afraid that it will not be long before the combat power of human civilization will surpass them-as long as human civilization successfully creates a starship of level eight civilization, which is the so-called neutron star starship.

Earth calendar 14500.

The blowout period of dimensional technology has long ended, replaced by the rapid development of conventional technology.

Under the leadership of Lv Yongchang, the dark matter deflection shield research and development project was declared a success.

The stability of dark matter is enough to constrain the two-dimensional fragments of [painting]. The shield built with this as "material" undoubtedly has outrageous stability and protection.

The composite shield system composed of four-dimensional shield, dark matter deflection shield and space shield has also been identified by the Academy of Sciences as the basic defense system of neutron starships.

In addition, in terms of weapons.

The mastery of vacuum zero-point energy has greatly increased the attack power of the original weapons-the current human fleet hardly needs to consider the problem of energy consumption.

In particular, the introduction of the [annihilation starburst] technology has made Academician Yevgeny completely let go of himself.

Not powerful enough?

Directly add equivalent!

There is nothing that cannot be solved by piling equivalent.

As for Academician Wilson...

Compared with Yevgeny, he may be the biggest beneficiary of [Suirenshi].

Energy weapons have high requirements for energy.

With the endless energy of [Suirenshi], Academician Wilson has repeatedly refreshed the power limit of energy weapons.

The continuous advancement of weapons has brought great research motivation to the academicians of the Academy of Sciences' Materials Branch.

The spear has become sharper, and the shield can't be standing still, right?

If the mass of the neutron star continues to increase, it may become a quark star.

The successful construction of dense quark materials further enhances the defense capabilities of the human fleet.

Seeing the technology tree in the technology tree space gradually flourishing, Lv Yongchang took the opportunity to propose a fleet reconstruction plan without any hesitation.

The neutron starship construction project was officially put on the agenda.


Compared with the previous starships, the size of the neutron starships has not only not increased, but on the contrary, they have even shrunk a lot.

The flagship [Earth] has been reduced to a scale of 100,000 meters.

The secondary flagship [Titan Mothership] has been reduced to a scale of 80,000 meters.

Needless to say, the main battleship has returned to a scale of 50,000 meters.

Just like the starships of the sweeper civilization.

All of this is based on a deep understanding of high-dimensional space.

With the support of space compression technology, although the size of the starship has shrunk a lot, its internal space has increased a lot, and its combat power level is far beyond the original white dwarf starship.

With the help of Lv Yongchang, the Academy of Sciences quickly completed the redesign of all starships.


For the first time, human civilization showed the strength of a "infrastructure maniac" in front of the silicon ray.

Thousands of starship factories "drove out" from the microcosm.

Stars and planets were cut and processed into various materials like materials on an assembly line.

Faced with this unprecedented "wholesale" starship manufacturing scene, the Silicon Ray and the Secor civilization fell into silence.

At this moment, both the Silicon Ray and the Secor civilization had only one thought in their minds.


Human civilization is not their enemy!

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