Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 923: Qualifications to compete in the universe!

When all the construction projects were gradually getting on track, Lv Yongchang sent a tachyon broadcast to the Secor civilization and the silicon rays.

[Human civilization, are you ready to leave the M87 galaxy? ]

After receiving the tachyon message from human civilization, the Secor civilization responded with great surprise.


While checking the manufacturing progress of the neutron starship, Lv Yongchang sent a message to the Secor civilization: "Human civilization's research work on dimensions has reached a bottleneck."

"Just like the [Tenth Empire]."

"After internal discussions at the Academy of Sciences, we all agree that finding naturally occurring four-dimensional cavitation structures may be the only shortcut."

Under the leadership of Lv Yongchang, ordinary four-dimensional technology has almost made breakthroughs.


Lv Yongchang has no clue about the technology of dimensional upgrading.

After all, he can only be regarded as a 3.5-dimensional creature.

Perhaps, after a long period of research, he can completely decipher the mystery of the four-dimensional.

This is already a huge advantage - in the entire universe, except for the Pastoral School, only the Sweepers have completely mastered the four-dimensional through the four-dimensional cavitation.

Other level eight civilizations may find it difficult to break through this last "barrier" before finding the four-dimensional cavitation.

However, human civilization today does not have so much time.

In order to have enough self-protection capabilities, human civilization must find the so-called shortcut!

That is, the naturally existing four-dimensional cavitation structure!

The Secor civilization was speechless for a moment.

Has it caught up with the scientific research progress of the [Tenth Empire]?

Although the Secor civilization had expected this situation, they still did not expect that this scene would come so quickly.

[The current Laniakea Supercluster is not peaceful. ]

The Secor civilization tried to dissuade: [Except for the Virgo Galaxy Cluster, the entire Laniakea Supercluster is in war. ]

[The war between the Sweepers and the Pastoral School is gradually escalating. At this time, rashly going to other galaxies...]

[I am afraid there will be considerable risks. ]

Looking at the text in the holographic projection, Lu Yongchang's expression did not waver at all.

"Of course I know."


"In comparison, staying where you are is the most dangerous."

"Isn't it?"

The Secor civilization was silent.

Perhaps this is the gap between civilizations.

For most civilizations, staying in a safe area and leaving everything to fate is the best way out.

But for civilizations with top development potential, doing everything possible to strengthen themselves is the right way.

As long as they are strong enough, what sweepers and pastoral schools are nothing but clouds.

[Respected human civilization. ]

[Kosel civilization is willing to follow your steps! ]

When seeing this line of text, a slight cheer suddenly sounded in the laboratory, and Lu Yongchang also showed a faint smile on his face.

Since coming to the M87 galaxy, this is the first time that the Secor civilization has used a respectful title for human civilization.

This means that human civilization has officially set foot in the top field of this universe!

Although it cannot be compared with old monsters such as sweepers and pastoral schools that have been developing for unknown years, there is no doubt that today's human civilization has initially possessed the qualifications to compete in the universe!

Earth calendar year 15,000.

Accompanied by a strong space-time fluctuation, a huge and stable wormhole structure appeared in the edge area of ​​the M87 galaxy.

Led by the human fleet, the Secor fleet slowly sailed into the wormhole.

As for the silicon ray…

At this time, he was shrinking in the small universe of human civilization.

What? Hurry?

How can hurrying be as comfortable as a star bath?

Besides… He is a level 7 civilization, and he can't keep up with the speed of two level 8 civilizations!

In order not to drag down human civilization, the silicon ray is willing to "sacrifice freedom" and temporarily live in the small universe of human civilization.

He really, I cry to death.

When all the starships entered the wormhole, this distorted space-time structure slowly dissipated.

The fluctuating space-time ocean also returned to calm again.

This powerful space-time fluctuation naturally did not hide the sweeper civilization located in the quasar area in the center of the M87 galaxy.

But they did not make any moves.

On the one hand, the friction between the neutral faction and the pastoral faction happened right before their eyes, and they didn't want to cause trouble and collide with the neutral faction at this critical moment.

On the other hand...

According to the intelligence sent by the mother civilization, after the Black Hole Fortress and the Quark Fortress were deployed, the balance of the war gradually began to tilt.

This large-scale conflict that spread throughout the Laniakea Supercluster is gradually coming to an end.

For this, the pastoral faction paid the lives of a large number of dimensional creatures.

But the sweeper civilization is not much better - they lost countless ring universe accelerator nodes.

This will directly affect the original plan of the sweeper civilization.

As the last collision area of ​​the ring universe acceleration project, the importance of the Laniakea Supercluster to the ring universe acceleration project is self-evident.

At this moment, repairing the accelerator nodes has become the highest priority task after driving out the pastoral faction.


As for the pastoral civilization...

Under the operation of the neutral faction, there are almost no traces of dimensional creatures in the Virgo Galaxy Cluster today.

Even outside the Virgo Galaxy Cluster, there are not many dimensional creatures to be seen - the pastoralists who have achieved the goal of destroying the nodes have begun to gradually withdraw from the Laniakea Super Galaxy Cluster.

After the war fell into a disadvantage, both [Membrane] and other members of the Pastoral Faction focused all their attention on the sweeper civilization.

On the other hand, the entire Pastoralists never expected that human civilization could advance to the eighth level civilization, master wormhole technology, and even build an eighth-level civilization starship in just a few hundred years!


By chance, human civilization slipped out of the Virgo galaxy cluster smoothly under the eyes of the sweepers and pastoralists.

Earth calendar 15,500 years.

After the maturity of wormhole technology, the speed of human civilization has been increased unprecedentedly.

It only took five hundred years for the human fleet to successfully reach the Shapley Supercluster.

(The Shapley Supercluster is about 600 million light-years away from Earth.)

This is the first goal of fleet navigation.

The second goal is to rely on the galaxies in the Shapley Supercluster and move step by step towards the Boötes void further ahead.

Although the vacuum zero-point energy engine can directly extract energy, galactic matter is still necessary to ensure efficient ultra-long-distance navigation.

According to the plan, the human fleet will "take a shortcut", directly across the entire Shapley Super Galaxy Cluster, and enter the latest destination of the [Tenth Empire] from the other direction - the Boötes Hollow!

Then, the rendezvous is completed in the Boötes void area.

This is also the proposal of Secor Civilization.

Facing the attack of the pastoralists, even today's human civilization is in considerable danger.

If we act together with the [Tenth Empire]...

Of course, he is no match for the pastoralists.

But at least it can reduce the risk a little bit.

In order to ensure the safety of the "new thigh", the Secor civilization even launched a super-power wide-area tachyon broadcast again and solicited opinions from the [Tenth Empire].

As a fellow from the Milky Way, the [Tenth Empire] agreed to this request without hesitation despite surprise and surprise.

ps: I believe everyone can see that this book is almost coming to an end.

I guess it will be over within a month~

The ending is hard to write, but I will try my best to update it twice a day...

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