Ten years later, the Earth calendar is 15510.

On the edge of an inconspicuous and nameless small galaxy in the Shapley Supercluster.

Space-time fluctuations flashed by, a wormhole appeared, and then quickly dissipated.

In this short period of time, the "uninvited guests" from afar have already stepped into this nameless galaxy.

The fleet composed of hundreds of starships is like a group of starry sky ghosts, quietly sliding through this unfamiliar starry sky.

Only the ripples that constantly echo on the ocean of space and time can prove the existence of this fleet.

The hatch on the side of the starship quietly opened.

A large number of silver-white spherical self-splitting probes swarmed out of it and rushed to the surrounding star systems.

Unlike previous interstellar probes, the self-splitting probes are equipped with a large number of basic production devices.

Under the guidance of the internal weak artificial intelligence [One], they can spontaneously find suitable planets and use nano-mining devices to mine resources to complete self-replication.

Just like bacteria.

Since the human fleet left the M87 galaxy, such operations have become a routine - every time it arrives at a new galaxy, the fleet will sow a "seed" of self-splitting detectors.

This is the product of the human civilization's [Cosmic Monitoring Plan].

The plan was proposed by Lv Yongchang. As the name suggests, its ultimate goal is to spread self-splitting detectors throughout the universe, thereby achieving high-precision monitoring and detection of the entire universe.

The reason for proposing this plan is that Lv Yongchang discovered the shortcomings of human civilization in the ultra-large-scale wide-area tachyon broadcast of the Sykor civilization.

As a newly promoted eighth-level civilization, compared with the old eighth-level civilization in the universe, the biggest flaw of human civilization is not its own combat power, but the lack of "intelligence network"!

Before mastering wormhole technology, even if it is an eighth-level civilization, the battlefield and territory are still limited to a galaxy.

But after mastering wormholes, the battlefield and territory will begin to expand rapidly!

This is a leap forward, and it is also the biggest gap between the top eighth-level civilization and the ordinary eighth-level civilization!

At this time, the old eighth-level civilization that has developed for countless years has a great advantage - their understanding of the universe far exceeds that of human civilization.

Needless to say, the Sweepers and Pastoralists, as the two oldest and most powerful forces, have an "intelligence network" throughout the universe.

As for the neutral faction... with the addition of a large number of civilizations, they are not much worse.

Even the [Tenth Empire], with the support of the Silicon Alliance, also has a good intelligence transmission network.

In comparison, human civilization is like a young man who has just left the village.

It is extremely powerful, but alone.

Except for a few galaxies, it can be said that it has no understanding of the surrounding environment.

Once a war across galaxies, galaxy clusters, or even super-galaxy clusters occurs, human civilization may suffer a great loss!

After discovering this problem, the Academy of Sciences began corresponding research work.

At the beginning, Fang Xu proposed a plan to develop subsidiary civilizations.

Just like the Sweeper civilization, relying on a large number of subsidiary civilizations to solve the problem of intelligence collection and transmission.


This plan takes too long, and in the current cosmic environment, it is extremely unstable-once the war between the Sweepers and Pastoralists escalates, even the seventh-level civilization may be completely destroyed in just a few years.

Lv Yongchang didn't want to see the "downline" he had worked so hard to develop disappear in the universe inexplicably.

Therefore, he rejected this proposal.

Then, Tao Yuda proposed a plan to manufacture a large number of interstellar probes.

According to his idea, interstellar probes would normally be in a semi-dormant state.

Once a phenomenon exceeding the threshold is found, the warning information will be transmitted to the fleet mastermind [Zero] after preliminary screening by [One].

In this way, the problem of zero's computing power occupation can also be solved, and the stability of the "intelligence network" has also been greatly improved.

But... this still does not solve the fundamental problem.

It is not only time-consuming, but also consumes a lot of resources.

Manufacturing probes throughout the universe...

Even if there is a human civilization with zero, this plan is probably calculated in tens of thousands of years.

Then there are the third, fourth, and fifth plans...

After more than a dozen rounds of discussion, Lv Yongchang, inspired by the [Lost Zerg], proposed a bold idea - self-splitting probes.

By building in a large number of basic production equipment, the probes can find resources and replicate themselves, thereby achieving exponential growth!

It consumes little resources to start up, and has a very high expansion speed...

It is simply the perfect carrier for the [Cosmic Monitoring Plan].

The only flaw may be the accuracy of the self-splitting detector - the detection accuracy of the detector made by this method is definitely not as good as the interstellar detector made by human civilization.

But it doesn't matter.

For the first phase of the [Cosmic Monitoring Plan], detection accuracy is not that important.

With the release of the detector, the full picture of this nameless galaxy gradually appeared in front of human civilization.

The accuracy is very low, but it is enough for human civilization to have a basic understanding of this galaxy.

This is a very small galaxy.

Its scale is not even comparable to the dwarf galaxy around the Milky Way, the Small Magellanic Cloud.

Its scale is too small that the Sweeper civilization did not transform it into a node of the ring universe accelerator.

There is no node of the cosmic accelerator, and there is a lack of resources. There is no sign of the existence of the pastoral school here.

To a certain extent, it is the place where the silicon rays have been thinking about "slacking off".

Lack of resources, lack of external stimulation...

Under the influence of a series of factors, the civilizations in the galaxy are almost all below level 5.

The only few level 5 civilizations are scattered in the central area of ​​the nameless galaxy.

Looking at the galaxy overview that keeps emerging in the holographic projection, Lv Yongchang shook his head repeatedly.

It's really a poor place.

"Go to the central area of ​​the galaxy immediately."

After confirming that there is no danger in this galaxy, Lv Yongchang directly issued an order: "Send tachyon broadcasts to those level 5 civilizations."

The purpose of tachyon broadcasts...

Needless to say, it is naturally to let the other party know what's good for them and not disturb human civilization without long eyes.

Similar to releasing self-splitting detectors, such actions have almost become routine operations for human fleets to arrive at new galaxies.

With the names of the Silicon Alliance and the Neutral Faction, plus their own strength, the galaxies they chose are all remote "no man's land"...

You really don't say.

So far, human civilization has never encountered a blind civilization.

"After the supplies of the small universe are replenished, activate the wormhole again."

"The [Tenth Empire] is about to arrive at the Boötes Void, and we have to speed up."

As Lu Yongchang's voice came, the fleet began to slowly speed up, like a sharp arrow piercing towards the center of the galaxy!

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