Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 928 Four-dimensional cavitation!

The Dimension Research Center was in chaos.

No one expected such a situation, including Lv Yongchang himself.

Under Lv Yongchang's command, Zero quickly controlled the fleet to distance itself from the "giant" soap bubble!

Of course, in the midst of panic, a special sense of familiarity surged into Lv Yongchang's heart.

"This is..."

There was a strong sense of confusion in Lv Yongchang's voice: "Microcosm?"

Not bad.

The scene in front of him directly reminded Lv Yongchang of the scene when he "encountered" the microcosm in the Milky Way.

At that time, the probe ship also lost the signal inexplicably-when the microcosm was completely closed, the tachyon information could not be transmitted across the universe.

Lv Yongchang's words awakened the academicians present.

"From this phenomenon alone, this abnormal space-time phenomenon does seem to be caused by the microcosm."

He Bilin's expression was a little hesitant: "But... Professor, its other properties are very different from the microcosm!"

Hearing this, Lv Yongchang frowned immediately.

That's right.

This soap bubble-like structure in front of us has certain similarities with the microcosm, but also has completely different properties.

There is a certain distance between the microcosm and the macrocosm. Even if the two come into contact with each other, only a wormhole-like port will be opened at the contact point.

In other words, the microcosm cannot be observed with the naked eye within the macrocosm.

In addition, without contacting the port, it is impossible for a spacecraft running in three-dimensional space to enter the microcosm.

This "soap bubble" in front of us is obviously different - it does not have the so-called port structure at all, and there is an obvious contour structure in the three-dimensional universe that is completely different from the port.

All kinds of strange phenomena made the academicians in the entire Dimension Research Center fall into contemplation.

What the hell is this thing?

Lv Yongchang repeatedly checked the data sent back by the previous detector, trying to find the truth from it.


It was useless.

Time passed bit by bit.

The soap bubble was distorted again under the unknown force.

The part of the "soap bubble" that originally "swallowed" the detector shrank back like a receding tide.

The familiar dim starry sky reappeared in the holographic projection.

Under the high-definition camera, detectors were quietly staying in this extremely dim universe.

The red warning sign symbolizing signal loss was still flashing in the holographic projection - this meant that the detectors had been completely damaged.

After a brief pause of two seconds, Lv Yongchang became excited: "Zero!"

"Send out the shipborne drones to recover those detectors immediately!"

The detectors were lost and recovered!

For the troubled research work, this was simply a blessing!

The moment the order was issued, the hatch on the side of the warship opened with a bang.

A large number of drones swarmed out of it.

After leaving the warship at a certain distance, a strong space-time fluctuation came from the drone.


The group of shipborne drones disappeared in the visible universe, and the next moment, they appeared next to the "lost and recovered" detectors!

Because the law of "soap bubble" fluctuations was not clear, the speed of recovering the detectors must be fast!

For this reason, Zero even activated the four-dimensional jump function of the shipborne drone under Lv Yongchang's order!

The bubble structure that spreads over 100 light years is constantly fluctuating in the universe, causing the dim starlight from afar to change brightness.

At this moment, Lv Yongchang seemed to be in this magical starry sky.

He sat on a chair and quietly observed the bubble structure close at hand, trying to find out the hidden rules in it.

"Yongchang, the preliminary test results are out."

Fang Xu's voice came.


The lights came on, and the immersive holographic projection quickly shrank into a "screen" suspended in the air.

On the screen, it was the still fluctuating bubble structure.

"What are the test results?" Lv Yongchang calmed down and turned to look at Fang Xu who was walking towards him, "Did you find any problems?"

"It's a big problem."

Fang Xu walked to Lv Yongchang's side and stretched out his hand to tap on the holographic projection a few times: "The specific reasons for the damage to each detector are different."

"But the general direction is the same."

Fang Xu paused slightly: "The internal structure of the detector was damaged, and it was not an ordinary way of damage."

After the voice fell, a series of detailed pictures appeared in the holographic projection.

The originally neatly arranged energy pathways became extremely chaotic.

This kind of chaos is not something that conventional methods can achieve - one of the energy pathways broke away from the original interface and "grew" out of thin air in the solid surface armor of the detector.

Lv Yongchang raised his eyebrows slightly when he saw this picture.

"Cross-dimensional destruction phenomenon."

He murmured in a low voice.

It is no exaggeration to say that every academician of the Dimension Research Center is very familiar with this phenomenon - experimental accidents that occur during the dimensional upgrade experiment are basically like this.

Lv Yongchang suddenly raised his head and stared at the holographic screen floating in front of him with a bright look.

On the screen, the mysterious bubble structure was still slowly fluctuating.

"This is not a microcosm!"

"It is a natural four-dimensional space!!!"

Four-dimensional cavitation structure!

Lv Yongchang looked at the picture in the holographic projection with excitement.

It was easy to get!

The four-dimensional cavitation structure that [The Tenth Empire] has been looking for for tens of thousands of years has just landed in front of human civilization!

Lv Yongchang didn't even dare to think about how small the probability was!

Looking back, I don't know since when, human civilization's luck in certain events is always outrageous!

Once or twice is a probability.

Three or four times...

This is hard to explain.

Therefore, in addition to the surprise, Lv Yongchang also felt a little panic in his heart.

After a brief trance, Lv Yongchang calmed down and suppressed this inexplicable worry in his heart.

No matter what truth is hidden behind it, what human civilization can do now is to seize every opportunity to improve its strength!

“That makes sense…”

Fang Xu’s voice continued: “No wonder this bubble structure has irregular distortion.”

“The fundamental reason is probably the assimilation of the three-dimensional space to the four-dimensional space!”

“Just like the scene of all dimensional creatures when they are about to die.” Lv Yongchang subconsciously continued, “This naturally existing four-dimensional space is also gradually dying under the assimilation of the three-dimensional space…”

As if he realized something, Lv Yongchang’s voice dropped rapidly.

He and Fang Xu looked at each other.

It’s bad!

“We must study the four-dimensional cavitation structure as soon as possible!”

“We must complete the research work before it is assimilated by the three-dimensional space!”

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