Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 929: The Principle of Exclusiveness of Cosmic Bubbles

Under the traction of [Kuafu], the small universe port opened rapidly.

A large number of experimental ships and exploration ships swarmed out of it!

In order to complete the research work on the four-dimensional cavitation as soon as possible, the Dimension Research Center, which looks like a Möbius strip, also slowly sailed out of the small universe.

Under the all-round exploration of countless detectors, the model of the four-dimensional cavitation was quickly established.

At the same time, based on the latest high-dimensional theory of human civilization, Lv Yongchang calculated the approximate "survival" time of the four-dimensional cavitation.

Ten years.

This result far exceeded Lv Yongchang's initial estimated speed!

Theoretically, without the influence of external factors, the assimilation of three-dimensional space is extremely strong.

This can be seen from the death process of dimensional creatures.

There is a deviation between reality and theory.

In the research process, this is an excellent phenomenon-it means that the first breakthrough has appeared.

The entire research work will also be carried out step by step around this issue.

Inside the human-linked small universe.

The silicon ray and the Secor civilization are staying in a corner of the small universe, living peacefully.

Needless to say, the silicon ray is used to playing badly.

As for the Secor civilization...

It was forced to enter the Human Union Microcosm after a period of time since the voyage began - their material replenishment speed could not catch up with human civilization at all.

The Secor civilization's work efficiency is too low. It takes them at least a hundred years to complete a task that human civilization can complete in a year.

After the news of the discovery of the four-dimensional bubble came, the silicon ray and the Secor civilization fell into silence.

The silicon ray floated out of the blue giant star and kept scratching its head with its long tail.


The Empire went all the way from the Andromeda Galaxy to the Hercules Supercluster and did not find the four-dimensional bubble. This human civilization just ran into it when it went out? !

This is not scientific!

Dense tachyon signals were transmitted back and forth between the silicon ray and the Secor civilization.

The content of the discussion...

It is naturally related to the Tenth Empire.

After all, this is a four-dimensional cavitation structure discovered by human civilization alone. If human civilization is unwilling to share it... let alone the Silicon Ray and Secor civilizations, even the Tenth Empire can't say anything.

On the one hand, sharing key technologies is an extremely sensitive and difficult matter between different civilizations.

Let's not talk about the sensitive issues related to the safety of one's own civilization.

The development process of each civilization is different. Even if the general direction is the same, there will be a lot of deviations in the details of each technology.

The fundamental reason for this is the deviation of the basic technology tree of civilization. Therefore, the more advanced the civilization, the more difficult it is to achieve technology sharing.

After all, every technology is developed on the basis of countless secondary technologies.

It is for this reason that the Silicon Ray and Secor civilizations did not share technology with human civilization at the beginning, and human civilization did not think about this.

If a high-level civilization rashly shares technology with a low-level civilization, it is very likely to directly destroy the low-level civilization!

On the other hand...

When the conflict between the M87 galaxy and the Pastoral School occurred, human civilization was still a level 7 civilization and was not the main force of the war.

After being promoted to level eight civilization, human civilization has never had conflicts with other civilizations.

Therefore, Silicon Ray and Secor civilization are not clear about the true combat power of human civilization.

But one thing is certain.

Whether from the perspective of scientific research progress or daily development speed...

Today, the comprehensive strength of human civilization is probably above the [Tenth Empire].

In other words.

In terms of "emotion" and "reason", they have no position to demand that human civilization share technology.

Just when Silicon Ray and Secor civilization were entangled, the tachyon information from human civilization made them suddenly relieved.

After a hundred years.

The wide-area tachyon broadcast of the Silicon-based Alliance was activated again.

The distance between the human fleet and the Tenth Empire is not too far at this time, so the current wide-area tachyon broadcast is not as "difficult" as before.

Under the joint power supply of the blue giant array and the vacuum zero-point energy engine, the strong tachyon signal spreads far away at superluminal speed.

The next month.

There has been a breakthrough in the research work on four-dimensional cavitation.

After "sacrificing" a large number of detectors, Lv Yongchang gradually understood the true face of the four-dimensional bubble.

Just as they had guessed before.

It is indeed a small universe, but the interior of this small universe is a four-dimensional space.

This abnormal phenomenon also made Lv Yongchang curious about the origin of the four-dimensional bubble.

"At present, one thing that can be confirmed is that the source of the four-dimensional bubble is not this universe."

Facing the gaze of the academicians, Lv Yongchang gave a definite answer: "At the same time, the four-dimensional bubble structure will also be the best evidence to prove the human view of the universe."

Lv Yongchang stretched out his hand to open a holographic projection, on which a simple 3D model animation was running.

"We all know that our universe is a large cosmic bubble on the hyperspace membrane."

"In addition to the cosmic bubble, there are a large number of similar cosmic bubbles."

"Based on the data we have at present, the source of this four-dimensional bubble is a cosmic bubble near this cosmic bubble."

"Unlike our universe, that universe is four-dimensional."

Lv Yongchang paused and added again: "At least, when this small universe fragment broke away, it was four-dimensional."

"This can also explain why the four-dimensional bubble can exist for such a long time."

"Although the cosmic bubbles exist on the same hyperspace membrane, the composition of the hyperspace membranes of two different universes is different."

"Therefore, unlike the small universe produced by cutting the current universe, the small universe from another universe will have a short-term [cosmic bubble incompatibility] phenomenon with the current universe."

"It is also under the protection of this cosmic membrane that this four-dimensional bubble can barely resist the assimilation of three-dimensional space."

"Of course." Lv Yongchang shrugged, "This cosmic membrane cannot exist forever. Under the assimilation of the current universe, it will gradually become thinner and dissipate."

"In summary, our previous judgment has made a major mistake."

Lv Yongchang's expression gradually became serious.

"The latest calculation results show."

"The existence time of the four-dimensional bubble may be shortened to one year."

"Everyone, we don't have much time left."


The junction between the Hercules Supercluster and the Bootes Void.

A fleet was carrying out the final replenishment of supplies near a small galaxy - after entering the Bootes Void, it would be difficult for the fleet to encounter a galaxy for replenishment.


A strong tachyon wave came from the "other side" of the Bootes Void.

Inside the fleet's flagship, orange-yellow lights suddenly lit up.

The originally calm fog suddenly surged violently.

Tall cylindrical creatures, waving their long tentacles, slid quickly through the fog.

They hurriedly rushed in the same direction along the orange ripple-shaped indicator in the fog.

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