Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 950 Chaos, the entire Bootes Hollow is in a mess

[Earth] Command Center.

Looking at the giant starry sky painting that gradually turned into elementary particles in the holographic projection, Zhao Zijie on the side breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's finally over..."

The academicians and commanders had the same reaction.

This war with four-dimensional creatures is the most difficult war after human civilization was promoted to level six civilization.

If it weren't for the contribution of [Silk] and [Ant], human civilization probably wouldn't have any way to deal with these high-dimensional creatures.

It's difficult to kill them completely with conventional weapons alone.

The successful operation of [Van Gogh] means that the strength of human civilization has once again climbed to a higher level.

Today's human civilization has initially possessed the strength to compete with the Pastoral School!

"Yongchang, the meeting point is ahead."

Fang Xu raised his hand with a sense of relief and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead: "The Tenth Empire is less than 10 million light years away from us."

"The Pastoral School should..."

Before Fang Xu finished speaking, a holographic projection with a blood-red background automatically popped up in front of the command center.

At the same time, a piercing alarm sounded.

It was a huge 3D star map.

Most of the star map was dim, with only a few areas flashing brightly.

These bright places were the star fields successfully covered by the cosmic monitoring plan!

Among them, there were countless scattered red dots.

Each red dot represented an abnormal space-time fluctuation, and also represented a pastoral dimension creature.

Since being caught up by [Silk] and [Ant], these red dots began to approach the Boötes Void at different speeds, and their purpose was also obvious, to intercept human civilization before entering the Boötes Void.

What? Why intercept?

The range of the Boötes Void is too large, and the resource reserves inside it are extremely scarce.

Even the eighth-level civilization that has mastered the vacuum zero-point energy is unwilling to easily set foot in this area.

Fighting inside it is something that no civilization is willing to do - the universe is so big, there is no need to risk running out of resources to fight in such a remote place.

Therefore, for the Pastoral School, intercepting human civilization outside the Boötes Void has become the best option.

At this point, human civilization has successfully entered the Boötes Void, and the battle situation has changed again.

A large number of red dots appeared on the edge of the bright area of ​​the star map.

This is the new support force of the Pastoral School coming from farther away!

Ten thousand, fifty thousand, one hundred thousand...

The numbers in the holographic projection are rising rapidly.

Looking at the picture in the holographic projection, Lv Yongchang felt his scalp tingling!

TMD what happened? !

Didn't human civilization just kill three or four dimensional creatures? Is it necessary to have such a big hatred? !

Limited by the implementation progress of the cosmic monitoring plan, Lv Yongchang is not clear at this time how big a mess human civilization has made.

But he can be sure of one thing.

According to the number of dimensional creatures discovered by the current cosmic monitoring plan...

The Pastoral School can completely encircle and clear the entire Boötes Void!

"I really don't know what's wrong with the Pastoral School..." Fang Xu looked at the shocking picture in front of him, and for a moment he didn't know what to say.

Lu Yongchang said decisively: "No, the original strategy is no longer feasible."

"Fleet, set up a defensive line on the spot."

"Notify the Tenth Empire immediately. Now I am afraid that only the power of the neutral faction can help human civilization out of trouble."


Seven million light years away.

A fleet engraved with the logo of the Silicon Alliance is staying in the empty universe.

In order to prepare for the next war that is very likely to happen, the fleet of the Tenth Empire is undergoing comprehensive repairs.

The wide-area tachyon broadcast roared in, breaking the silence of the fleet.

In the flagship located in the center of the fleet, the tall Tenth Empire people once again shuttled through the dense fog, and the fierce electromagnetic waves began to echo continuously.

"The Pastoral Faction has increased its forces to siege human civilization!"

"Up to now, according to the information sent back by the Neutral Faction, they have mobilized at least half of the universe's dimensional creatures, and the total number has exceeded two million!!"

"The number is still increasing, three million! Four million!!"

"Where on earth did so many dimensional creatures come from?!"

"Who knows! Not to mention the Neutral Faction, I guess the Sweeper Civilization is confused now!!"

The tens-meter-tall cylindrical creature stretched out its tentacles and kept pressing the instrument in front of it, and the projection in the mist kept changing: "Latest intelligence! More The neutral members in the distance sent information, more than half of the universe!!! "

"At present, the Pastoral Faction may have mobilized all its forces!"

"It's a mess, the entire Bootes Void is in chaos!"

"What on earth did human civilization do over there, how could it attract such crazy actions from the Pastoral Faction? !"

"...According to the information sent back by human civilization, they successfully captured the one-dimensional creature [Silk] and the two-dimensional creature [Ant], and in addition, they successfully killed the four-dimensional creature that was chasing them."

"...? !"

It was visible to the naked eye that the atmosphere inside the Tenth Empire's flagship instantly stiffened.

After a long time, the electromagnetic waves continued to come.

"...How long has it been, and human civilization has already possessed a combat power that exceeds that of four-dimensional creatures? !"

"It has been less than 50 years since the discovery of the four-dimensional cavitation bubble."

Silence, sweeping the flagship of the Tenth Empire again.

Fast! Too fast!

Human civilization has risen against the trend, and has become the top existence in the universe from a quasi-eighth-level civilization.

A small-scale conflict occurred between the Sweepers and the Pastoral Faction.

The Pastoral Faction came out in full force, just to destroy human civilization!

What happened in the past 50 years, if it had been changed to the past, it would have been disrespectful to the top forces of both sides if it had not been polished for 5,000 years.

Every high-level official in the empire felt a sense of unreality at this time.

Family members, who understands.

The empire was still on the way, and then it was forced to be involved in the central area of ​​the war!

"The fleet will set sail immediately, start the wormhole shuttle, and complete the reunion with human civilization as soon as possible."

"Immediately issue a war conscription order to all members of the Silicon Alliance!"

"The neutral faction..."

"Apply to open the fourth supreme meeting of the neutral faction!"

ps: Three updates today.

Update at 12 o'clock in the depends on the situation, it may be too late to write...

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