The Fourth Supreme Conference of the Neutral Faction.

The participants of the meeting were the most powerful eighth-level civilizations in the Neutral Faction.

They had all been exposed to some dimensional technology to a greater or lesser extent.

Regarding the proposal put forward by the Tenth Empire, the wide-area tachyon communication channel fell into an ambiguous silence.

[Declare war on the Pastoral Faction? This is not a wise decision...]

[Yes, from the current intelligence, for some unknown purpose, the Pastoral Faction has hidden most of its strength. If we rashly declare war on the Pastoral Faction, we may drag the Neutral Faction into the abyss of destruction.]

[Bullshit! In the previous Laniakea Supercluster War, did you see how the Pastoral Faction treated the Neutral Faction civilization? Declare war! We must declare war! If this continues, the Neutral Faction will sooner or later be devoured step by step by the Pastoral Faction and the Sweepers!]

[You said purpose... What other purpose can the Pastoral Faction have? Isn't it just to deal with the Sweeper civilization? ]

[No, no, no, the Pastoral Faction was active in the universe long before the rise of the Sweeper Civilization. In other words, they have been hiding their strength since then. I suspect...]

[Everyone, the topic has deviated. What we are discussing now is how to deal with this crazy action of the Pastoral Faction.] The Tenth Empire interrupted the topic that was gradually going off track and brought it back on track. [Before that, I will show you some information. The content of the information is a new member of the Silicon Alliance.]

As soon as the information about human civilization was released, the Tachyon Communication Channel fell silent again.

[Tenth Empire, this joke is not funny...]

[How is this possible? ! Has human civilization mastered the technology of dimensional upgrading?]

[In less than fifty years, it has the strength to destroy four-dimensional creatures alone? This, this...]

This is even stronger than everyone here!

The senior staff of the Tenth Empire added silently in their hearts.

Due to the inability to master the technology of dimensional upgrading, the high-end combat power of the neutral faction is far behind that of the Sweepers and the Pastoral Faction.

On the surface, the neutral faction has the highest combat power in the universe, second only to the sweepers and the pastoral faction, but in fact...

There is a huge gap between the third place and the top two.

Considering this, the Tenth Empire put forward a proposal that no one can refuse.

[I can promise you on behalf of human civilization. ]

[If the neutral faction chooses to participate in the war, human civilization can share all research data on the four-dimensional bubble. ]

[It contains the secret of dimensional technology. ]


Perhaps it is because the previous behavior of the pastoral faction and the sweepers in the Laniakea Supercluster has brought some sense of crisis to the neutral faction.

Or perhaps it is because the pastoral faction's undisguised troop mobilization has brought unprecedented shock and worry to the neutral faction.

Or perhaps it is because human civilization has given too much...

In short, under the joint action of many factors, the Fourth Supreme Conference of the Neutral Faction was the shortest Supreme Conference.

The proposal of the Tenth Empire was passed unanimously.


[Issue a war call immediately, target, the Boötes Hollow! ]

The already noisy universe is boiling again.

Countless strong space-time fluctuations are coming from every galaxy.

There are many factions within the neutral faction, and there are countless "slacking" and "fence-sitters". Therefore, the call issued by the neutral faction is not very effective.

But with its huge civilization base, there are still a large number of pro-war civilizations who join this war under the temptation of high-dimensional technology.

The strength of the participating civilizations is uneven, ranging from level 6 civilization to level 8 civilization, which can be said to be diverse - a large number of level 6 civilizations and level 7 civilizations take the ride of level 8 civilization and go to the Boötes Hollow together.

The momentum is huge.

Even more than the pastoral civilization not long ago.


On the other side, the headquarters of the Sweeper Civilization.

The actions of the Pastoral Faction are equivalent to dancing on the fragile nerves of the Sweeper Civilization.

Now there is another neutral faction.

Looking at those time-space fluctuation signals with clear purpose, the Sweeper civilization was completely confused.

What happened in the Boötes Void? ! !

For such a large Sweeper civilization, no one could give an answer.


Something strange happened.

Without knowing why, the Sweeper headquarters could only issue an order to send more fleets - drawing warships from various superclusters to form a fleet to go to the Boötes Void area together.

No matter what tricks the Pastoral and Neutral factions are doing, the Sweepers must help out!

The actions of the Sweeper civilization further stimulated the nerves of the Pastoral faction.

Reinforcements! Urgently needed reinforcements!

The actions of the Pastoral and Sweeper factions further stimulated the already wavering advanced civilizations in the Neutral faction.

It's a positive cycle.

That's it.

Without the knowledge of human civilization, a vortex centered on human civilization, which is enough to sweep the entire universe, slowly started to operate!


Boötes Void.

The Human Union's microcosmic port has been fully opened, handling a large number of starships and supplies.

Space-time traps, dark matter space mines, space annihilation generators, positive and negative stars...

While the starships are transporting various weapons, a large number of space factories are also being built around the microcosmic port.

Under Zero's control, these space factories have begun to operate at full power.

Inside the Earth Command Center.


"Coordinates..., it is detected that a wormhole is being generated!"

"Tachyon broadcast detected, identity confirmed."

Looking at the words and logos in the holographic projection, Lu Yongchang felt refreshed, stood up from his chair and took a deep breath.

The reinforcements of human civilization are coming!

"The Tenth Reich has arrived!"

Lu Yongchang's eyes shone with hope: "I hope they can bring us some good news..."

In the empty universe, the huge wormhole gradually became stable.

The human fleet led by [Earth] has been waiting near the wormhole.

In order to show the importance of this meeting, in addition to the civilization flagship, the human fleet also dispatched ten [Titan Motherships] and ten [Chi You] planetary fortresses, as well as a large number of main battleships.

It is no exaggeration to say that even if the Tenth Empire has bad intentions, the human fleet waiting near the wormhole can control the situation immediately.

In the Earth Command Center, Lu Yongchang stood by the porthole, looking at the wormhole in the distance.

A huge fleet slowly emerged from the wormhole.

Almost all the battleships in the fleet are composed of large and small dark gray cylindrical structures. On the surface of the battleships, there is a huge silicon-based alliance logo engraved on it.

Unlike human battleships, the battleships of the Tenth Empire are generally larger - most of them are three to five times the size of human battleships. This is directly related to the stature of the individuals of the Tenth Empire.


Lu Yongchang looked solemn and gave the order softly: "Zero, release the imperial home star and send a greeting message to the 10th Imperial Fleet."

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