Earth calendar year 15,950.

Under the all-round detection of the cosmic monitoring detector and the cosmic bubble observation device, the last four-dimensional creature in this universe was besieged to death by ten [Golden Crow] battleships.

At this point, [Membrane], still hiding at the bottom of the cosmic bubble, has become the last dimensional creature in this universe.

Inside the [Earth] command center.

Lu Yongchang looked at the spectacular scene when the last four-dimensional creature experienced dimensionality reduction, and frowned slightly: "Isn't [Membrane] reacting yet?"

He turned his head and looked at the picture coming from the cosmic bubble monitoring equipment. The huge shadow representing the [brane] was still quietly lurking in the bottom area of ​​the cosmic bubble.

In the past few decades, the human fleet has not only hunted pastoral dimensional creatures throughout the universe, but also sent a large number of spam messages to the [Membrane] in the name of declaring war.


The fifth-dimensional creature did not give any response, as if the disputes in the outside world had nothing to do with it!

It is hiding quietly in the bottom area of ​​the cosmic bubble, silently looking at human civilization.

Lu Yongchang narrowed his eyes and whispered to himself: "We can't wait any longer."

The stability of the hyperspace membrane continues to decline!

Obviously, that five-dimensional creature placed all its hopes on the hyperspace membrane in front of it!

A cold light flashed in his eyes:

"Send the order!"

"The fleet is dimensionally upgraded! Turn on the five-dimensional engine!"

"Coordinates, bottom of the cosmic bubble, hyperspace membrane area."

"go ahead!"

The order was given.

The mighty human fleet ascended to the fifth dimension at the same time!

Driven by the five-dimensional engine, a huge fleet composed of 70 billion warships disappeared into the visible universe.

Five-dimensional space.

The huge cosmic bubble is quietly attached to the hyperspace membrane.

Everything in the three-dimensional universe, whether it is a galaxy or a civilization, is just a "portrait" carved on its surface.

Suddenly, a strong wave came.

In the slight fluctuations of the space bubble, those battleships that looked like sesame dots suddenly became three-dimensional.

They suddenly broke free from the constraints of the cosmic bubble and jumped into the vast five-dimensional space!

With the computing power of a hundred light-year level tachyon computer, Zero can control 70 billion battleships with ease.

Under its precise calculations, 70 billion warships followed different paths and attacked the bottom area of ​​the space bubble from all directions!

Feeling the violent fluctuations coming from the cosmic bubble, [Membrane] looked angrily at the hyperspace membrane in front of him.


Almost! Damn it’s just a little bit worse!

[Membrane] looked angrily at the rapidly approaching human warships and let out a roar.

【Human civilization! ! ! 】

All the pastoral dimensional creatures were destroyed, but he endured it.

He endured the endless bombardment of spam messages in the name of declaring war!

But now...

Human civilization has actually gone so far as to touch His hometown!

He just wants to restore the universe bubble to normal, he just wants to live, he just wants to find a way out for all pastoral civilizations, what is wrong with him? !

I can't bear it anymore, no need to bear it anymore!

Go fuck the Annihilation Plan!

His huge body suddenly broke away from the hyperspace membrane and rushed towards the 70 billion human fleet!

The violent gravity is raging near the cosmic bubble, and space cracks that are enough to tear apart a galaxy are bombarding the huge body of [Membrane] mercilessly.

【Damn! Damn it! 】

[Membrane], who gradually fell into the encirclement of the human fleet, became furious and felt a little panic in his heart.

Why is the fighting power of human civilization so strong? !

Aren’t they an eighth-level civilization? ! Didn’t they just master five-dimensional technology?

Why are they so familiar with war in the fifth dimension? !

Just as [Membrane] was thinking about how to break away from the human encirclement, the surrounding starships suddenly stopped their continuous fire bombardment.

An inexplicable fluctuation came from the surrounding starships.

[Membrane] couldn't help but feel tight in its heart, and a feeling of being wrapped in something arose in its heart.

Observed from the outside, a structure resembling a cosmic bubble is slowly forming in the encirclement of the human fleet!

"[Genesis], start!"

Under Lu Yongchang's order, the space bubble-like structure built by tens of billions of warships was officially stabilized!

Huge energy pours crazily into the cornerstone control device of the universe built based on [Source Theory].

Zero’s computing power usage also soared instantly!

By rewriting the zero-dimensional points and the motion laws of one-dimensional strings in the target area, the constants and rules of the target area are rewritten. This is the ultimate weapon of human civilization - [Genesis]!

Its power mainly depends on energy input power and computing power.

Rewriting the rules is an extremely complex operation process.

In this process, the greater the computing power, the larger the rewriting range and the faster the rewriting speed; the stronger the energy input power, the more stable the rewritten cornerstone of the universe.

When the two are superimposed, the power of [Genesis] becomes even greater!

"Increase the speed of light in the target area!"

"Increase the gravitational constant of the target area!"

Lu Yongchang gave orders one after another in an orderly manner.

When he realized that he was trapped in a structure similar to a cosmic bubble, [Membrane] immediately swung his body and tried to break free from it.

But before he could put it into action, an unspeakable feeling of weakness surged into its heart.


He just swung his body, and was horrified to find that the tissue inside his body had melted a little!

What happened? !

Not only that, an unprecedented squeezing feeling came from all around his body.

It seems...

The gravity has increased?

[Membrane] instantly realized what happened.

[The speed of light increases, the gravitational constant increases! ! ]

[This is... a rule weapon! ! ! ]

The speed of light, seemingly just a fixed speed, but it profoundly affects the existence of all things in the universe!

When the speed of light increases, the electromagnetic interaction force will decrease.

The most intuitive manifestation is that those objects composed of molecules and atoms will gradually collapse spontaneously!

As for the increase in the gravitational constant...

This is easier to understand. The increase in gravity will directly cause [Membrane] to be crushed to death by its own mass!

As the top existence of another universe, [Membrane] has long been exposed to the threshold of the ninth-level civilization.

Therefore, he is not unfamiliar with the use of rules.

After realizing that human civilization used rule weapons, it immediately gave up struggling and instead input all its energy into the core of its body.

Unlike the cores of other dimensional creatures, the core in the [membrane] has a certain ability to rewrite rules - countless years ago, the transformation of the pastoral dimensional creatures used some simple rule technology.

Although it cannot rewrite the rules of a designated area like human civilization, it can rely on the core to rewrite the rules in the body!

This is also the fundamental reason why it can become the only five-dimensional creature!

ps: Thanks to Nostalgia 1211 for sending the great god certification!

Thanks to Potato who loves to drink preserved egg and lean meat porridge for sending the completion 666!

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