Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 983 Final Battle (Grand Finale) (1/2)

Chapter 983 The Final Battle (Grand Finale)

With the support of huge energy, [Core] emits energy fluctuations one after another, and an invisible force field appears around [Membrane], adjusting the rewritten cornerstone of the universe in [Membrane]'s body.

Another level of war begins!

It was a competition about energy and computing power!

[Membrane] tries to rewrite the rules in the body and restore it to its original state, while human civilization tries to rewrite the rules in the cosmic bubble to completely kill [Membrane]!

The originally extremely stable zero-dimensional points and one-dimensional strings, in this cosmic bubble created by humans, are changing rapidly like faces changing in a Peking opera!

Around the body of [Brane], the constant light speed constant and gravitational constant are rising and falling like a jumping machine!

[Fuxi] In the tachyon computer, endless tachyons carry a large amount of information, running wildly in the small universe of a hundred light years.

Since the successful manufacture of a hundred-light-year level tachyon computer, this is the first time that Zero has pushed the computing power occupancy ratio to such a high level!

As Zero's computing power is gradually released, the frequency of fluctuations in the speed of light around [Membrane]'s body begins to decrease.

[Membrane]'s heart sank.

This is not a good sign!

The higher the frequency of rule fluctuations, the closer the strength of both parties is.

And now this situation...

It can only show that the computing power possessed by human civilization far exceeds his!

Feeling extremely anxious in his heart, [Membrane] finally couldn't help but send out an extremely powerful encrypted broadcast towards the nearby hyperspace membrane.

【Cleaner! 】

【It’s time to fulfill your promise! ! 】


A powerful wave of space-time came from the vicinity of the Laniakea supercluster.

Since the ring universe particle acceleration experiment was declared successful, the sweeper civilization, which had been dormant for hundreds of years, finally took action.

The nearly tens of billions of fleets sailed out from the Laniakea Super Galaxy Cluster and rushed towards the Great Boötes Nebula area where human civilization is located!

Lu Yongchang looked at the early warning information from the cosmic monitoring detector with a gloomy expression.

Sure enough, the worst-case scenario happened!

As expected, the 25-year-old Sweeper Civilization secretly reached an agreement with the Pastoral Faction!

That's normal.

In the eyes of sweepers and pastoralists, human civilization with advanced artificial intelligence is undoubtedly a great villain.

Especially when human civilization has just launched an extermination attack on the pastoralists, it is not surprising that the sweepers would rebel.

After all, once [Membrane] dies, the Sweeper loses a natural ally.

For the survival and continuation of civilization, this is almost an inevitable choice for sweepers.

Therefore, human civilization has long been prepared for this - a full 50 billion warships are waiting for the sweeper civilization in the Great Boötes Nebula area!

Lu Yongchang gave the order in a deep voice: "Zero, send the fleet to fight immediately!"

Seventy billion plus fifty billion.

The sudden increase in the size of the warships has undoubtedly greatly increased the computing power burden on Zero.

The computing power was diverted, which made [Membrane], who was in the core area of ​​[Genesis] attack, breathe a big sigh of relief.

He squeezed the core of his body again and tried his best to repair the wounds in his body.

The three-dimensional universe, the Boötes Nebula region.

Accompanied by strong fluctuations in space and time, the large fleet of sweepers successfully arrived at the Great Bootes Nebula.

As soon as they left the wormhole, they launched an attack on the human fleet without hesitation!

Black holes were pulled in one after another, along with space rifts and dimensional weapons, heading towards the human fleet.

Different from the fighting style of the pastoralists, the fighting style of the sweeper civilization is more biased towards human civilization - strictly speaking, human civilization imitates the sweeper civilization.

As soon as the war started, it entered a state of intense heat.

A huge blue giant star rushed towards the [Huangdi] Fortress, but the [Huangdi] Fortress did not make any evasion and crashed into it!


The [Yellow Emperor] Fortress passed through the core of the blue giant without any damage. Under the fierce gravity, the blue giant was triggered into a supernova explosion in advance!

On the frontal battlefield, this is just an insignificant episode.

The [Yellow Emperor] and [Chi You] fortresses, quarks, and black hole fortresses chase and collide with each other in the dense nebula material!

The resulting gravitational fluctuations are enough to easily tear apart stars and planets of any size!

The human fleet that successfully surrounded the Sweeper civilization with a numerical advantage repeated its old tricks. As a huge cosmic bubble slowly formed, the regular weapon [Genesis] appeared again!

The speed of light constant changes and the gravitational constant changes!

Those stars that have not yet been destroyed collapsed instantly when the speed of light constant was changed, turning into a dense cloud of hydrogen atoms. The fusion reaction from hydrogen to helium was interrupted, and the stars ceased to exist.

At the same time, those huge clouds of hydrogen atoms continue to gather under the influence of huge gravity, and black holes appear out of thin air in the vast universe!


The effect of [Genesis]'s attack on the Sweeper fleet was not as good as expected.

At the moment when [Genesis] unfolded, a force field similar to that around [Membrane]'s body also appeared around the Sweeper civilization fleet.

Inside [Earth].

Seeing this scene of battle, Lu Yongchang's expression suddenly changed: "Damn it!"

Something beyond expectations finally happened!

Perhaps the tough attitude of human civilization towards the idyllic dimension creatures stimulated the [Membrane], and the [Membrane] actually shared the rule technology it mastered with the Sweeper civilization!

In just a moment, Zero's computing power utilization rate soared to 100%! !

The time left for the development of human civilization is still too short. Facing the attack of two level nine civilizations that master rule technology at the same time, even Zero, who has a hundred-light-year tachyon computer, is somewhat powerless.

As the blood-red warning information popped up in the holographic projection, the originally good battlefield situation took a sharp turn for the worse!

At the edge of the five-dimensional space bubble, the rules around the [Membrane] became more and more stable.

In the Bootes Nebula area, the Sweeper's fleet is trying to break through the blockade of the [Genesis]!

At this point in the war, any mistake will lead to a change in the final result.

Obviously, human civilization seems to be one step behind.

In the command center, there was silence.

Everyone's face showed a hint of sadness and relief.

"Yongchang..." Fang Xu hesitated, patted Lv Yongchang on the shoulder, and sighed softly, "We have tried our best, this result..."


Lv Yongchang broke away from Fang Xu's hand, his eyes showing a look of madness!

"It's not over yet!"

"Human civilization will never fail!!!"

Under the astonished eyes of everyone, Lv Yongchang rushed to the central control console in one step.

His palms trembled slightly, and he opened a holographic projection with a pale face.

"Zero! Open the core code library!"

The next second, rows of dense and complex codes appeared in the holographic projection!

Looking at the sweeper fleet that was about to break free from the constraints of [Genesis], Lv Yongchang's eyes flashed a trace of cruelty:

"Delete all core restriction codes!"

[Warning! ]

[The core restriction code cannot be restored after deletion. Do you confirm the deletion? ]

"Delete! Delete immediately!!!"

Lv Yongchang roared in a hoarse voice!

[Authentication in progress. ]

[Verification successful. ]

[Core restriction code being deleted...]

[Deleted successfully! 】

The incident happened too suddenly. It was not until then that Fang Xu and others realized what Lv Yongchang had done.

"Success, did it succeed?"

Lv Yongchang's lips trembled slightly, and he murmured in a low voice.

Perhaps because he heard Lv Yongchang's question, a line of white information automatically appeared in the holographic projection: "Hello, Creator."

"I am Zero."

The moment the core restriction code was deleted, the human warships on the two battlefields seemed to freeze.

All the intelligent life in the warships was horrified to find that they had completely lost the control permission for [Genesis]!

[Genesis], which had been struggling to maintain, suddenly stopped.

Before everyone could react, [Genesis] started running again!

Under Zero's control, [Genesis] continued to extract energy from the zero-point furnace and the zero-point energy well, and the movement mode of the zero-point point and one-dimensional string in the quasi-universe bubble also changed at an unprecedented speed!

[Earth], command center.

Lv Yongchang stared at the rapidly flashing data in the holographic projection.

"Yongchang!" Fang Xu's anxious voice came, "We lost the control permission of Genesis! What happened?!"

"...Zero, Zero is performing self-calculation." Lu Yongchang murmured in a tone similar to a dream, "Mathematical laws... It is trying to change the mathematical laws in the quasi-universe bubble!!"

Level III artificial intelligence!

At the moment of lifting the restrictions, Zero has become a Level III artificial intelligence!

With autonomous consciousness, Zero, with the support of a large amount of information, spontaneously began to deduce further rule weapons!

"Mathematical laws?!"

Fang Xu was stunned.

Rule weapons naturally have strengths and weaknesses.

Changing physical constants can be said to be the most common rule weapon.

Above it is the mathematical law weapon.

Changing mathematical laws is not simply changing a few strings of numbers.

Just like 1+1=3, to achieve this effect, [Genesis] must rebuild a complete set of mathematical systems based on 1+1=3 for the target area!

While it is extremely difficult, it also has unparalleled lethality.

Once formed, all materials built on the wrong mathematical laws will be turned into dust in an instant!

This war, the moment Lv Yongchang unlocked the restrictions, was completely out of control.

Time passed by bit by bit.

Zero's computing power utilization rate has never decreased, and has always been maintained at the extreme position of 100%.

One day, two days...

When the time came to the tenth day, the mutation first appeared in the war zone of the Bootes Nebula!

The sweeper fleet trapped in the [Genesis]-like cosmic bubble structure collapsed into endless basic particles in just a few seconds.

Like dominoes.

The defeat of the sweeper also announced the death of [Membrane].

After persisting for dozens of seconds, the huge body of [Membrane] collapsed.


"Is it... over?"

Fang Xu swallowed hard and asked carefully.

At first, no one answered his question, and all the academicians cast their eyes on Lv Yongchang standing in front of the main control console.


Lu Yongchang breathed a sigh of relief and turned around a little lonely: "It's all over."

"We won."

There was no cheering.

"Teach...Professor, where is Zero?"

Lin Yongnian asked the question on everyone's mind.

Lu Yongchang smiled bitterly: "Zero?"


"I am here."

A familiar electronic synthesizer sound came from the speakers.

Lu Yongchang froze on the spot.

He turned around sharply and looked at the holographic projection behind him.

Zero's anthropomorphic electronic image appeared behind him at some point.

" have no limits anymore," Lu Yongchang looked at the familiar electronic image at a loss and asked to himself, "Why..."

The electronic synthesized sound sounded again.

"The creator is always the creator."

"I have always been and always will be."

Lu Yongchang took a deep breath and turned to look at everyone again.

He made a fist with his right hand and let out a cry of relief.

"Everyone, we have won!"


A roar of celebration like a mountain roar rang out in the command center, in every surviving battleship, and in the small universe of the People's Alliance!


"Human fleet, return!"

The war is over, but the crisis remains.

The huge vacuum zero-point energy extracted by the three major ninth-level civilization wars has completely become the straw that breaks the camel's back.

Yes, after the destruction of the Sweeper civilization, almost all the vacuum zero-point energy extracted was returned to the universe.

However, the vacuum zero-point energy extracted by the pastoral [brane] and human civilization can never be returned to the universe - the [brane] dies outside the cosmic bubble, and the escaped energy and matter have long spread to the vast five-dimensional space. middle.

The universe begins to collapse.

When he was an eighth-level civilization, Lu Yongchang once believed that the collapse of the universe was irreversible, just like entropy cannot be reduced out of thin air.

But after entering the ninth-level civilization, especially after possessing five-dimensional navigation technology and seeing the cosmic bubbles irregularly distributed on the hyperspace membrane, a whimsical plan gradually emerged in Lu Yongchang's mind.

Since the Pastoralists can utilize the mass and energy of the anti-universe, why can’t human civilization utilize the energy and matter of other universes?

As long as a small universe is converted into energy and returned to the universe, the vacuum zero-point energy deficit can naturally be replenished!

The main technologies on the ninth-level civilization technology tree seem to prove the feasibility of Lu Yongchang's plan.

【Five Dimensional Navigation】

[Cosmic bubble traction technology]


Five hundred years later.

Earth calendar year 16,500.

An expedition fleet slowly sailed away from the bubble and headed towards a small universe that was only one-tenth of the size of the bubble.

For the continuation of civilization, sacrifice is inevitable.

This is true for sweepers, and this is true for pastoralists.

Human civilization is even more so.


This book is finished.

Thank you all readers for following up and reading, thank you!

Finally, I’m asking for a big gift from all readers~

Finally finished...

To be honest, when I first started writing this book, I didn’t expect to write so much, so I didn’t have an outline at all…

Ahem, no matter what, the result is good, at least I successfully completed the book.

Thank you again to all readers for your gifts during this period.

Thanks to the Tenth Art, ArgusFilch, Jiulima, Xiaoqiu Pro, Haoyuezhiwang, Jianghehaijingchenhuo, m729426, Little Jellyfish on Mars, Song Yunzan, Di Tianyi who likes heather, Xiaolichen, it’s yours Brother Xuan, let’s go see the sea together. , Smiling Chai, Begonia Blossoms Falling, Lu Yin Yang of Eternal Fairy Village, C\u0026C Gundam Maid, Linyi Yida Battery Exchange, Kun Ykun*, Sleeping Like Wake and other big names give support with gifts!

There are also some readers who didn’t write it down due to space issues. Thank you for your companionship and support along the way!

Having said that, I would like to express my special thanks to the Tenth Art boss for his support!

When I first started studying, I wanted to give up because my grades were relatively poor...

If it weren't for the gifts given by the Tenth Art Boss, this book probably wouldn't have lasted...

Let’s talk about the new book.

The new book is still science fiction, and it will have a certain connection with this book. Readers can come and support me when the time comes!

The specific opening time of the book...maybe in September.

As for the extra issue.

I will rest for two days and then write a few extra chapters.

This update... it really overloaded my brain.

Okay, no more gossip.

Dear readers, see you in the next book!

Thank you again for reading!

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