Earth calendar year 17000.

This cosmic bubble, the original Laniakea Supercluster.

The war between the three level nine civilizations completely changed the original cosmic situation.

The Boötes Void has changed from a dead place to a vibrant place that breeds a large number of galaxies.

The Shapley Supercluster was cut in half - part of it turned into nebula matter and merged into the nearby Boötes Nebula, and the other half collided with the Hercules Supercluster and merged into a brand new supercluster.

Not to mention the rest of the superclusters.

Under the battle between the three level nine civilizations, those superclusters are almost facing a fragmented situation - the universe is like a piece of rag, torn and tattered.

Among these superclusters, the Laniakea Supercluster is the most miserable.

After the main fleet of the Sweepers was destroyed, in order to completely exterminate the Sweeper civilization, human civilization and the remaining remnants of the Sweepers fought another war in the Laniakea Supercluster.

Let’s not talk about other powerful weapons. The Genesis alone has turned the Laniakea Supercluster into a barren land.


The Laniakea Supercluster is the birthplace of human civilization after all.

Under the command of Lv Yongchang, the human fleet dispatched more than one million Black Hole-class Star Pickers to start the repair work of the supercluster.

The lost arms of the Laniakea Supercluster were recovered one by one; the areas that turned into elementary particles were rebuilt with the help of Genesis...

After more than three hundred years, with Zero’s efforts, the fragmented Laniakea Supercluster was restored to its original state.

Laniakea Supercluster, the central giant attractor.

A familiar star system runs peacefully in this area that should be filled with strong radiation and chaotic gravity.

A star, eight planets, nearly five hundred satellites and millions of asteroids...

Any intelligent creature who sees it will realize a problem-this is an unnatural star system.

The reason is simple.

Each of these planets has an extraordinary scale.

The volume and mass of the central star far exceeds the limit of stars. Under normal circumstances, it should collapse rapidly into a huge black hole under the action of its own gravity, but in this star system, it still operates normally.

This is true for stars, planets, satellites and asteroids.

Each star has a scale far beyond common sense. They seem to violate the basic laws of physics and operate quietly in this calm area.

In short, this is a "huge" star system.

The camera gradually zoomed in, passing over a dwarf planet, two ice giants, two gas giants and an earth-like planet in turn, and finally landed on a blue and white earth-like planet.

The water covering 71% of the planet's area makes the planet glow deep blue under the light of the parent star, and the white clouds formed by water vapor form wisps of seemingly invisible ribbons on its surface.

It is like a pearl lost in the dark universe, exuding extreme beauty.

In today's universe, any interstellar civilization that can leave its home planet can accurately call out its name - Earth.

Not just this planet.

The solar system, the sun, Mercury, Venus...

The names of every planet in the entire super-large star system are written into the textbooks for the first lesson of interstellar civilization in this universe.


The Laniakea Supercluster's giant attractor, the third planet in the solar system, Earth.


A crisp call came from a small house: "It's time, we should set off."

The camera turned.

A woman wearing frameless glasses and a pure white academician's uniform was skillfully arranging her smooth black hair in front of the mirror.

Not far from her, a man who was also wearing a pure white academician's uniform stood up from the desk with a helpless look on his face: "Yutong, I wonder if this is too early..."

"The ribbon-cutting ceremony will take at least three hours!"

Hearing this, Su Yutong immediately rolled her eyes at the man who had already walked to her side, and said in a strong tone: "Only three hours!"

"Are you going to be the last one to appear like before?"

Lv Yongchang's eyes lit up and he nodded repeatedly: "Of course!"

"As the protagonist, he must be the last one..."

Before he finished speaking, two onion-like fingers gently tapped his forehead.

"Don't give me that!"

"This is the ribbon-cutting ceremony of the Center of the Universe University, which is related to the face of the People's Union. If you play this trick again... Be careful that Fang Xu and others will come to trouble you."


Looking at Su Yutong's serious eyes, Lv Yongchang swallowed slightly, and the rebuttal words that just came to his mouth were swallowed into his stomach like the ginseng fruit in Zhu Bajie's mouth.

"What?" Su Yutong looked at Lu Yongchang in front of her with a bad look.

"I mean..."

Lu Yongchang's Adam's apple moved slightly: "You look really good with a high ponytail."

The next second.

Looking at the face that was rapidly enlarged in front of her, Su Yutong suddenly widened her eyes.


A whisper with a hint of shyness came from her mouth.

After a long time, the lips parted.

A shiny thread slowly stretched from the corner of the mouth until it broke.

"You're going to die!"

Su Yutong's cheeks were slightly shy, and she raised her hand and patted Lu Yongchang's strong chest lightly: "It's time to be like this..."

Lv Yongchang smiled slightly, raised his hand to help Su Yutong tidy up the messy hair on his forehead: "What's wrong?"

"I'm the chief scientist of the People's Union, can't I be late for a few minutes?"

As soon as the words came out, he received another cute eye roll.


Su Yutong's face suddenly became serious: "What did you just say?"

"..."Lv Yongchang subconsciously took a half step back, "I'm..."

"No, the last sentence."


"Ponytail, you look really good with a high ponytail?"

Lv Yongchang thought for a while and said carefully.

This... is also fine.

"You mean, I don't look good without a high ponytail?" Su Yutong's eyes suddenly became unfriendly.

Lv Yongchang: "..."

Facing Su Yutong's death gaze, he couldn't help but secretly complain in his heart.

What era is it now? How come this extremely old joke is still not outdated? !


Lv Yongchang turned around stiffly and walked towards the closed door beside him: "I remember, the ribbon-cutting ceremony of the Center of the Universe University, right?"

"This is a big deal!"

"Zero!" The closer he got to the door, the smoother and faster Lv Yongchang's steps became. "Is the shuttle ready?"

"Professor, the shuttle of the Human Union Academy of Sciences has been waiting at the door for an hour."

Lv Yongchang: "..."


The door closed again.

As Lv Yongchang's footsteps gradually faded away, the room returned to silence again.

Su Yutong looked at herself in the mirror, her mouth corners slightly raised, and a sly smile appeared in her eyes.

Sure enough.

The outfit in the Earth era still grabbed Lv Yongchang's "interest" as always.

Recalling the details of the intimate moments just now, Su Yutong suddenly felt a hint of heat on both sides of her cheeks.


Lv Yongchang's voice came faintly from outside the door: "It's time for us to set off!"

Hearing this, she couldn't help but let out a snort from the tip of her nose.

Now you know you're in a hurry?

She raised her hand and tidied her appearance again. After making sure there were no mistakes, she turned and walked towards the door.

ps: I will slowly update some extra chapters next. Interested readers, don't rush to delete the bookshelf~

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