Age of Elves

Chapter 051

051 seconds to kill the battle

“Master brother, it’s so strong, one hit kills in seconds.” A few girls behind Rose shouted, a drop of cold sweat appeared on Fierce Zhan’s forehead, looking at the expressionless Mo Feng with his hands around his face, compared to this guy, the shouts of these girls behind him made him more uncomfortable, now if you want to admit defeat, if you want to fight, it is estimated that you will be abused out of Xiang.

“But… Damn, come on, Bibi Bird. After Liezhan finished speaking, he took out a baby ball and threw it, and a bibi bird appeared on the field.

“Bibi bird, use a tornado.” Bibi Bird was sent, and Fierce Battle was the first to issue the order, and Bibi Bird heard the order, and immediately flew into the air and a tornado rushed towards the Tyrannosaurus.

“Tyrannosaurus, tornado!” Mo Feng issued the order with a smile, and the tyrannosaurus let out a roar, and a tornado that was stronger than the one used by Bibi Bird on the opposite side went out, absorbing Bibi Bird’s tornado, and the large tornado swept Bibi Bird in.

As the damage came out of the head, Bibi Bird disappeared with the tornado and fell from the air to the ground, Fierce Zhan looked at the Bibi Bird who landed, lowered his head and became gloomy, took Bibi Bird back and took out a treasure ball.

“Enough, the fool will hit here, don’t be embarrassed.” A cold snort came from behind Liezhan and a cold-faced man with red hair and sharp eyes walked in and shouted at Liezhan .

“Great… Eldest brother. Lie Zhan looked at the person who came and put back the treasure ball in his hand, Mo Feng looked at the person on the other side and narrowed his eyes, this cold-faced man, his face did not look outstanding, but the whole person carried a unique temperament.

Mo Feng looked at the person on the other side, and the man also looked at Mo Feng: “If you win this time, let’s have time to fight with me next time.” ”

“No problem, always waiting.” Mo Feng looked at the red-haired man on the opposite side and answered, and the person on the opposite side nodded and beckoned Fierce Battle to leave.

“It’s really an unpleasant guy, as if the eyes that hold everything in their hands, can they really control everything?” Mo Feng snorted coldly in his heart, he had just received three million winnings, a sum of extra money, and looked at Rose and the others standing opposite with a smile: “Miss Rose, I’ve been waiting for a long time, I don’t know what your relics are, can you let me take a look.” ”

“Of course.” Rose nodded, took out a drawing and handed it to Mo Feng, Mo Feng glanced at it, the location was Yuejian Mountain, Mo Feng put the drawing away and handed it to the opposite rose: “Yueman Mountain is at the junction of primary ruins and intermediate ruins, and some of the chances will enter the intermediate ruins, in order to ensure that nothing is lost, I think Miss Rose, it’s better to wait for some time to go again.” ”

“Isn’t Mr. Mo Feng also unsure?” Rose looked at Mo Feng and asked suspiciously, “There is still a certainty of dealing with low-level relics, this flame ruin, there is not much restraint Pokémon, now my Tyrannosaurus, just brushed too many copies, now it looks very tired, in the case of waiting for an hour, there is a tyrannosaurus, there is a forty percent certainty against the intermediate ruins, if you bring more Pokémon that restrain the fire system, the grasp may be higher, the intermediate relics are much stronger than the low-level relics we went to before, of course, if you insist on going now, I will be there to the end. ”

“Well, let’s wait for one.” Rose thought about it for a moment and nodded towards Mo Feng: “Then, in an hour, let’s gather in that café, Sheng.” ”

Mo Feng nodded: “Okay, I’ll go first, go and prepare one.” Finished, turn around and leave.

“Big sister, it’s really as terrifying as him, and the villain is also level 35, and he can’t beat this ruin.” A girl behind her asked.

“Just do it, what kind of fire Pokémon you have, go and bring it out, make preparations, go and replenish the potion, we’ll gather later.”

“Big brother, won’t you help me take revenge?” In a room in Nibi City, Liezhan looked at Liejun on the opposite side and asked.

“Revenge? Are you stupid, what to take revenge, you don’t look at who the top ten pets on the pet list are, wait until they have the same strength as that guy, before that, give me less trouble, now give me a copy obediently, brush me back what you lost. Liejun looked at the fierce battle on the opposite side, slapped the table, and let out a cold snort.

“Yes! I know. Liezhan nodded in response to the doctor and turned to leave the room.

“Madman, this game has not produced for the time being, why did you run to this game, is it gambling? Betting on the future of gaming? Liejun frowned and chose to log out of the game, he didn’t just want to play this game, as the president of the Flame Alliance, the main energy is still focused on the popular games that can bring benefits to the guild, the game here is just to invest a little time to pave the way, so that after the game is popular, so that the guild has no place, in the era when this kind of game will change at any time, every guild does the same thing, because no game can stay hot forever.

Leaving the opposite battlefield, Mo Feng ran to the Pokémon Center and took out the big rock snake that was stored for treatment.

Although I don’t plan to practice this guy, but now it’s different, fire system ruins, this guy’s attributes have absolute suppression, it is necessary to do it, before I wanted to take it for contribution points because it was useless, now it is useful or take it to practice first, took out the treasure ball of the big rock snake and looked at the attributes.

Great Rock Snake

Level: 1 (0/100)

Attributes: rock, ground

Features: Hard head

Personality: Laid back (Defense growth +10%, Speed growth -10%. )

Quality: Excellent (Growth value is 50, up to the realm of the king.) )

Realm: Normal (0/100, Realm bonus: None.) )

Growth: Life 130, Attack 5, Defense 11, Special Attack 5, Special Defense 12, Speed 4.5.

Life: 130/130+143

Attack: 5+4

Defense: 11+8.8

Special Attack: 5+27.5

Special defense: 12+2.4

Speed: 4.5+0.9

Tricks: harden, tie, impact.

Looking at the attributes of this big rock snake are not outstanding, defense, special defense and health are relatively high, it is very normal to grow Pokémon with dual attributes of rock and ground, and this type of Pokémon growth is biased towards the meat shield type.

Mo Feng scratched his head, just right, with the size of the big rock snake, you can easily block the attack, even if it is not an attack to the big rock snake, as long as the big rock snake blocks the front, then it will be okay, if you can’t get through, you have to fight, if you don’t hit, you will be stuck in the position, and you will be stuck to death, of course, after the magic machine gives these Pokémon wisdom, if you encounter this state, you really can’t cross over, the monster will force the target in front of you to attack, and there will be no situation where you are stuck and let people fight. _

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