Age of Elves

Chapter 053

053 Duck-billed fire dragon and lava snail

Mo Feng shook his head helplessly, looked at the flame bird over there in place, and then looked at the box over there, try it later, it’s worth gambling, it’s just one death at most.

After deciding, he walked to the side with a smile, there were quite a few passages here, and he found a passage where no one went in, but for a moment, he shook his head and walked out, and there was nothing.

Just as he was about to go to the next place to take a look, he heard the voice of the communicator: “Mr. Madman, find a Pokémon’s lair, come and assemble at the entrance.” ”

“I see.” After Mo Feng responded, he put away the communicator and walked in the direction of the entrance, and when he reached the entrance, Rose and a few girls had returned to the entrance, but the people were not yet together.

Mo Feng looked at Rose: “Miss Rose, what Pokémon’s nest did you find?” ”

“One found is the nest of the duck-billed fire dragon, and the other is the nest of the lava snail, I don’t know which one we should start with first.” Rose looked at Mo Feng and asked.

“It’s all the same, let’s take a look first.” Mo Feng looked at a few people, the Pokémon here should be high-level Pokémon, and they can be put into use if they are caught, but even if the high-level Pokémon is caught, they can only exert the same level of strength as the player.

“The people have already assembled, let’s go.” Rose waved and followed a girl as she led her way towards the duck-billed fire dragon’s lair.

“It’s really hot here, Sister Rose.” A few girls behind him looked at Rose and said, a group of people walked to the entrance, Rose put her finger to her mouth, made a silent gesture, and then pointed inside, and saw four duck-billed fire dragons lying in two nests sleeping.

Mo Feng looked at the lost detection skill and checked the information of the duck-billed fire dragon.

Duckbill fire dragon


The level is very high, Mo Feng scratched his head, the most important thing is that the level is exceeded, and the quality cannot be seen, which is really uncomfortable.

Mo Feng glanced at Rose and the others next to him, took out a treasure ball and threw it, a six-tailed appeared, followed by the tyrannosaurus, the large-mouthed bat appeared.

Mo Feng watched as everyone around him released a Pokémon, nodded and gave an order to Six Tails: “Go, Six Tails, use Flame Sputtering.” ”

Rokuo, who heard the order, was the first to attack. A duck-billed fire dragon attacked, hit a duck-billed fire dragon in an instant, the flame splashed onto a duck-billed fire dragon next to it, the two duck-billed fire dragons roared, a flame spewed out, and the two duck-billed fire dragons next to them also woke up and attacked one after another, but as soon as the flames touched the six tails, they were all sucked into the body by the six tails, and did not cause damage to the six tails at all.

“Tyrannosaurus, water cannon! Large-billed bat, air blade. Mo Feng issued an order to the two Pokémon, the Tyrannosaurus and the Bigmouth Bat attacked a target at the same time, and the girl next to him also played an order towards the Pokémon, gathering fire towards the same target, and defeated a duck-billed fire dragon in one round of attacks, and the six tails successfully attracted the fire power of several others, and Mo Feng commanded the Pokémon to break one by one.

But in a moment, under the attack of several people, one by one the duck-billed fire dragon fell, Mo Feng took back a few Pokémon, looked at the duck-billed fire dragon inside, and glanced at the rose next to him: “I’ll take a Pokémon egg, and the rest will belong to you, Miss Rose.” ”

“Our sisters’ Pokémon are not too advanced, and we will accept this one unceremoniously.” Rose looked at Mo Feng and said, waved her hand, took the lead in throwing the treasure ball to subdue a duck-billed fire dragon, and several members of the Hundred Flowers Pavilion behind took out the treasure ball to subdue the remaining few duck-billed fire dragons, this kind of high-level Pokémon, you can use it directly without training, until the level of the trainer reaches the level of the Pokémon, there is no need to practice, but the command of Pokémon that is more advanced than themselves, it is easy to not listen to instructions.

Mo Feng walked in and took a Pokémon egg, and the remaining five Pokémon eggs of the duck-billed fire dragon were divided by several other members of the Hundred Flowers Pavilion one by one.

“Sister Rose, this duck-billed fire dragon is actually level 70, and it is still of rare quality, and it can be used for a long time.” Bauhinia held a treasure ball and looked at the rose and said.

“Yes, the harvest is good, several combat power have been harvested at once, and there is another lair, let’s go, Mr. Madman.” Rose looked at Mo Feng and said, thinking that Mo Feng would ask for a duck-billed fire dragon, which was more useful to them than a Pokémon egg that did not know what quality it would hatch, or a duck-billed fire dragon that had already become an adult.

“Let’s go, Pokémon have a high level, which is indeed good, but it is not easy to control, you should be careful when using it.” Mo Feng looked at the rose and said.

“Thanks for the reminder, we will use it carefully.” Rose nodded and waved at a girl, and several people walked to the other side, the lava snail’s nest on the opposite side of the duck-billed fire dragon’s lair, branching on either side of this volcano.

Mo Feng followed a few people to continue to move forward, the duck-billed fire dragon’s eggs hatched from the duck-billed dragon can evolve twice, he still has some interests, as for lava snails, to be honest, there is really no interest, although there are ten, but the level is only 60 levels lower than the duck-billed fire dragon, and it was quickly cleaned up by several people, Mo Feng gave up directly, all to Rose and others to scrape, collected ten lava snails, and collected ten Pokémon eggs, a group of people harvested not less.

Mo Feng looked at this sweeping mode, but think that if he creates a guild, he will do it, after all, there are many members, high-level Pokémon, good Pokémon even if they can’t use it, they can be used by their subordinates below, not to mention that the Pokémon eggs hatch, the quality is not low, and the probability of producing high-quality Pokémon is very high, this is the situation that the trainer gets, if the Pokémon hatch by themselves outside, the quality is relatively low, because high-quality Pokémon are not allowed to flood in the wild.

After walking around the ruins and finding nothing, a group of people returned to the entrance and looked at the flame bird in the distance.

“It looks like there is nothing left, this boss looks like it can’t be beaten, Mr. Madman, let’s leave first.” Rose looked at Mo Feng and said, Mo Feng nodded: “See you next time.” Rose nodded, Youlan waved her hand towards Mo Feng, and then the members of the Hundred Flowers Pavilion withdrew from the relic copy one by one. _

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