Age of Elves

Chapter 056

056 Evolution King Beautiful Flower

Came to the rock cave of Mt. Tsukimi again, enjoyed the rare quiet, walked into the copy, took out one treasure ball after another and threw it, and Pokémon appeared in front of him one by one.

Magic Frog Flower, Forest Lizard, Stinky Flower, Nine Tails, Mini Dragon, Pikachu appeared in front of him, “Miao Frog Flower, Forest Lizard, Stinky Flower, start attacking, Nine Tails, Mini Dragon, Pikachu, you guys just follow me and stand by.” Mo Feng issued an order to several Pokémon, and the Miao Frog Flower, the Forest Lizard, and the Stinky Flower moved to the front and began to attack the small fist stone in front.

Mo Feng took the mini dragon, Pikachu, and the three Pokémon of the Nine Tails in the back to leisurely follow the eating experience, with several powerful outputs, a round of copies brushed quickly, basically a round of ten minutes.

Picked up one of the hats dropped by the big rock snake and looked at the attributes.

Big Rock Snake Hat (Rare)

Equipment requirement level: 35, trainer

Endurance +50

Mo Feng looked at this hat with a big rock snake pattern on it, the corner of his mouth twitched, directly equipped it, and then hid the hat.

Checked the system prompts.

“The level of the Nine Tails has been increased to level 29, comprehend the jet flame, please select the replacement skill.”

“Pikachu level increased to level 29.”

Mo Feng glanced at directly replacing the spark with a jet flame, and successfully replaced the spark, and did not succeed in learning the sixth skill, which is a pity.

Mo Feng took back the Pokémon, and several grass Pokémon could always brush without problem after absorbing life and physical strength, if they were not sleepy.

The equipment is still missing a ring, continue to brush, by the way level up the Pokémon, enter the copy again, look at the character level and sigh, after seeing a lot of experience to waste, because the level dropped to level 35, after the Pokémon level reaches level 35 full experience, you cannot gain experience, nor will you rise to level 36.

After brushing ten copies in a row, several Pokémon improved rapidly under a large amount of experience, the forest lizard evolved into the lizard king when the level was raised to level 36, and the mini dragon also evolved into a halklong at level 36, after completing the evolution, Mo Feng directly put an unchanged stone on the hakron, and after evolving into a hakron, it was able to fly, without having to evolve into a fast dragon, the simple dragon attribute is better, after evolving into a fast dragon, the attributes of the flight system were added, and the ice system restrained was too miserable, and the simple dragon attribute was doubled , the damage is still in the range of bearing, if it is four times, this weakness is too great.

The level of the Nine Tails and Pikachu has been increased to level 32, the level of the Miao Frog Flower and the Stinky Flower has been increased to level 36, and Mo Feng himself has also been raised to level 36.

Mo Feng looked at a few Pokémon with a smile, took out the baby ball and took back a few Pokémon, leaving a stinky flower: “Almost, it’s time for you to evolve, you have to choose to evolve into a beautiful flower or an overlord flower, if you want to evolve into a beautiful flower, I have this sun stone here, if you want to evolve into an overlord flower, you have to get a leaf stone, the skills that should be learned have been learned, the skills of the goblin department must reach the Carlos region before they can be learned, and they can’t be learned here.” He took out the sun stone and handed it to the stinky flower.

“Stinks!” The stinky flower looked at the sun stone that Mo Feng took out and nodded towards Mo Feng, and then came to the front of the sun stone, and when his forehead touched the sun stone, his body emitted a white light.

“Congratulations to your stinky flower for evolving into a beautiful flower, comprehending the magic leaf, please select the replacement skill, the quality is upgraded to the king level, and the growth is reset, please check it.”

“Quality improved?” Mo Feng looked at the beautiful flowers dancing happily in front of him, his face was incredible, the chance of this evolution being promoted to the quality of a king was too small.

So small that Mo Feng couldn’t believe it, first replaced the sweet aroma with a magic leaf, and then opened the attribute bar of the beautiful flower.

Beautiful flowers

Rating: 36 (367000/800000)

Attributes: grass, poison

Properties: chlorophyll

Personality: Slow swallowing (+10% for special attack growth, -10% for defense growth.) )

Quality: King (Growth value is 100, up to the champion level.) )

Realm: Quasi-Heavenly King (2/100, realm bonus: +50% of all attributes.) )

Growth: Health 200, Attack 10, Defense 13.5, Special Attack 33, Special Defense 15, Speed 10.

Life: 7200/7200+11520

Attack: 360+540

Defense: 486+631.8

Special attack: 1188+7128

Special defense: 540+378

Speed: 360+252

Tricks: Ultimate Suction, Growth, Magic Leaf, Dissolved Liquid, Poison Powder, Paralysis Powder, Hypnotic Powder.

Mo Feng looked at this attribute, threw off the last quality when a street, sure enough, the gap between the king-level Pokémon and the best is too big, with the attribute of a beautiful flower, to brush the rock cave, after his trainer’s attribute strengthening, he can directly kill the big rock snake in seconds, moreover, the magic leaf skill is still a group attack, the magic leaf can summon a large number of magic leaves, even if it is damaged by the leaf attack, a leaf attack is counted as one, and a multi-leaf attack is also counted as a damage, brush the rock cave This picture, It’s definitely all the way to the past.

“Come back, beautiful flower.” Mo Feng took out the baby ball and put the beautiful flower back, left the copy, and went out to look at the communicator, and the time on the communicator was already past three o’clock in the afternoon.

“That’s it for today.” Mo Feng looked at the 80W experience value, at least several rounds of copies to be able to upgrade, or go back to improve the skills of the Lord of Power, so that the physical attack Pokémon can also become the main force again, you must know that he also has a king needle bee that is good at attacking, not good training, it is too wasteful, the ring is still not brushed out, but brushed out a level 35 trainer’s rare vest, which is useless to himself, he already has it.

Turned around and walked back, contacted Rose along the way, ready to deal with these equipment together, went back and sold twenty gold bars, and then used 500,000 to dispose of these unused equipment to Hundred Flowers Pavilion, and took the Pokémon to a famous restaurant, have a good meal, today is too risky, the injury is too serious but will die, if you really die, there is no way to treat, unless there is a doctor who has learned the king-level resurrection skill, the real resurrection technique, It takes that skill to revive truly dead Pokémon.

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