Age of Elves

Chapter 057

057 Ash’s request

took the Pokémon to a high-end restaurant to eat, after walking out, Mo Feng looked at the cash in the backpack, smiled bitterly helplessly, ate nearly half a million cash, and he was so extravagant, put the well-fed Pokémon back into the Baby Ball, walked towards the Trainer Academy, looked at the time, at four o’clock in the afternoon, it was time to practice a skill, chose to cultivate fourteen hours of specialized research time, and began the retreat mode.

…… Next…… Six points, just to raise the skill of the Lord of Power to level four, the amount of experience required for this skill upgrade is simply desperate.

Yawned and looked at the sky where the sun had just emerged: “A new day has begun again, continue to brush copies.” Mo Feng walked out with a smile on his face, and was about to think about using it early, anyway, now that he has money, he can’t treat himself and Pokémon badly.

Just halfway through, he was stopped by the boy who suddenly appeared in front of him, because it was still very early and there were not too many players and NPCs, he immediately saw the boy with the hat on the opposite side, and the boy on the opposite side also looked at him, walked over quickly, and followed Pikachu to shake hands and look at Mo Feng: “You are the same gentleman from last time, that… Yes, can you please give me special training? I want to defeat Xiao Gang of Nibi Dojo. ”

“Trigger Hidden Mission: Ash’s request for special training, accept?”

Mo Feng looked at Xiao Zhi on the opposite side, due to gamification, Ash will not be helped by martial arts after defeat, but will become a task, will be awarded by Ash to a person with a high favorability, if no one accepts it for three days, there will be and NPCs intervene to give Ash special training, unlike the ordinary charging Pikachu, joking, the electric system tricks are ineffective against the ground system, under the control of the divine machine, the rules of the gamified dojo are very formal, and the rules of restraint are also very clear, If there is no formal defeat, break the fire pipe, the kind of luck victory scene will not appear, under the regulations of the divine machine, even the protagonist character, will not have this special special offer, must defeat Xiao just to get the badge, but interestingly, the protagonist against the dojo owner, different from the player battle, NPC against the dojo owner will be weakened to a certain extent, as for how much can be weakened, it depends on the importance of the NPC of this challenge, if Ash challenges, the degree of the dojo, Pokémon are about level 20, after all, if it is too difficult, the protagonist’s first dojo has been touching for nearly a month, and the plot behind it is moldy.

“Okay, I’ll give you special training and give you how to defeat Xiao Gang.” Mo Feng looked at Xiao Zhi on the opposite side and said, brushing copies is also a little tired, there are actually hidden tasks, do not accept white.

“The player accepts the hidden mission – Ash’s special training request is successful.”

Mission Name: Ash’s Special Training Request

Mission content: Give Ash special training and help Ash defeat Xiaogang of Nibi Dojo.

Mission Rewards: ???

“This… That one…… My name is Ash, what do you call sir. Xiao Zhi scratched his head and looked at Mo Feng and asked.

“Just call me the wind, come with me.” Mo Feng looked at Xiao Zhi and beckoned.

“Yes, Mr. Wind.” Ash nodded and looked at Pikachu: “Great, Pikachu.” After that, he followed Mo Feng and followed Mo Feng to the restaurant inside the Pokémon Center.

“You want to defeat Xiao Gang?” Mo Feng looked at Xiao Zhi on the opposite side and asked.

Xiao Zhi immediately nodded in response when he heard this: “Yes, I want to defeat Xiao Gang and get the badge.” ”

“So, what is the Pokémon you have now?” Mo Feng looked at Xiao Zhi on the opposite side and asked.

“Ba Da Butter, Bibi Bird, Pikachu.” Xiao Zhi looked at Mo Feng and lowered his head and said, after all, there are too few Pokémon so little, and he has not even accepted the six most basic Pokémon of the trainer.

“Okay, I’ll give you two plans, one is the most straightforward and simple, it’s easy to win, it’s very difficult, you may have to get into a hard battle, the battle will be tough, and you won’t necessarily win, which do you want to hear first?” Mo Feng ate breakfast slowly, looked at the opposite Ash and asked, according to the evaluation habits of the task, completing the task only best meets what Ash thinks, so that you can get a perfect evaluation and get the highest reward, for example, Ash wants to use Pikachu and other Pokémon to defeat Xiao Gang, and you specially train him to successfully use Pokémon such as Pikachu to defeat Xiao Gang, so that he can get the highest evaluation.

“Let’s listen to the simple method first.” Xiao Zhi scratched his head and looked at Mo Feng and said.

Mo Feng looked at Xiao Zhi on the opposite side and said word by word: “Simple, is to capture the Pokémon that can water system tricks and grass system tricks, to fight, because the Pokémon with dual attributes of rock system and ground, if they are attacked by these two types, the damage will be higher than other special moves, causing several times the attribute restraint damage, there are these two Pokémon, even if the Pokémon level is not higher than Xiao Gang’s Pokémon level, they can easily win, which is the simplest and most direct method.” ”

“That! That, Mr. Wind, I want to use my current Pokémon to fight Xiao Gang, only then does it make sense to win. Xiao Zhi looked at Mo Feng and said, and Pikachu on the side also nodded in agreement.

Mo Feng nodded, the worst case, it seems that he has been abused by Xiao Gang again, and he is not convinced with Pokémon, and he wants to win back.

“In this case, increase your Pokémon level and learn more tricks.” Mo Feng looked at Xiao Zhi and said.

“This… Trouble Mr. Wind. Xiao Zhi said towards Mo Feng, Mo Feng nodded: “It’s okay, I don’t have anything to do now, since you have chosen the method, then let’s start, you should be ready.” ”

“Pikachu and I are ready.” Ash and Pikachu said as they clenched their fists in sync.

Mo Feng looked and shook his head, got up and turned his back to Xiao Zhi: “Let’s go, go out and start special training.” ”

“Yes!” Ash responded and followed Mo Feng to the opposite battlefield on the Pokémon Center side.

“Now let’s start with the trick learning.” Mo Feng took out the baby ball and threw it, Pikachu appeared in front of him and yawned: “Pi, Pika!” Pikachu turned his head to look at Mo Feng and asked, as if there was no opponent to fight.

“Ash, let your Pikachu learn this trick, Pikachu, shadow doppelganger!” Mo Feng issued an order to Pikachu, Pikachu nodded, his body blurred, and Pikachu appeared one by one, and Qi Qi shouted towards Ash and Pikachu on the opposite side: “Pi! Pickup! ”

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