"Don't worry, King Kena is going to chase him, and he'll be fine with King Kena." Zhou Xuan followed.


"Kona King?!"

Hearing Kona, Xia Zhimu and Liu Menghan exclaimed at the same time.

Xia Zhimu was surprised. She naturally knew that Kona, one of the invincible kings of the alliance, was known as the strongest ice-type trainer in China. She did not expect the Elf Association to pay such attention to this mission that even Kona was dispatched.

Liu Menghan has seen Ke Na's Championship Challenge on TV. Although Ke Na lost to a champion in China, she is still one of the most desirable beings among all Chinese female trainers.

On the other side, Zhang Feng was still chasing the Rockets truck.

Inside the car, a member of Team Rocket in a blue uniform was driving, with Dr. Darkmoon sitting in the back.

"The Kuailong is still approaching us." Xingyue put her head out of the window and looked at Zhang Feng in the sky.

"It's okay, the car is driving farther away to avoid Kona. If he dares to follow, we will take the Fangtooth Land Shark and take all his elf in the bag, including the elf we haven't seen before."

Dr. Darkmoon said coldly.

In his words, he seemed to be very afraid of Kona.

In mid-air, when Kuailong was about to catch up with the truck, suddenly a strong freezing light interrupted Kuailong's flight. Zhang Feng was quite keen, and he sensed the movement behind him, allowing Kuailong to dodge it. Remember the freezing light.

In the air, Zhang Feng turned his head and saw Kona who was riding a frozen bird not far behind. The world's well-known heavenly king was as dazzling as the stars of Zhang Feng's previous life, and he had a large number of fans of his own.Zhang Feng has watched a lot of the Heavenly Kings Challenge, and he is naturally familiar with Huaxia, the first Heavenly King of the Ice Element.

"I'm also chasing the Rockets." Zhang Feng hurriedly shouted at Kona, who was about to continue the attack, before he could be surprised why Kona had the Frozen Bird.

He didn't want to lose a good opportunity to catch up with Dr. Darkmoon because of Kona's blocking.


When Zhang Feng turned his head, Corna recognized Zhang Feng's face.

Previously, the top level of the Elf Association also asked her to serve as a staff advisor, so she was familiar with Zhang Feng, the first-ranked trainer, and the fast dragon he rode also showed his identity.

Seeing that Frozen Bird was not attacking, Zhang Feng also signaled Kuailong to slow down and fly side by side with Frozen Bird.

"Kona King, things are a bit complicated. My clothes are what I wore when I sneaked into the Rockets. Let's catch up with the truck in front of us first."

Zhang Feng turned his head and said to Kona who was on the frozen bird.

"Who are there in the car?" Kona said apologetically, looking at Zhang Feng on the fast dragon.

After all, she almost attacked Zhang Feng as a member of the Rockets just now.

"A doctor, several members of Team Rocket in black uniforms, should be the most core members of Team Rocket's base." Zhang Feng said with a slow sigh of relief.

Kona said directly after listening: "Then first catch them talking."

After that, the frozen bird began to accelerate.

57. Catch up, dark ball (for flowers)

On the side of the cave, the pavilion owner Xiao Jing and Liu Menghan were chatting about their journey to the Rocket Team's secret base here.

The owner of Xiao Jing, who heard it, was also confused, there was no way, Liu Menghan didn't know much, she only knew that Zhang Feng brought them here, and then they sneaked in.

And Xia Zhimu also assisted Li Ruo Tianwang and the members of the Elf Association to remove the Rocket Team members who were still alive in the cave one by one out of the cave, ready to be escorted back to Qiuhuang City first.

Because the number of people is a bit large, it will be escorted in several batches.

Zhou Xuantian took a group of members to find valuable information about the secret base of Team Rocket, but when they entered Dr. Darkmoon's research room, they all gritted their teeth when they saw the tragic state of the elf.

And Zeraora, who had nothing to do outside, found a boulder, jumped on it, and fell asleep on the boulder.

On the other hand, Kona, who was riding the Frozen Bird, and Zhang Feng, who was riding the Fast Dragon, had already started chasing the truck at full speed. Even a truck that had been modified by Team Rocket technology would have no way to face the two of them. The distance between the two parties continued. pulled in.

inside the car.

"No, that woman from Kona has followed." Xingyue said hurriedly as she glanced at the two who were getting closer and closer outside the window.

Hearing Ke Na, Dr. Dark Moon's expression also changed. Ke Na alone is not something they can deal with, let alone following Zhang Feng.

Before the doctor could speak, with a "bang", the rear of the truck was attacked by Zhang Fengkuailong's destruction light, and the truck unbalanced and crashed directly into the woods.

"This is a good way to help them park." Ke Na smiled faintly at Zhang Feng.

"No way, they are quite afraid of death, so there shouldn't be a big problem." Zhang Feng touched his nose and said with a smile.

Zhang Feng has always been reckless about attacking evil organizations, and he does not need to follow the rules of the trainer.

Pain is the best lesson for such a madman.

In mid-air, Kona's Frozen Bird and Zhang Feng's Fast Dragon slowed down at the same time and flew towards the place where the truck stopped.

At the scene, I saw that the head of the truck hit a big tree directly, and the driver seemed to have been directly killed. Annu and Xingyue were supporting Dr. Darkmoon with blood on his head and wanted to leave, but were flew over. Zhang Feng and Kona collided with each other.

"Dr. Darkmoon, it's actually you? We meet again!" In mid-air, Corna looked at the embarrassed Dr. Darkmoon on the ground with a little playfulness.

When she was chasing, Zhang Feng only told her that there was a doctor and several members of Team Rocket in black uniforms. She caught up only to find out that it was such a big fish.

Zhang Feng looked at the ophthalmologist and did not speak, but the doctor actually knew the doctor.

"Kona? What do you want?" Dr. Dark Moon shook off Xingyue who was supporting him and said coldly at Kona in mid-air.

At this time, Zhang Feng and Kona had already landed, and the moment they got off the backs of their respective elves, Annu and Xingyue were on guard, and Xingyue even had a Pokeball in each hand.

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