"What I don't want to do, I want to invite Dr. to sit at the Qiuhuang City Police Station." Ke Na spread his hands and said with a smile.

"Really? Then try it." Dr. Darkmoon took out two black Poké Balls from his waist and threw them into the air, said coldly.

Two black lights flashed, and Manula and the giant pincer mantis appeared, and the expressions of the two elves were very tyrannical and hideous.

Xingyue also summoned a bronze bell and double-bomb gas, while Annu summoned a water elf.

The bronze bell of lv.54, the double-bomb gas of lv.48, the blue aptitude, the water elf of lv.52, the purple aptitude, Zhang Feng looked at all the good elves, almost all of them had a gymnasium The strength of the owner.

The Manula summoned by Dr. Darkmoon is as high as lv.61, and the giant pincer mantis is lv.59, both of which are purple aptitudes, but the pokeball thrown by Dr. Darkmoon is a bit weird, Zhang Feng seems to have seen it somewhere .

Seeing Dr. Darkmoon's actions, Corna showed a hint of sarcasm: "Doctor, what about the Bishas? He sent these two elves to follow you?"

Hearing Bishas' name, Zhang Feng reacted instantly, and also remembered the origin of the elf ball in the hands of Dr. Darkmoon just now. The dark ball can enhance the power of the elf, but it will make the elf's temperament very violent. The ball, and Bishas used this kind of ball when catching Celebi. Zhang Feng remembered that Bijas was one of the cadres of the Rockets in the original book, and his temperament was extremely irritable.

Immediately, Kona also threw a pokeball, and an iron shell appeared in front of Zhang Feng.

When Zhang Feng used the system to detect the data of the ironclad shell and the frozen bird, Zhang Feng was surprised.

Frozen Bird, Level lv.79, Level 70 God, Iron Shell, Level lv.[-], Orange Qualification.

Zhang Feng knows the reason why Dr. Dark Moon is afraid. It is not himself who is eager to avoid himself, but the ice king, Ke Na, who has an adult frozen bird.

Before Zhang Feng was an adult, he also watched a lot of competitions against the kings, and he can also be said to have a very good understanding of the main lineup of Kona. This iron-clad shell is one of the main players, but Kona's frozen bird has never been used in the challenge. .

Kona's Frozen Bird spread its wings and stared at Dr. Darkmoon.

At this time, Dr. Dark Moon was also secretly complaining!He really didn't want to confront this perverted woman, the key point. Bishas, ​​who was sent to protect him before, disappeared after hearing the news of Celebi. Originally, Dr. Darkmoon thought it was nothing.

If Bijas brought back Celebi, he could borrow it to study it. It seems that it is not bad to be able to study the magical elf like the phantom beast. Until now, he has completely regretted his confrontation with Kona.

"Little guy, can you help me hold the two guys behind me for a while?" Ke Na said, looking at Zhang Feng.

"Okay, it's a little troublesome to keep alive." Zhang Feng said lightly.

"Quick dragon, the dragon god swooped down and aimed at the bronze bell." Zhang Feng started directly.

"Manuela, freeze the light," Dr. Dark Moon ordered the elf in front of him as he watched the flying dragon.

Manuela directly aimed at the fast dragon that swooped down in the air, spitting out freezing rays of light.

"Old thing, how dare you be distracted in the face of me? Frozen bird, iron shell, frozen light."

Kona said coldly when he saw this scene.

58. The pain of Kona (for flowers)

"Iron wall, bronze bell."

"Water spirit, water gun."

Xingyue and Annu also gave orders to the fast dragon who looked at the dragon god swooping over.

In the air, I saw the freezing light of the iron shell directly resisted the freezing light of Manula attacking the fast dragon.

The freezing light of the freezing bird hit the giant pincer mantis that could not dodge, but the scratch had already frozen the left pincer of the giant pincer mantis into ice. The lv.79 level of the freezing bird skill is simply powerful horrible.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Feng couldn't help sweating on his forehead. He was glad that most of the divine beasts he encountered in the dungeon were not high enough.

At this time, after the fast dragon took down the water spear of the water elf, the dragon god swooped and hit the bronze bell that was unable to make it out of the iron wall because of fear, and the bronze bell showed a painful look.

"Quick Dragon, Flame Fist pursues the victory." Zhang Feng shouted quickly.

"Double gas, smoke." Xingyue immediately commanded the double gas to support the bronze bell.

The double-bomb gas on the side exhaled thick smoke, and even Annu and Dr. Darkmoon were enveloped in smoke.

Seeing this scene, the corners of Zhang Feng's mouth rose slightly.

"Don't mess with the fast dragon, attack directly at one o'clock in the northwest," Zhang Feng said confidently, and the data of the system flashed in his eyes.

I saw the hesitant Kuailong rushing directly into the smoke, his fist burning with flames, and pointing in the direction of Zhang Feng, without giving Bronze Bell a chance to react, the flame fist hit again at close range, and an explosion occurred. He flew out of the smoke, hit a tree, and fainted.

"It's amazing, kid, Frozen Bird, Storm."

Cona glanced at the bronze bell flying out of the smoke, she was a little surprised that Zhang Feng could accurately lock the position of the bronze bell from the smoke.

Following Kona's instructions, the Frozen Bird vigorously flapped its wings to generate gusts of strong winds, and the smoke was about to be completely dispelled.

"Manuela, freeze the light." Dr. Darkmoon in the smoke commanded while coughing.

I saw that a blue light in the smoke suddenly attacked the fast dragon who had already revealed its figure in the smoke.

"Quick dragon, fly up!"

"Iron armor shell, freeze the light."

Zhang Feng and Kona commanded their elf at the same time.

The cooperation between Kuailong and Zhang Feng can be said to be very close. After all, the elf who has been with him for 16 years, the moment Zhang Feng opened his mouth, Kuailong fluttered his wings very quickly to avoid this freezing light.

However, the freezing light of the iron shell directly hit Manula who had just cast the freezing light, and Manula showed pain on her face.

"Fast dragon, aim at the water elf, the fluctuation of the dragon." Zhang Feng said directly to the fast dragon in mid-air.

At the same time, Ke Na's Frozen Bird and Iron Shell are also facing against Dr. Darkmoon's elf. Almost as soon as they fight, Ke Na has an absolute advantage. China's strongest ice trainer is no joke.

"Water spirit, water cannon."

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