Age of Elves

Chapter 058

058 Special Training

“Good! That’s awesome! Pikachu has several. Ash looked at the Pikachu who appeared one by one on the opposite side and said with golden eyes glowing in his eyes.

“Pi! Pikachu! Pikachu next to Ash also had bright eyes.

“You just let your Pikachu, learn this trick, shadow doppelganger, can make your Pikachu confuse Xiaogang’s Pokémon, increase the success rate of Pikachu dodging attacks, reduce the damage to Pikachu, can make Pikachu fight longer, and after that, it is time to increase the level.” Mo Feng looked at Xiao Zhi and said, waving at his Pikachu: “Pikachu, you go and teach it.” ”

“Pi! Pickup! Pikachu nodded, heard Mo Feng’s order, and ran towards Pikachu on the opposite side.

Ash also nodded at Pikachu, Pikachu ran over, and the two Pikachu began to communicate.

After Mo Feng glanced at it, he looked at Xiao Zhi, this kind of teaching skill can make Pokémon learn tricks, but this depends on the understanding of the Pokémon learned, if it is too stupid, then you can’t learn it, if you can’t learn it.

“Next it’s your Bada butterfly and Bibi bird, you release it.” Mo Feng looked at Xiao Zhi and said, Xiao Zhi nodded and released Ba Da Butterfly and Bibi Bird.

Mo Feng looked at the two Pokémon on the opposite side and scratched his head, after seeing it with detection skills, they were not outstanding, and they were rare quality, relatively speaking, the protagonist’s Pokémon were really bad enough.

“How many tricks do you have in your Butterfly and Bibi Birds? Show me what. Mo Feng looked at Xiao Zhi on the other side and said.

Xiao Zhi nodded at Mo Feng: “Go, Bibi Bird, Ba Da Butter, show your tricks, Ba Da Butter, you come first.” “Give orders to the butterfly and the bibi bird.

The butterfly flew up, first hitting quickly forward, then flying up, sprinkling blue powder, then flapping its wings to blow the powder away, and then releasing orange powder, flapping its wings again to blow the powder away.

After the display, Ba Da Butterfly flew back to Ash, Bibi Bird flew up, first flapped its wings to fan out a wind, and then, a white light appeared behind him, rushed forward, and flew back to Ash with a turn.

“The tricks of the Ba Da Butterfly Club are impact, hypnotic powder, blowing flying, paralysis powder, and Bibi Bird will only have a flash of wind and light.” Mo Feng nodded at Xiaozhi expressionlessly after reading it: “The tricks that Ba Da Butter can learn in the early stage are: mental power, hypnotic powder, paralysis powder, poison powder and other tricks, your Ba Da Butterfly will not be mindful now, nor will it be poisonous powder, there are hypnotic powder and paralysis powder two tricks and blowing is also a good match, as long as the match is reasonable, the use of blowing to blow hypnosis powder and paralysis powder to each other, you can make the very slow hypnotic powder and paralysis powder form a miracle, as long as one of the two types of hypnosis powder and paralysis powder works, Then your battle will become easier, just attach two states to Xiao Gang’s Pokémon, and replace other Pokémon that can deal high damage to attack…”

“So… It turns out that it can still be like this, well… That’s awesome. Xiao Zhi looked confused, Mo Feng looked at the opposite Xiao Zhi and nodded, but he looked confused, the corners of his mouth twitched, it seemed that he said so much in vain, I don’t know how much this kid remembered.

“That’s it, just say it, you may not understand, let’s conduct actual combat special training to strengthen your understanding of the new strategy.” Mo Feng looked at Xiao Zhi on the opposite side and said, Xiao Zhi nodded and took back Ba Da Butterfly and Bibi Bird, the two looked at Pikachu on the other side, Mo Feng’s eyes narrowed, his own Pikachu was looking at Xiao Zhi’s Pikachu nodded, opposite Xiao Zhi’s Pikachu, closed his eyes and clasped his hands and made a sound, the figure suddenly blurred, and two identical selves were separated in an instant.

“Pikachu, you made it.” Ash looked at Pikachu and happily ran over and said, “Pika, Pika! Pikachu opened his eyes when he heard the voice, looked at his own shadow doppelganger next to him, and happily raised his paw and called out to Ash.

“Well done, come back, Pikachu.” Mo Feng took out the baby ball and put his Pikachu back, looked at the happy conversation with Pikachu on the other side, worthy of being known as Pikachu, this understanding is really good, actually able to master the shadow doppelganger trick in such a short time.

“It seems that your Pikachu is very savvy, let’s go, let’s go for actual combat training.” Mo Feng said to Ash, who responded and let Pikachu climb on his shoulder, followed behind Mo Feng, and came to the side of the road leading to Mt. Tsukimi.

“Mr. Feng, aren’t you going to train against me?” Xiao Zhi looked at Mo Feng and scratched his head and asked.

“No, train against me, you won’t gain anything, there are many trainers on this road, they are your opponents, there is a trainer over there, go, fight well.” Mo Feng looked at Xiao Zhi and said with a smile.

“Okay, okay, that, Mr. Wind, won’t you come with me?” Xiao Zhi looked at Mo Feng, who was walking to the other side, and asked suspiciously.

“Ash, if you want to become a trainer on your own, you must learn to think for yourself, think about how to fight, and always rely on others to guide you will not grow, the tactics that should be said, I have already told you, you now integrate him well, apply it to actual combat, I will go back to the Pokémon Center in the evening, when the time comes, you will report to me about your battle situation and gains today, by the way, a special tip for you, pay attention to the situation of Pokémon, don’t let them fight too tired.”

“Yes, I see, Mr. Wind.” Xiao Zhi nodded towards Mo Feng, then turned and ran towards the trainer who was looking for something in the grass.

Mo Feng glanced at Xiao Zhi over there, shook his head helplessly, said that it was special training, and he couldn’t take NPCs to brush copies, the experience gained by fighting wild monsters outside was not as much experience gained from fighting with NPC trainers, but watching the battle between NPCs and NPCs, it was too boring, Mo Feng really didn’t want to see it, so he taught the method and was ready to leave, the method was chosen by Ash himself, since the choice is difficult, then improve the level well, rely on the attributes of the level increase to enhance the output, if it can cause level suppression to Xiao Gang, That’s even better.

It may take several days to practice, Mo Feng has no time to accompany, watching Xiaozhi fight against NPC trainers for several days, it is simply an idle egg pain, let him fight by himself, continue to brush copies by himself, this is the right way.

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