Age of Elves

Chapter 059

059 Hidden bosses

Following the familiar route, he came to the copy of the rock cave of Mt. Tsukimi, and threw the treasure ball: “Brush the copy twenty times first, phew!” Come out! Mo Feng took out one by one the treasure balls and threw them out, looking at the Pokémon that appeared in front of him.

Hakron, Bigmouth Bat, Big Echidna Bee, Pikachu, Nine Tails, Beautiful Flower, Mo Feng looked at the Pokémon in front of him with a smile on his face, and began to brush the monster plan, “Come on, Beautiful Flower, use the magic leaf!” Mo Feng issued an order towards the beautiful flower, looked at the expectant eyes of the other Pokémon, and scratched his head: “Hmm… A few of you should follow along. ”

Hearing the order, the beautiful flower danced happily, and one by one the magic leaves appeared and flew towards the opposite side, the colored leaves swept over the small fist stones, and as the magic leaves swept over the small fist stones, one by one the small fist stones returned to their original appearance and fell to the ground.

Mo Feng watched the corners of his mouth rise, and sure enough, it was no problem to let the beautiful flower single brush this rock cave, according to the plan, he first brushed 20 copies first, and was finishing the boss for the twentieth time, and the ground made a loud muffled roar.

A big head appeared on the ground, knocking the beautiful flower into the air, and then the tail lit up with a white light and flew the beautiful flower in an instant, and it was actually out of the hidden BOSS. Mo Feng waved at several Pokémon, looking at the rapid combo, digging a hole and adding an iron tail, -1396, -6346, instantly knocked out a part of the life of the beautiful flower, Mo Feng immediately issued an order to several Pokémon: “Nine Tails, Jet Flame, Beautiful Flower, Ultimate Absorb, Harkon uses tornadoes, large needle bees, malicious pursuit, large-mouthed bats use air blades.” “Issue the command.

Staring at the big steel snake, calculating the attack power of the big steel snake from the damage, there should be 4500 attacks, this attack is really high, worthy of being a hidden BOSS, compared to the copy BOSS is ten levels higher, the quality is also one level higher, the boss level should not be low, there is such a high attack, this hidden boss Although all copies have it, but only 0.1% chance will appear, Mo Feng has not encountered this big steel snake in his previous life, because it rarely appears, and people do not specifically send messages, but under their own attribute bonuses , the defense power of the beautiful flower has been increased to a very high level, and the damage caused by the large steel snake to the beautiful flower is limited.

Mo Feng looked at the damage that hit the big steel snake, -48997, -24804…

Under the attack of several Pokémon, life became empty in an instant, Mo Feng scratched his head, the king-level skill bonus is really high enough, and the hidden bosses of this low-level copy are not enough to fight.

“Kill the three-star boss Big Steel Snake and gain 25,000 experience.”

Because the attributes of the Nine Tails restrained the attack, causing a lot of damage, the quality output of the beautiful flower and the Harkdragon king was also explosive, and the combined attack of the three Pokémon killed the big steel snake in an instant.

Mo Feng scratched his head helplessly, was startled by the appearance of the big steel snake just now, did not expect it to be good, looking at the silver treasure chest that fell out, the hidden BOSS burst out of the treasure chest, a windfall, walked over, picked up the two gold bars burst out of the big rock snake, walked to the front of the silver treasure chest, opened the treasure chest, took out four gold bars, and the treasure chest disappeared.

Mo Feng looked at the disappearing treasure chest in front of him with a confused expression: “I wipe, just this broken thing, I am embarrassed to put it in the treasure chest, is there a mistake.” ”

A black line looked at the gold bar, threw it directly into the backpack, turned to look at the surrounding Pokémon: “Okay, everyone is lucky, let’s come back and rest first.” ”

Mo Feng took out the treasure ball to take back the Pokémon one by one, after exiting the copy, he looked at the 44 gold bars harvested, whether the number of brushes was too much, this copy was not shipped, shook his head helplessly, brushed the copy for nearly four hours at a time, beautiful flowers after so many copies, due to the use of magic leaves all the way, did not recover much physical strength, coupled with the blow of the big steel snake, now also become tired, and it is almost twelve o’clock, first take the Pokémon to eat a meal, rest for a while and then brush well.

Walking towards Nibi City, while watching the changes of the Pokémon, the level of the big needle bee was increased to level 34, the poison diamond and the flying needle were learned, the poison needle was replaced, the beautiful flower, the halklong was upgraded to level 38, the large-mouthed bat was upgraded to level 37, Pikachu was upgraded to level 36, learned to discharge, replaced the electric light, and the level of the Nine Tails was raised to level 36.

Mo Feng looked at the information, the level of Pokémon has basically been raised, this game is to train the baby is very lucky, after all, the demand for experience in the later stage is too high.

Walked back to Nibi City, exchanged gold bars for cash, and took the Pokémon to have a good meal, because I met Ash in the morning, only ate some tree fruits, but ate several tree fruits in a row, a few Pokémon are not too hungry, a meal of 100,000 cash, compared to a big meal is still much cheaper.

After eating and looking around, I originally planned to go to the rocket team base after breakfast to see if there was a mission, but I was disturbed by Ash, and I went to Mt. Tsukimi on the other side of the road and went to Mt. Tsukimi.

“I don’t know how that kid is training.” Mo Feng touched his chin and pondered for a moment, although he took the task, it was a little irresponsible to let Ash go, if he let Mo Feng go to watch Ash fight with people for a few hours, it was really idle and panicked, Mo Feng really couldn’t do it, he ate enough and turned around and walked towards the base on the side of Tokiwa City.

On the other side, inside the Pokémon Center, Xiaoxia looked at Ash on the opposite side and said: “Ash told you that if you only ask Miss Ben, you can easily win with Miss Ben’s Pokémon, and you don’t know where to run and what to do, and make Pikachu scarred.” ”

“I don’t want to use your Pokémon, I want to become stronger with Pikachu, become the strongest trainer, become a Pokémon Master, moreover, we are only in special training, of course we will be injured in battle, but Pikachu they really get stronger, and I got ten consecutive wins in one morning, I can feel that Pikachu they have become stronger.” Ash clenched his fists, looked at the sky, and said with his eyes shining, a battle in the Tokiwa Forest before, interrupted in the middle of the battle had no result at all, this was his first victory, and it was still ten consecutive victories, which made Ash’s frustrated heart become confident again.

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