Age of Elves

Chapter 060

060 capture task

“Ten wins in a row?” Xiao Xia looked at Xiao Zhi on the other side with a look of disbelief, to know Xiao Zhi’s strength, but weak can’t, the last battle, that kind of command method, how can you get ten consecutive victories.

“Yes! I am full of confidence now, and when I am full, I will continue the special training and challenge the dojo tomorrow!” Ash clenched his fists, his eyes shining with the golden light of biubiu, as if he saw his bright future, as if he saw himself become a Pokémon master.

“Daydreaming again.” Xiao Xia looked at Xiao Zhi on the other side, put one hand on her forehead, and shook her head helplessly.

At the same time, the base of the Hitsune City Rockets.

“Captain, are there any tasks today?” Mo Feng looked at the NPC captain of the rocket team on the opposite side and asked.

“This is a new mission, see for yourself.” The captain of the rocket team on the opposite side waved, a panel appeared in front of Mo Feng, one by one mission information, a total of five tasks, Mo Feng quickly swept, the lowest-level task of helping to send things, and the task of capturing low-level Pokémon, was directly ignored by Mo Feng.

Task Name: Fangyuan Capture Activity

Mission Requirements: Elite positions in Team Rocket

Mission content: Follow the rocket team, the front Fangyuan area, for a six-hour big capture, each member participating in the event must hand in 6 Pokémon, during the capture may receive local police attacks, please note.

Mission Rewards: Depending on the Pokémon handed in, the faction contributes points and faction prestige, and defeats the Alliance Police to get additional rewards.

Mo Feng looked at this task, this task is very interesting, the rocket team’s large-scale hunting activity mission, the treasure ball provided by the rocket team, no matter what kind of Pokémon you capture and turn it in, you can get contribution points and prestige, which is a good task to earn prestige and contribution points.

You must know that under normal circumstances, Team Rocket is also very picky about the Pokémon handed in, and will only charge Pokémon with excellent quality or more, and the reward is not higher than when this kind of collective activity task, it can be said that it is a welfare task, and you can get 1 reputation point and 1 contribution point by handing in a Pokémon of ordinary quality, and you can get normal double rewards if you turn in excellent or above.

“Just accept the task of this Fangyuan capture activity.” Mo Feng looked at the captain of the rocket team opposite and said.

“Well, gather here at 10 o’clock tonight, Boss Sakaki attaches great importance to this event, perform well, maybe you can get the attention of Boss Sakaki, don’t miss the time.” The captain of the rocket team on the opposite side looked at Mo Feng and said.

Mo Feng nodded: “I’ll be there on time.” After responding, leaving the Tokiwa City base here, the NPC’s police except for Junsha belongs to the quasi-king level, with a level fluctuating between 80-150, and the rest of the police are elite levels, fluctuating between 30-80.

You have to make good preparations, because you may be interfered by the police department or even the alliance search officer, so the reward is higher than usual, after all, the big hunt is an organization like Team Rocket, in order to capture a large number of Pokémon in other areas, and carry out large-scale activities, since it is a large-scale event, it will receive special attention from the alliance, there is a risk, and the harvest is higher.

Turned around and left Tokiwa City, walked towards Mt. Tsukimi, ran for nearly an hour, came to the side of the rock cave, continued to brush copies, even if there is no special harvest, that is, gold bars are also good things, no one will be too much money.

Using the magic frog flower, the lizard king, the big needle bee, the nine tails, the Pikachu, and the large-mouthed bat, I began to brush the copy, and it took more than three hours again, and I completed twenty consecutive brushes again, and successfully brushed a ring, as well as two moonstones, two fire stones, and 30 gold bars, this time it can be said that the harvest is very rich.

I didn’t forget my agreement with Ash, after going out to the copy, I looked at the time, and it was almost six o’clock when I walked back, with Ash’s Pokémon estimated that it would not take long to fight, I should be able to see Ash at the Pokémon Center.

Checking the system prompts along the way, the player character has increased to level 40, the level of the large-mouthed bat has been increased to level 39, and he has learned to suck blood and forget the fangs.

Pikachu and Nine Tails, Magic Frog Flower, and King Lizard have been raised to level 38, while the level of Needle Bee has been increased to level 37.

Except for the large-mouthed bat, the other Pokémon were only level up and did not comprehend any skills, Mo Feng shook his head and looked at the one that obtained the ring.

Delicate Rock Ring (Rare)

Equipment requirement level: 35, universal

Endurance +15, Wisdom +15, Strength +15

The ring with multi-attribute increase, after reading it, directly replaced it, replaced the ten-level ring, and finally got a set of rare equipment, which was too difficult.

Looking at the replaced ring, this low-level equipment is no longer useful, and it can’t be sold for much, Mo Feng directly destroyed it, walked back to the Pokémon Center in Nibi City, and ran into Ash sitting on the seat in the Pokémon Center.

“Ash, how was today’s special training?” Mo Feng looked at Xiao Zhi and asked.

“Ah, it’s Mr. Feng, today’s special training is very good, except for the last loss, I and Pikachu have won 29 battles, Mr. Feng’s tactics are really fantastic, and the skill combination of Ba Da Butterfly did not expect to be so effective.” Xiao Zhi looked at Mo Feng and said with golden light flashing in his eyes

“Is he Mr. Feng, it seems that there is nothing special, what an ordinary person.” Xiao Xia looked at Mo Feng in front of her from behind and thought.

“It looks like your record is good, after so many victories, the level of Pokémon should have improved a lot, I don’t know, have your Pokémon learned new tricks?” Mo Feng looked at Xiao Zhi and asked, “Oh, is that your companion?” Let’s go to the restaurant first, let’s eat and say, I’ll treat you. ”

“Okay, Mr. Feng, she’s Xiaoxia, count… It’s kind of a companion who travels together. Xiao Zhi looked at Xiao Xia and scratched his head and said, thinking about the reason why Xiao Xia followed him, he felt very helpless.

“That Mr. Feng, I’m Xiaoxia, please advise.” Xiao Xia looked at Mo Feng and introduced herself.

Mo Feng nodded at Xiaoxia: “I am Feng, a trainer on a trip, let’s go, let’s go over there and talk slowly.” ”

After that, he took Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia to the restaurant to eat.

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