Age of Elves

Chapter 064

064 returns to Kanto

“Hmph, actually dare to pursue!” Kakun sneered and walked to the front of the cabin door, “Open the hatch!” ”

“Yes! Captain Kakun! ”

Meanwhile, the other side…

The search officer, who appeared next to the police car with a group of people, held a walkie-talkie: “Fighters, evacuate!” Evacuate! Don’t get any closer. ”

“Go, forked bat! Teach this group of guys a lesson, use ultrasound! Kakun took out the baby ball and threw it, and a forked bat appeared and nodded towards Kakun, rushing into the sky, and an invisible ultrasound wave spread.

“Hey! Feed! One by one, the pilots shouted towards the walkie-talkie, only the noise remained, the operation panel in front of them, made a shrill sound, one by one made a nuisance sound, as the instrument emitted a black smoke, one by one the cockpit exploded, and fighter jets fell from the air with black smoke.

“Well done, forked bat.” Kakun looked at the forked bat flying back and sneered, and took the forked bat back: “Close the hatch and continue flying.” ”


As the sound sounded, the hatch closed, Kakun walked back to his original position and sat down, Mo Feng secretly mourned for this group of people, these technological supplies such as fighters in the game have been greatly weakened, as long as it is a stronger Pokémon, it can be destroyed casually.

In addition to transporting personnel, it is basically to deal with some low-level trainers and Pokémon, and it is a tragedy for the high-level ones like this, and a single ultrasound destroys a large area.

Sitting silently, flying for a while, and not catching up with the pursuers, the surrounding rocket team members woke up one by one from the hypnotic effect of the hypnotic powder.

When they flew back to Kanto, they landed on the outskirts of Tokiwa City, which was sparsely populated, and fell into a secret base that opened from the ground.

“Okay, when you arrive, get off the plane, take the Pokémon you are going to turn in, and take it here to count.” Kakun got off the plane first and said to the people who were slowly forming a group on the opposite side.

Then walking into a nearby instrument, a member of the rocket team walked up, handed over the cloth bag containing the baby ball, and then the next member went up and began to hand the baby ball.

Mo Feng was not in a hurry to watch from behind, and waited until the people in front left one by one, and then the last one walked up and put the bag full of baby balls up.

A member in charge of testing on the opposite side quickly picked up the baby balls one by one to scan them and threw them into the passage on the side, but in a moment, the baby balls in the bag bottomed out.

A total of 106 Baby Balls, 100 Pokémon of excellent quality, 6 Pokémon of rare quality, liquidation, 2600 contribution points, 860 prestige.

The person on the opposite side looked at Mo Feng and said, Mo Feng looked and nodded, “You did a good job this time, this is for you to fight merit.” Kakun on the side looked at Mo Feng and waved his hand, and the system’s prompt sounded in Mo Feng’s mind again.

System prompt: Get 1000 contribution points, 500 reputation.

Mo Feng was startled by the prompt that suddenly appeared, and looked at Kakun on the opposite side: “Thank you for the cultivation of the captain.” ”

“You deserve it, and based on your contribution to the organization, you should be eligible for promotion to captain level, but this requires you to pass the examination.” Kakun looked at Mo Feng and said.

“Yes! I understand. Mo Feng nodded, “Go and get busy with your business.” Kakun waved his hand, and Mo Feng turned to leave.

“Lord Kakun, the harvest this time is good, are these treasure balls going to be teleported to the headquarters now?” The people on the side looked at Kakun and asked.

“Notify the headquarters and start teleporting.” Kakun waved and turned to leave.

Along the long passage, I walked all the way to the rocket team base in Tokiwa City, walked inside and said hello to the rocket team captain over there, and left the rocket team base here.

The promotion certification of the rocket team was in another place, Mo Feng thought about it, then turned around and walked towards the promotion office of the rocket team on the other side of Tokiwa City, wanting to promote the captain not only has to have a contribution, but also have relative strength, the strength of the quasi-heavenly king.

As long as it is a position above the captain level, it needs to pass the strength verification, walked for a while, came to a corner store and walked in.

“What do guests need?” The clerk inside looked at Mo Feng and asked, and Mo Feng walked over and wrote an R on it: “I want this.” ”

“This thing is in the warehouse, come with me.” The clerk on the opposite side pressed the switch, and the door closed instantly, beckoned to Mo Feng, and walked into a wooden door.

Mo Feng followed and walked in, a battle field appeared inside, and the clerk who had just walked in snapped his fingers, the lights lit up, and the combat instruments on it were also activated.

“I am Zuo Sanlang, responsible for the captain-level test, since Kakun-sama who is in charge of the captain’s test is no longer there, now you can only carry out the captain-level test, if you want to carry out the promotion test, come over and check whether you are qualified.” The clerk on the opposite side pointed to the computer next to him and a detector.

Mo Feng smiled bitterly when he heard this, this Kakun is also a tester here, walked over, the process still has to go, walked to the computer, looked at it and put his hand on an instrument.

“Scan complete! Identity as an elite member – a madman. ”

The clerk over there looked at the avatar and information displayed above Mo Feng, “You meet the qualification for the captain level, let’s start fighting.” ”

Mo Feng nodded and picked up his hand, the information on the computer disappeared instantly, and the captain advanced to the test… As a prompt appeared, the computer displayed the battle directory between Mo Feng and Zuo Sanlang, and Mo Feng turned around and walked to the other side.

“The battle is six against six, and you have to beat me to advance.” Zuo San Lang looked at Mo Feng and said, clicked a button, and a drawer with several baby balls popped out of the stone pillar, and Zuo San Lang immediately picked up one and threw it out.

“Rada!” As the shouts rang out, a Rada appeared on the opposite battlefield.

Mo Feng padded the treasure ball in his hand and threw it out, and the first Pokémon, the large-mouthed bat, appeared.

“Rada, use the Fangs of Rage!” Zuo San Lang gave the order, Lada quickly rushed towards the large-mouthed bat, Mo Feng was startled, this Lada speed is very fast, “The large-mouthed bat lifted into the air to avoid, and then use the air blade.” Waving the order, the large-mouthed bat immediately spread its wings and took to the air, Rada’s jumping attack failed, the large-mouthed bat waved its wings, and several wind blades were fanned towards Lada, and the collision hit Lada who fell from the air, and as more than 10,000 damage emerged from Lada’s head, Lada smashed directly on the ground.

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