"Is that so, I joined."

Xiao Chi smiled and said.

Hearing Xiaochi's affirmation, Zhang Feng showed a hint of surprise. As the male protagonist of the original novel, Xiaochi is definitely an upright existence, otherwise he would not have fought the Rockets to the end, so Zhang Feng was very confident in recruiting him, but he Unexpectedly, Xiao Chi agreed so decisively, which made many of the words Zhang Feng prepared to convince him could not be said.

After all, after making up your mind that the evil organization will fight against you, maybe the evil organization will also attack your family and friends, and anyone will consider it properly.

"Fight! Let me see the strength of the leader of the organization."

Xiao Chi raised the Poke Ball at Zhang Feng, directly interrupting Zhang Feng who was in deep thought.

Xiao Chi is also impatient, and the name of the organization has not yet been decided. First, he has to test the quality of his leader. Zhang Feng also showed a smile.

Both Poke Balls are thrown into the sky.

"Come out, fire-breathing dragon."

"Prepare for battle, fast dragon."

Both parties directly chose their own initial elf.



As soon as it came out, the fire-breathing dragon faced the fast dragon, and it felt the power of the fast dragon in front of it.

Zhang Feng glanced at the fire-breathing dragon's data and sighed, as expected of a Chi's initial elf, level 1.

, Qualification orange, as a rookie, he is already perverted enough as a trainer.

The strong duel between the fire-breathing dragon and the fast dragon immediately attracted a lot of onlookers.

Knowing that Zhang Feng is a strong enemy, Xiao Chi has no ink marks at all.

"Fire-breathing dragon, throwing flames."

"Quick dragon, fly up and dodge."

A powerful and hot flame went straight to the fast dragon, and the fast dragon reacted quickly and flew up to make the jet flame empty. "Fire-breathing dragon, fly up, burst fist."

Xiao Chi continued to command calmly about dodging without surprise.

"Fast dragon, head-to-head, lightning."

In the air, the two figures collided together and caused a strong explosion. The trainers below looked at it and exclaimed. This was much more than the battle between the Thunder Elf and the Storm Dragon.

Both the fast dragon and the fire-breathing dragon were pushed away by the attacking air waves, but the fire-breathing dragon obviously retreated further.

"Fire-breathing dragon, throwing flames."

"Fast dragon, destroy the light."

It was another trick-to-trick face-to-face bombardment, only to see the destruction light blowing dry and pulling the fiery flame and directly exploding on the fire-breathing dragon.

"Fire-breathing dragon! Are you alright?"

Xiao Chi nervously shouted at the fire-breathing dragon.

The smoke dissipated, and the fire-breathing dragon shook his head and his eyes flickered with fighting intent. Seeing this scene, Xiao Chi cheered and shouted: "Okay, fire-breathing dragon, the hot air fights back."

"Quick dragon, move."

At this time, Kuailong's body froze, obviously his body hadn't reacted from the rigidity that destroyed the relationship, but the hot wind of the fire-breathing dragon arrived.


The fast dragon roared and carried the hot wind, and the damage to it was not too great.

"Fire-breathing dragon, dragon's claw."

Seeing that Kuailong was hit by the hot wind, Xiao Chi looked happy and chose to pursue the victory. It has to be said that Xiao Chi, as a rookie, has an excellent commanding ability as a trainer, and his ability to control the situation is also good.

"Fast dragon, dragon claw."

In the air, the figure of the fast dragon and the fire-breathing dragon staggered continuously, the frontal collision of the dragon's claws, and the fire-breathing dragon was shaken out again, Xiaochi's fire-breathing dragon's attack power was not comparable to Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng naturally discovered this, and ordered the fast dragon to follow the fire-breathing dragon closely, not giving it a chance to open up the distance. In close combat, Zhang Feng's fast dragon completely suppressed the fire-breathing dragon, and only saw the fire-breathing dragon on his body. The wounds are increasing.

The dragon seemed very relaxed.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Chi also gritted his teeth, Zhang Feng should be the strongest opponent he has encountered since he left Zhenxin Town.

In the air, the fire-breathing dragon was directly thrown into the abdomen by the fast dragon's claws in a confrontation, and the whole body fell to the ground in pain, half-kneeling with a painful expression.

"Zhang Feng, no matter what, let's make the final blow!"

"Fire-breathing dragon, burn to the ground."

Xiao Chi shouted loudly at Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng looked calm and said: As you wish, the Dragon Dragon God swoops down."


I saw the fire-breathing dragon roared, the whole body was burning with hot flames, the surrounding air began to solidify, and the fast dragon was also shrouded in blue light and rushed directly to the fire-breathing dragon.

Near the lake, almost everyone looked up at the fierce battle in the sky, not daring to blink, for fear of missing the wonderful scene.

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