Xia Zhimu was also very surprised to see Xiao Chi wearing a red peaked cap, his fire-breathing dragon could fight Zhang Feng to such an extent that it was amazing.

The firelight and the blue light collided, and the instantaneous air wave made everyone unable to open their eyes and look directly at the battlefield.

Everyone just heard "Bang"

A sound, this is the explosion sound caused by the collision between the fast dragon and the fire-breathing dragon.

With Xiaochi's exclamation, everyone looked at the fire-breathing dragon in the sky, which was heavily injured and was falling very fast, and the fast dragon was still flying in the air. In response, he wanted to take back the fire-breathing dragon, but the red light of the Poké Ball shone a few times.

This scene also frightened Liu Menghan and Xia Zhimu on the ground, the fire-breathing dragon might suffer irreparable injuries if it hit the ground like this.

"Quick Dragon, save it."

Zhang Feng's voice sounded.

This is the rapid acceleration of the fast dragon, when the fire-breathing dragon was not far from the ground, it caught it dangerously and dangerously, and fell to the ground with it on its back.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Chi was also relieved, and immediately ran up to check the fire-breathing dragon's injury.

64. Shocking news

Xiao Chi looked at the fire-breathing dragon's injuries with concern, and after taking out the wound medicine to restore it, he also took it back into the Poké Ball to recuperate.

Xiao Chi also had a clear understanding of... Zhang Feng's strength.

Afterwards, Xiao Chi also thanked Zhang Feng, and the two exchanged their contact information. Xiao Chi also said that the day the organization base was selected would not matter...  

Wherever he is, he will come back.

And seeing this wonderful battle, at the scene, many female trainers gathered around Xiao Chi, including some big beauties.

A strong male trainer like Xiao Chi who travels alone is a rare treat. Seeing Xiao Chi with a blushing face and hurriedly responding, Zhang Feng also burst into laughter.

The stronger Zhang Feng, because there are two beauties, Xia Zhimu and Liu Menghan, naturally there is no one to make fun of them.

In the evening, Zhang Feng and Xiao Chi chatted again about elves fighting. It turned out that Xiao Chi was also preparing to participate in the Pokemon World Championship a year later, and is now challenging the gym to qualify.

The next day, Zhang Feng and the three of them were leaving, and Xiao Chi had to stay in this lake for a few more days.

After saying goodbye to Xiao Chi, Zhang Feng and the three of them started their journey with all their strength. The elf encountered on the road was basically handed over to Liu Menghan to solve it. Her elf also began to upgrade rapidly. Elf tribe.

On the way, Liu Menghan's Bobo also evolved smoothly to Bibi: Bird. At the same time, she was "unintentional" under Zhang Feng's deliberate guidance.

A rare purple aptitude leaping fish was found and successfully captured.

Xia Zhimu subdued three Ibrahimoves in a row. This eldest lady obviously has a lot of love for fairy spirits, and knowing the evolutionary conditions, she also wants to cultivate a fairy spirit.

After rushing for three days, the three of them finally came to Magic City.

Symphony City is the second largest city in China after the imperial capital, and its prosperity is much better than that of Qiuhuang City, and there are many tourists in the city.

Most of the people in the north of the city are local residents of Symphony City, while the south of the city are mostly tourists and trainers who come to challenge the Symphony Gym.

However, Zhang Feng found that Symphony City did not seem to be as prosperous as described. When entering the town, you could see the members of the Elf Association walking around, and some trainers, but ordinary people could not see a few.

This is obviously very abnormal.

Xia Zhimu also said solemnly that something must have happened in Symphony City. She used to like to play in Symphony City when she was a child. There is the largest playground in China.

Then the three of them came to the Symphony Department Store, which is the tallest building in Symphony City and the largest shopping mall in the entire Guandu area.

The three of them entered the mall, but found that there were only a few people who came in to buy things. The clerks looked a little nervous. In short, the whole city was weird. Then the three of them decided to open a room in the Symphony Hotel and plan to stay first and then investigate to the end. what's going on.

The three of them gathered in Zhang Feng's room, and they saw a shocking news on the official website of the Elf Association.

[The evil organization Rocket Team launched a terrorist attack on Qiuhuang City, Wang Ke was seriously injured, and the city of Qiuhuang City was seriously damaged!] In the past three days, the three of them are... Early in the morning, there is almost no time to play with mobile phones, so they don't even know that something like this happened.

Zhang Feng clicked on the title, and a photo of a damaged building in Zhang Qiuhuang City was placed in front of the three people. Among them, many ordinary people were seriously injured and fell into the ruins. Zhang Feng could even see the collapsed Qiuhuang Road. Pavilion.

Seeing this, Liu Menghan's face was full of worry, and she didn't know if her best friend Li Yun had escaped from this terrorist attack.

It turned out that after Zhang Feng and the others left Qiuhuang City, the Rockets sent almost all their members to attack Qiuhuang City. On that day, Qiuhuang City was completely paralyzed, and the control of the city fell into the hands of the Rockets.

Kona, one of the Four Heavenly Kings, was seriously injured and barely escaped from Qiuhuang City on a frozen bird.

Seeing this, Zhang Feng's mind flashed the figure of the powerful red-haired woman sitting on the frozen bird. Team Rocket's strength was so terrifying.

Zhang Feng found that he still underestimated Team Rocket. They dared to attack a city just for a Doctor Darkmoon. This was too wild.

A scum like Dr. Dark Moon is at large again, and I don't know how much... The poor little elf will die at his hands, and Zhang Feng also feels the necessity of establishing his own organization.

And the most important thing is that the Rockets even succeeded in evacuating after their actions.

Team Rocket's successful terrorist attack also drew cheers from major evil organizations around the world.

For this reason, both the United States and its own country have expressed strong ridicule to the China Elf Association and said that if China's trainers are so incompetent, they are willing to send trainers to help China eliminate the Rockets.

The champion of the World Elf Championship every year is Huaxia, and Huaxia also has the world-renowned invincible champion "Yulongdu"

, This has made China in the limelight in recent years. This time it is rare for China to make a fool of himself. Naturally, other countries will not miss the opportunity to ridicule.

Under this humiliation, Da Ma Lanqi, the president of the China Elf Association, first expressed a strong attack on the terrorist attack of the Rockets, directly closed the Qiuhuang City, and issued a wanted order to the vast number of trainers across the country. Team Rocket members can exchange rewards with the Elf Association, and they can choose a set of Evolution Stones as rewards if they catch a Team Rocket cadre.

Hearing this reward, even Zhang Feng couldn't help but secretly stunned, it seemed that the Elf Association was really angry this time, and actually invested such a large amount of money.

At the same time, all the four invincible kings in China except... Ke Na, who was recovering from the injury, have all dispatched to find the secret base of the Rockets, and the most ruthless method is the ghost Juzi, who has already taken many small strongholds of the Rockets by her. Dropped, which also made the new members who joined the Rockets miserable during this time.

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