And Yulongdu is said to be on the way to Symphony City, because Team Rocket's headquarters is suspected to be in Symphony City, so that's why Zhang Feng and the others couldn't see ordinary people on the street just now.

This showdown between the Rockets and the evil organization seems to be about to break out.

In this case, Zhang Feng and the three of them also called their families to report their safety. After all, it was impossible for their parents to not know about such a big thing, and they had to be reassured.

Zhang Feng's parents are okay, although they are very worried, knowing that Zhang Feng is protected by a fast dragon, as long as he keeps a low profile, there is basically nothing to do. Zhang's father also instructed Zhang Feng to stay in the hotel in the past few days and not go out.

As soon as Liu Menghan's phone got through, Zhang Feng heard her mother's cry over the phone. Obviously, her mother felt that it was dangerous for her to be a girl outside. Liu Menghan kept comforting her mother that she was fine, and then Zhang Feng also did the same. She told her mother many times that she would take good care of Liu Menghan, which made her feel at ease.

Xia Zhimu got on the phone here and seemed to have a quarrel with her father and it ended.

If Zhang Feng heard it right, her father seemed to want to send someone to pick her up, but she didn't want to, so she hung up the phone, and Xia Zhimu went back to her room without saying anything.

The impact of this terrorist attack by the Rockets was indeed too great.

65. Reaction from all parties

Symphony City, Rockets headquarters.

"The Hanlin City Branch is in charge of Yin Jun, and more than half of the members are killed or injured."

"Qiao Mingxiu's cadre is in charge of the Tianlan City branch. Currently, [-]% of the casualties are:."


"The headquarters of Symphony City is in charge of the cadres of Emperor Xiu, and nearly 8% of the casualties are currently."

In Sakagi's office, the mushroom head female secretary is reporting the latest situation of the Rockets to Sakagi.

After reporting everything, the female secretary Ma Bird also stepped aside and said nothing. Following Sakagi for so long, she could keenly sense the boss's suppressed anger. That's right, Team Rocket, which was originally strong, has been in the Spirit Association in the past few days. Under the mad revenge, more than half of them were killed or injured.

On the boss chair, Sakagi closed his eyes, his body trembled slightly, and he remembered the scene of the attack on Qiuhuang City at that time. Although he had already said that killing as few people as possible, the battle between the kings broke out in the city and affected enough ordinary people. Sakagi thought that the seven cadres dispatched at the same time could instantly subdue all the heavenly kings in Qiuhuang City, including Kona, but who knew that Kona's frozen bird squeezed its potential at a time of crisis and used a near-magical "absolute zero"

The Divine Bird, who was driven to a desperate situation, showed his power. Although the Rockets could bear it, Sakagi couldn't do what Sakagi wanted to control the casualties in the city.

Even if Sakagi has done his best, the King Liruo and King Zhou Xuan of the Elf Association were only temporarily imprisoned, and even the Heavenly King-level trainers in Qiuhuang City did not kill a few, except for... He was imprisoned, but in the end, it caused the wrath of the Elf Association.

Sakagi is a leader full of ambition and charisma. His subordinates are all unruly people, but they are all obedient to him. He has long known that when he established the Rockets, there would be On the day he fought with the Elf Association, he was always there: planning everything for that day to come.

Dr. Darkmoon was an indispensable part of his plan to overthrow the Elf Association, so the Rockets were all dispatched to attack a first-tier city under the jurisdiction of the Elf Association.

The consequence was that the Elf Association came out in full force and attacked Team Rocket's strongholds across the country, and Sakagi also knew that the Rockets would never have the possibility of confronting the Elf Association before that plan failed, so he had to endure.

After a moment of silence, Sakagi spoke up.

"Real bird, talk about it! Your opinion!"

I saw that the female secretary who was called True Bird nodded slightly and said respectfully: "Boss, so far our headquarters in Huancai City must be abandoned, including all the industries in Huancai City, with the style of Yulongdu, he We will clean up every property belonging to the Rockets in Symphony City without hesitation.”


Sakagi's index finger tapped lightly as if thinking.

When the real bird was about to continue speaking, he walked straight into the office without knocking, dressed in luxurious clothes and handsome in appearance.

Seeing this scene, Sakagi frowned, he knew that Emperor Xiu was in a hurry and didn't even knock on the door, something must have happened.

"Speak directly!"


"Boss, it's time to go."

Emperor Xiu was concise and to the point.

"Okay! Let's go then!"

Just now Sakagi was still thinking after hearing what Mato said, but when he heard the words of Emperor Xiu, he stood up without hesitation and prepared to evacuate.

Elf Association Headquarters Building.

Top floor, meeting room.

The round table-shaped conference room is surrounded by a group of people, basically all of them are nearly half a hundred years old. These are the high-level people of the Elf Association and those who hold all the power.

"Dama Lanqi, it's too late, if we really push that old boy Sakagi into a hurry, we will receive a serious counterattack."

A bald old man said to the president.

Damalanqi looked cold and stern and didn't look at the bald old man much, although he also knew that he couldn't hold the Rockets for long, after all, the Elf Association was not a monolith, and he could not be the master alone.

Being able to bring the Rockets to this level is already the limit of his ability as the president.

Moreover, he will not choose to drive Sakagi to a dead end without an absolutely overwhelming advantage. Although the secret bases of the Rockets have been destroyed and a large number of members of the Rockets have been arrested these days, there is not a single cadre of the Rockets. The news of being captured or killed, these people are thorns in the eyes of Damalanqi.

As long as they don't get caught, Team Rocket won't be seriously injured, and he also knows this... The secret base they sent out is basically... Team Rocket is to quell the anger of the Elf Association.

The action of blocking Qiuhuang City alone made him pay an unimaginable price. The major families in Qiuhuang City, headed by the Ximen family, complained that blocking Qiuhuang City was equivalent to blocking their fortunes. When the Rockets attacked Qiuhuang. During the Yellow Market, these families disappeared one by one as if they had made an appointment with the Rockets, but after the Rockets left, they came out and jumped.

In Damalanqi's view, Team Rocket is just a disease of moss, but these... The families that have been passed down from ancient times are like poisons attached to bones.

When he was young, Damalanqi still had the courage to destroy a few poaching elf families, but now that he is old, he has also been smoothed out by the elf association, and the name of the president of the elf association is not worthy of the name.

"In this case, let's unblock Qiuhuang City, and the Elf Association has stopped."

Damalanchi also spoke after remembering all the top members of the association who advised him to stop destroying the Rockets.

Hearing Damalan's relief, many people at the meeting breathed a sigh of relief. Their families more or less have business dealings with some evil organizations, so they can't let the Rockets be completely wiped out.

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