Age of Elves

Chapter 065

065 promotion

Zuo San Lang on the opposite side, Lada was actually defeated by one blow, such a powerful attack, is it the elite cultivated in the organization, if that, there is no need to come here to test, but the growth of this Lada is not biased towards special defense and health.

“Your strength is very strong, but…” Zuo San Lang looked at Mo Feng and said, took Lada back, took out another baby ball and threw it, and a rumbling rock appeared on the field to replace the previous Rada.

“Rumble Rock! Use Pinnacle Attack! Zuo San Lang gave the order, and the rumbling rock let out a doctor’s shout, and sharp stones appeared around the body, launching towards the large-mouthed bat.

Mo Feng shook his head helplessly, took out the baby ball and took back the big-mouthed bat, and the sharp stone attack of the opposite rumbling rock was empty.

Zuo San Lang watched Mo Feng take back the Pokémon, and did not say anything, this is a free battle of six against six, there are no specific rules, of course, it is also possible to replace Pokémon, Mo Feng took out a baby ball and threw it, and the beautiful flower appeared on the field.

“Come back, Rumble Rock!” Zuo San Lang took out the treasure ball to take back the rumbling rock, picked up another treasure ball and threw it, and the Arbor monster replaced the previous rumbling rock.

“Arbor, use poison needles!” Zuo San Lang gave the order, the Arbor monster flew towards the beautiful flower one by one, and Mo Feng issued an order towards the beautiful flower: “The beautiful flower uses magic leaves!” Hearing the command, the beautiful flower spun rapidly, and a stream of colored leaves rushed out, knocking down poisonous needles one after another, and the leaf whirlwind formed rushed towards the Arbor monster.

“What!” Zuo San Lang looked at the flying leaf whirlwind in surprise, and immediately waved at the Arbor monster: “Garbage shooting!” The Arbor monster let out a cry, and a steady stream of garbage with purple venom flew out, colliding with the whirlwind of leaves, and pieces of corroded leaves fell from the air.

“Beautiful flower, use the ultimate suction!” Mo Feng gave the order again, Meihua spread out her hands, and a whirlwind of green energy hit the flying trash with venom on the opposite side, and landed with the remnant attack on the opposite side.

Mo Feng looked at the Arbor monster on the opposite side, it was really troublesome: “Beautiful flower, use the ultimate suction.” The order was issued, and the beautiful flower once again sent a green whirlwind to rush over, and Zuo San Lang on the opposite side saw the beautiful flower attack, and issued an order towards the Arbor monster: “Arbor monster, garbage shoot.” ”

As soon as the order was issued, the Arbor monster’s mouth was just bulging, and it was blown into the sky by a green whirlwind, a green energy rushed towards the beautiful flower, and a large pile of garbage rushed towards the beautiful flower.

“Beautiful flowers, jump up and avoid! Then use the magic leaf. Mo Feng’s eyes narrowed, this Aber monster’s health value is very high, looking at the Aber monster who still has a trace of blood skin on the opposite side, waving his hand to issue an order, the beautiful flower jumped up, the garbage shot garbage all hit the ground, the beautiful flower spun rapidly in the air, a whirlwind of leaves rushed to the opposite Arbor monster, knocking the Arbor monster that had just fallen out of the field.

“This beautiful flower is also very strong.” Zuo San Lang took out the baby ball to replace the Arbor monster, took out another baby ball and threw it, and a double bullet gas appeared on the field, replacing the previous Arbor monster.

The corner of Mo Feng’s mouth twitched, the Pokémon tested here will not be, the first three Pokémon of Team Rocket plus the other three, the three poisonous ones, it’s really troublesome, took out the baby ball to put the beautiful flower back, took out another baby ball, with a roar, the tyrannosaurus appeared on the field.

“Double bullet gas uses poison gas!” Zuo San Lang issued an order towards the double bullet gas, and the double bullet gas rotated at high speed over there, and the holes on the upper side of the body kept spewing purple poisonous gas.

“Tyrannosaurus, tornado!” Mo Feng waved his hand towards the tyrannosaurus, and the tyrannosaurus roared, and a tornado appeared to disperse the poisonous gas sprayed by the double bullet gas, and the tornado rushed towards the opposite double bullet gas without stopping.

“Double bullet gas, avoid it, use sludge attack!” Zuo San Lang issued an order at the double bullet gas, and the double bullet gas floated up when he heard this, broke away from the tornado’s attack track, and spewed out sludge masses towards the tyrannosaurus.

“Tyrannosaurus, use the water cannon!” Mo Feng waved an order to the tyrannosaurus, and the tyrannosaurus roared, and a jet of water spewed out to scatter the sludge masses one by one, and the momentum rushed on the double bullet gas, and with a damage coming out, the double bullet gas was rushed out of the field by the water cannon without resistance.

Zuo San Lang shook his head helplessly, this guy’s attack is actually so strong, it’s really strange, the level of that tyrannosaurus is only level 35, how can there be such a powerful attack, Zuo San Lang smiled bitterly, I don’t know if it was the guy from there, took out the baby ball and put back the double bullet gas.

“Well, the Pokémon used here for the test can’t cope with your Pokémon at all, congratulations on passing the captain-level test.” Zuo San Lang put the baby ball away, walked over and operated it on the instrument.

“Congratulations to the player for being promoted to Captain Rocket.”

Hearing the prompt sound of the system, Mo Feng took out the treasure ball and took the tyrannosaurus back, and Zuo Sanlang on the opposite side completed the operation and looked at Mo Feng: “Wait here for a while, I’ll go and get you the costume and promotion reward.” ”

Mo Feng heard Zuo Sanlang’s voice on the opposite side nodded, and waited here for a moment, Zuo San Lang came out of the room over there, holding a set of pure black team uniforms, gloves and shoes, and a black hat with an R pattern in the middle, although it looks similar to the clothes of ordinary team members, but in fact, it is much more advanced, and this is dark black, ordinary is gray to black, it does not look simple black.

“This is the costume for you.” Zuo San Lang closed the cover of the costume and handed it to Mo Feng, Mo Feng nodded and took it, threw it into the backpack, and Zuo San Lang on the opposite side came over with a tray.

“This is the reward given by the organization to those who are promoted to the position of captain, of these ten Pokémon, you can choose one as your own Pokémon.” After Zuo San Lang finished speaking, Mo Feng walked over and picked up one by one to look at it, in front of the super sound bat, Arbor snake, gas bomb three rare Pokémon, behind is the Flaming Sparrow, Little Lada, Unicorn, Green Caterpillar, Little Fist Stone, Nidoran, Nidoran, all are rare quality Pokémon, although they are all rare quality, compared to when they are promoted to the elite, there are many more types to choose from.

“That… Mr. Zuo Saburō, can I hand over this promotion reward? Mo Feng looked at Zuo San Lang on the opposite side and asked.

“Of course, you can turn it in, but it will only give you 50 contribution points and 5 reputation points.” Zuo San Lang looked at Mo Feng and said, Mo Feng nodded and left like this, waved his hand and turned to leave.

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