Age of Elves

Chapter 067

067 Dojokan won for the first time

As the life energy was absorbed by the beautiful flower, the green whirlwind dissipated, and the rumbling rock fell from the air and smashed to the ground, splashing a layer of sand.

“Rumble Rock uses a sharp stone attack!” Wu Neng issued an order, and in the smoke, sharp stones flew out one after another.

“What! Not dead. Mo Feng was surprised, but soon thought of a possibility, the characteristics of Longlong Rock are strong.

“Beautiful flowers! Use the Magic Leaf! Mo Feng looked at the sharp stone rushing over on the opposite side, and unhurriedly issued an order towards the beautiful flower, the beautiful flower rotated at high speed, and the colorful leaves flew out, chopping the flying sharp stone, the leaves were intertwined with the sharp stone, either the sharp stone was chopped, or the leaf was penetrated by the sharp stone, after a period of confrontation, the skill power of the beautiful flower still prevailed, the leaf whirlwind formed by the magic leaf, successfully suppressed the sharp stone, and at the moment when the smoke on the opposite side dispersed, the sharp stone was crushed, like a light breeze, Flew over and hit the opposite rumbling rock.

“Roar!” Rumble Rock swept the magic leaves piece by piece, stunned there, and then fell forward.

With the sound of the bang, the rumbling rock fell to the ground, the opposite Wu Neng scratched his head, and was actually knocked down head-on, the kid who challenged this time is really troublesome, don’t give uncle me face at all, just took over as a dojo trainer, you can have such an exciting battle, really want to use your own Pokémon to fight well, but this is not allowed in the regulations, in order to avoid the strength of the dojo is too strong, resulting in the challenger can not pass the dojo challenge, after all, the dojo trainer will also grow, nothing is static, The Dojo Challenge is only used to test whether trainers are eligible to participate in the Alliance Tournament, but this setting is graded, and a minimum specification is used for trainers without badges, and if it is the last badge, Dojo trainers are allowed to use their own Pokémon to fight.

Take out the baby ball to take back the rumbling rock, and release a large rock snake to replace the previous rumbling rock.

“Big Rock Snake! Dig! Wu Neng waved his hand and issued an order, and the big rock snake that had just appeared quickly burrowed into the ground.

“Troublesome skills.” Mo Feng scratched his head helplessly: “The beautiful flower jumped up and used hypnotic powder towards the ground.” ”

Hearing Mo Feng’s order, Meihua jumped up, and a stream of blue powder sprayed to the ground, and in the blink of an eye, the hypnotic powder that was already covered around it.

“What! Big Rock Snake, don’t attack now! Wu Neng shouted at the startle, but it was still over, the big rock snake rushed out from the ground, knocked the beautiful flower into the air, and huge damage emerged from the beautiful flower’s head, and the health of the beautiful flower dropped part in an instant.

“The attack is still within the range of bearing, it seems that the level of this big rock snake is high, but the quality is not high, the growth of the attack is still very low, and the damage caused to the beautiful flower is limited.” Mo Feng looked at the big rock snake that was wrapped in a blue powder underneath.

Under the action of hypnotic powder, the big rock snake, attacking Perfect Lihua, soon fell to the ground and fell into a deep sleep.

“Beautiful flowers! The ultimate suck! “Mo Feng made a name for the beautiful flower, and the beautiful flower that landed on the ground sent out a green whirlwind to roll up the big rock snake, and a green light was absorbed by the beautiful flower.

“Roar!” The sleeping large rock snake let out a roar and smashed into the ground as the whirlwind disappeared.

“I didn’t expect that using the digging skill, I let myself fall into a trap.” Wu Neng took out the treasure ball and took back the big rock snake: “Congratulations on your victory.” Wu Neng said and walked towards Mo Feng.

Mo Feng took back the beautiful flower and nodded towards Wu Neng: “Thank you for your advice.” ”

“I don’t have anything to teach you, boy, this is what you earned, the badge of the Nibi Dojo, and this is the badge collection box, I hope you will continue to work hard in the future to collect more badges.” Wu Neng said with a nod and took out a badge box containing a badge and handed it to Mo Feng.

“I’ll accept it unceremoniously.” Mo Feng nodded and said, took the badge box and put it away, the Taoist hall in the game, there is a function of automatic detection of badges, not surprised that Wu Neng gave the badge box, after putting it away, he waved his hand towards the opposite Wu Neng and turned to leave the Taoist Hall.

There are high-quality Pokémon, this hall is much easier, after all, the dojo is equipped with rare quality Pokémon, and there is a world of difference in quality and growth.

After leaving the dojo and walking a few steps, he suddenly heard a prompt: “Your Pokémon egg is about to hatch.” ”

Hearing the prompt of the system, Mo Feng took out the eggs of the duck-billed fire dragon placed in the incubator, sat down on the grass on the side, opened the incubator, and the Pokémon glowed brightly, attracting many players passing by, however, seeing that it was just the Pokémon egg hatching, no one stopped to watch, just glanced curiously and continued to go about their own affairs.

Mo Feng stared at the Pokémon egg in front of him, and as a crack appeared on the Pokémon egg, white light appeared, and the Pokémon egg was wrapped in a white light.

“Phew!” The white light flashed, and a small duck-billed dragon appeared and looked at Mo Feng, spewed out a stream of flames, and waved its claws to say hello.

“Hello little one, please advise.” Mo Feng looked at the little duck-billed dragon and said, took out the baby ball and took the little duck-billed dragon in.

“I don’t know what the attributes of this little duck-billed dragon are.” Mo Feng thought to himself and opened the attribute bar of the little duck-billed dragon.


Level: 1 (0/100)

Attribute: Fire

Characteristic: Driven

Personality: Frank (growth does not change. )

Quality: Rare (Growth value is 30, up to the Quasi-Heavenly King realm.) )

Realm: Normal (0/100, Realm bonus: None)

Growth: Health 50, Attack 5, Defense 5, Special Attack 5, Special Defense 5, Speed 5.

Life: 50/50+55

Attack: 5+10

Defense: 5+4

Special Attack: 5+27.5

Special defense: 5+2

Speed: 5+2

Trick: Foggy fog

Mo Feng looked at the information of the little duck-billed dragon and nodded, it was okay, and he would practice with Larulas and the coyote dog first.

Turned around and left Nibi City, walked towards Tokiwa City, the next thing to get a lot of things, my ordinary fishing rod can be lost, the next thing is to go to the Rocket Team Underground Exchange in Tokiwa City to buy well.

While walking towards Tokiwa City, he communicated with Rose and chatted with several people, Rose and the others were almost reaching level 35, as for the two guys of Lao Zhang, they said that they were going to special training, and this time the ruins would not go.

For this explanation, Mo Feng also expressed understanding, after all, he was a first-class professional player in other games before, but he didn’t rely on the strength of others to climb up, now look for chasing the gap and getting Pokémon, since he doesn’t go, Mo Feng doesn’t care about these two guys, and they develop freely with them.

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